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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. QUOTE (bmags @ Dec 23, 2017 -> 11:54 PM) Mizzou won 8 games last year. You think our beat players are seasoned vets? I'm not a Cuonzo fan but a lot of people overstate how bad his coaching is. I think he is probably a slightly below average head coach who doesn't maximize his talent. But he is also a far cry from guys like Kim Anderson or John Groce who are pretty much complete disasters. With that said, Missouri's best players this year are seniors and their 3 leading scorers are 2 seniors and a junior, so yes, I would say that is the case. Except for Barnett their most talented players are freshmen however.
  2. QUOTE (danman31 @ Dec 21, 2017 -> 06:49 PM) That's a great point. It seems like the plan was to have one movie focus on each character and their death. 7 was Han and his death. 8 featured a lot of Luke and included his "death." If 9 was supposed to be all about Leia, damn that sucks, but we can only assume she will die in it. Kathleen Kennedy indicated 9 was going to heavily feature Leia.
  3. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Dec 20, 2017 -> 03:34 PM) Parsons. Woodbey they want, but hes probably flipping to USC and staying home. Sorry, I meant 5*s OSU lost in the last week. I was wondering if you were referring to Woodbey as one of them.
  4. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Dec 20, 2017 -> 02:05 PM) Oh they stopped recruiting him awhile ago, not who I was referring to. That story was accurate, but not accurate. Woodbey? OSU's class is still absurdly good but for a while it looked like they had a shot at an all time great class (on paper). Still a class everyone else in the Big 10 would kill for. Hell, most schools in the Big 10 would kill to have as many 4 and 5* as OSU has this year over a 5 year period.
  5. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Dec 19, 2017 -> 03:55 PM) But therein lies the problem, they didn’t throw it out. They kept stuff they liked and then created a problem of story expectations They did throw it all out as canon though. The only things that were created pre-2014 considered canon are the six saga films, the Clone Wars movie and TV series and a Darth Maul comic.
  6. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Dec 19, 2017 -> 03:36 PM) I think a big problem is that 30 year gap of (what is now) non canon world building that people really liked. I think scrapping most of it was a mistake, there were very good stories in the books and they did justice to the characters as they grew older. Now we have a new canon that has elements of the books, but only fragments like Ben Solo going bad. There was a lot of really really really terrible stories too. There was some great stuff but also some unbelievably s***ty stuff as well. That makes it really tough to sort through what should be included and what shouldn't. If they want to keep making movies they needed to throw out that stuff.
  7. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Dec 19, 2017 -> 03:22 PM) To be fair, those were generation changing movies. No one has made a Star Wars impact of a movie since Star Wars. A few might have visited the neighborhood, but none of moved in. These movies were to movies what The Beatles are to music. It is pretty much impossible at this point for anything to have that impact unless there is an entirely new technology that comes along that completely changes the way we watch movies.
  8. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Dec 19, 2017 -> 03:19 PM) I enjoyed the movie for the most part, but have also given up on the idea that Star Wars will ever be special again. They’ll continue to recycle the same story lines over & over (this started with episode 6), they’ll continue double-down on the cheese & tone-breaking humor, they’ll continue to ignore character development for all but a handful of characters, and they’ll continue to make lore & background info generally less important. These movies have become Disney family-fun popcorn films and that’s fine. I think people need to accept that the magic from A New Hope & Empire Strikes Back is pretty much gone and not to take it personally. These are at least far better movies than Lucas’ new trilogy. Can’t really expect much more from Disney TBH. The thing is the lore and background info really wasn't a big part of the original trilogy either. Those movies were fantastic movies (among my all time favorites) that were incredibly different than what had came before but it isn't like the world building is anything that special in those movies. Instead, you had 30 years of people other than George Lucas world building and providing background info on those characters. I agree these won't have the same magic but that is always going to be the case when you have a long movie series.
  9. QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Dec 18, 2017 -> 03:35 PM) Until they revealed that the First Order had a magical computer that can track where any ship goes even after light speed (wtf?), I thought Hux had a spy on the Resistance ship who was signaling their location. Holdo, who was bein all shady and telling everyone that the plan was to have no plan, was my initial suspect. The hyperspace tracking was actually set up in Rogue One. That is one of the projects Jynn reads off when they are looking for the Death Star file.
  10. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Dec 18, 2017 -> 08:56 AM) I disagree with you that 1,2,3 were more philosophical than action I'd agree other than Lucas shoehorning in "politics". Also, the Jedi library books weren't burned along with the tree. Rey pretty clearly stole those.
  11. QUOTE (TaylorStSox @ Dec 16, 2017 -> 07:37 PM) They're connected. There's no tension because there are no consequences. I never feared for Thor or Dr Strange. Thor is a God ffs. I don't even really count Civil War because it was just bad on a number of levels, imo. So what you are saying is you don't like mainstream movies? Because guess what, the main character is basically never dying. Hell even in Nolan's Batman series no character anyone cared about died (Rachel doesn't count, no one cared about that).
  12. QUOTE (Tony @ Dec 16, 2017 -> 01:57 PM) Phasma was a bad character, but it didn’t really bother me. It wasn’t like we ever had an emotional attachment to the lead Stormtrooper. I’ve seen a ton of complaints on Snoke. While I understand them, I also think back to the OT. We saw a hologram of Palpatine in Empire, then met him in ROTJ and he died in the same movie. We got his backstory 20 years later in the prequels. That’s why not knowing more about Snoke didn’t bother me a lot. Even then we don't get a ton of backstory other than his rise to power and a little bit of exposition about him usurping power from his Sith master.
