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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. I got 6 right now. One of em is a joke and only one credit though. College is so easy, no attendence and much more sleep during the day. For you maybe. My schedule blows, 5 hour calc class and a second year chem class.
  2. I knew my knowlege of that thread would come in handy someday.
  3. Its really weird, I only have the problem on page 32. I was just kidding anyways, if you want to start a new thread go for it.
  4. Not a bad idea, but I would like to have that thread set the Soxtalk record for most posts in a thread.
  5. Its something wrong with page 32. If I open other pages and then exit I don't have any problems.
  6. Damn, I tried delete the pics I posted earlier but that didn't work either.
  7. Nice pic of Jessica Simpson. I've got another one I know you guys would like, but I'm not sure if its acceptable for posting.
  8. This is huge, if the Marlins hold on tonight than at worst the Yankees will have to beat Beckett in game 7 to win the series.
  9. LMAO, good run down by the Yankees. They had Pudge gone and now there is men on 2nd and 3rd with only 1 out.
  10. Not saying this is the problem, but I noticed it started to happen after soxforlife posted the pic. The image didn't load and I began to have problems.
  11. Tip for ya, just relax and make sure you go all out on defense. Even if you're not great on offense if you play tough D and make your guy work to score the coach will take notice. Too bad I didn't learn to play D until I stopped playing on an organized team.
  12. Marlins lead the Yanks 4-1 through 4.
  13. Does intramurals count? I play basketball fairly well despite being only 5'6". I played for two years in high school. I didn't try out for varsity but I can compete with anyone who was on our team except for a couple of the starters.
  14. I didn't. Like I said in a previous post, if Walker becomes a distributor not a scorer for Dallas this will be a good move for them. Nash is more of a scoring point guard and really, everyone just goes one on one for that team. Walker if he isn't jacking up 30 shots a game could really bring a new dimension to that team.
  15. My internet doesn't freeze but pictures stop loading.
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