  13. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Dec 15, 2017 -> 04:44 PM) 57% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes is a bit harsh, but damn. There are some legit complaints but a huge number of those are people upset about Luke dying and not being a true hero. Seriously, I wouldn't do it and I read a few but if you read the reviews from those on RT that didn't like it it mostly about Rian Johnson killing their childhood because Luke wasn't what they expected him to be.
  14. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Dec 15, 2017 -> 04:09 PM) Were they? Seems to me it went back-and-forth the entire movie. I'm fairly certain it was all a big misunderstanding... I'm fairly certain Luke told Rey that Snoke had already gotten to him and that when he looked on Ben he saw nothing but darkness and that is why for a split second he considered killing him.
  15. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Dec 15, 2017 -> 03:56 PM) Luke turning KR was an accident? Please. They were pretty clear that he had already turned.
  16. So this is apparently a way more divisive movie than I would have anticipated (at least among fan boys) almost entirely because of what they definitely did with Luke. I definitely expected some people to be upset about the characterization of Luke (and while I thought it was extremely well done I wish they hadn't gone in that direction). Although interestingly the Comscore for this was extremely high so it seems like a lot of the backlash really is just people upset about Luke. There are some other flaws in the movie for people to nitpick at for sure (casino definitely went on too long) but those are drastically outweighed by the great moments and acting in this one.
  17. QUOTE (Joshua Strong @ Dec 13, 2017 -> 06:14 AM) Just got back from seeing TLJ and for something so tumultuous, I feel very optimistic right now. My instant reaction is that despite its flaws and there are many, it's great and really entertaining. My biggest problems is that some of the characters and storylines are absolutely unnecessary because they really killed the film's momentum. I'm shocked that Rian Johnson couldn't think of something better for these characters to do or come up with a better sequence at a particular planet. This movie could've really used one more rewrite. I loved how tight TFA was. Every sequence and character had a purpose/served a role in the story and there was no fluff so it didn't drag. Can't say that about TLJ Another problem I had with the movie was the humor. Star Wars films have always had funny characters and:or moments but they've never came at the expense of emotional moments till now. Mark Hamill was fantastic. Adam Driver and Daisy Ridley are great. Carrie Fisher, wow. The imagery in this movie is incredible, felt very much like watching an old Samurai movie. There are a few sequences in this movie that will be talked about forever. That's all I can say without spoiling it, so I'm going to post in the spoiler. BEWARE So my first impression is wow, that was a lot to take in and while in so many ways I love that movie, I'm also just so torn on what they decided to do with Luke based mainly on the head canon I had built up for him after growing up with the movies which has left me a little unfulfilled with a movie I otherwise loved. I agree with a lot of this. The movie is really good and incredibly entertaining. The stuff with Finn should have been trimmed down dramatically but other than that nearly every scene is fantastic. I really enjoyed the Battlestar Galactica type feel of the desperation the rebel fleet had in fleeing the First Order. I love the performances by Driver, Fisher, Hamill and Ridley. The Kylo/Rey stuff was tremendous and Hamill absolutely killed it in this movie. And that force projection scene, holy s*** that was amazing. It is really really clear that Leia was intended to play a huge role in Episode IX so it will be interesting to see how Fisher's death impacts that. I wonder if they considered having Luke not become one with the force at the end of the movie after her death.
  18. I'll be curious as to whether the DOJ challenges this. My guess is no since Fox news will be pro-acquisition lol.
  19. QUOTE (Brian @ Dec 12, 2017 -> 12:47 PM) 96% on RT so far With a high average rating too. 8.4 is a really good score. I'm sure those both come down some but after 99 reviews in already and a good Metacritic score too it is clear critics love it.
  20. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Dec 12, 2017 -> 12:37 PM) He was a unique experience. How I wish they could have won that Super Bowl. f*** you Rex Grossman
  21. Reviews coming in and they are fantastic for the most part. Thursday needs to hurry up and get here.
  22. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Dec 11, 2017 -> 01:37 PM) I get the feeling this will be a lot like the last Presidential election where a lot of people who won't admit to voting for Moore will do exactly that and Moore will outperform the polls. I'm not sure how much that really happened in the last election considering the national polls were accurate and it was a few states that were off by normal polling error. Alabama has a chance to show today that they aren't who we all think they are (I think they fail).
  23. QUOTE (Tony @ Dec 11, 2017 -> 05:03 PM) I don’t understand what that tweet means? It is horribly written but I assume it means the most active the Sox will be is during the Rule V draft.
  24. QUOTE (Brian @ Dec 11, 2017 -> 01:29 PM) Is he as legit as everyone says? Been following the rumors for a couple of weeks but don't watch Ole Miss games. Wonder if Peters transfers if Shea can play right away. With the Auburn game as an exception he was pretty much a bum slayer who sucked against good teams this year. Ole Miss was also out gunned though so hard to have any real takeaways form that.
  25. QUOTE (JenksIsMyHero @ Dec 5, 2017 -> 01:50 PM) But the individual athletes can still compete? It will be like what happened at the world championships this year for track and field. If athletes meet certain standards they can compete. They will get to be there under the following criteria: https://www.olympic.org/news/ioc-suspends-r...he-olympic-flag I doubt you see many Russians meeting those standards in sports like cross country skiing, biathlon, etc. where cheating is the most adva
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