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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. I've never been a big hockey fan but I may have to check this guy out. Sounds like the real deal.
  2. I haven't really seen that many people criticize Maggs. He hasn't had the impact this year that he usually has and a lot of people have brought that up. I have said on a few occasions that the Sox might need to get rid of Magglio but that is because of the economics of the game. I haven't seen anyone say Maggs sucks or I want Maggs off the team next year.
  3. I feel differently. I enjoyed the short stretch where this team looked like a contender. It made the season somewhat enjoyable. When you know your team sucks its not any fun. Can you imagine being a Detroit fan this year?
  4. They play a very selfish brand of baseball in which each player is just trying to hit home runs. It makes it very difficult to get hits when your swinging for the fences. Thats why we have seen a ridiculous amount of pop outs in the last few weeks IMHO.
  5. I don't think its really necessary. This board seems to cover everything pretty well.
  6. What makes you think that any of those guys will step up though. When a team has a limited budget, your best off building with pitching and defense. That is why Oakland has had success despite having a very low payroll over the last 3 or 4 years.
  7. The big difference between the Marlins and us is that the Marlins have much better young pitching talent. Their rotation includes Josh Beckett, Willis, Mark Redman, Carl Pavano, and Brad Penny and not one of those guys is making a lot of money. If we want to keep Maggs and Konerko there is a good possibility we go into next year with a rotation of 1. Buehrle 2. Garland 3. Loaiza 4. Wright 5. Cotts/Rauch sorry but I'm not sold on that rotation being able to win a division.
  8. Most sensical comment in this whole thread. Yeah, unfortunately it took me a couple hours to figure that out.
  9. girl girl image? I think you mean good girl image.
  10. No, but saying JM was better than Bevington isn't saying much.
  11. It depends. Let me ask you this, would you prefer Magglio or Jacque Jones, Bartolo Colon, and some top notch prospects we got for Magglio.
  12. No, she is the daughter in 24. She's # 2 on my top 5..just behind Jessica I prefer Elisha to Jessica but you can't go wrong either way.
  13. If we trade Konerko and he has a great year so be it. He has never produced well enough to earn a $8 million dollar a year contract and he is one dimensional. He has absolutely no speed and he is nothing special in the field. Look at what Boston got with David Ortiz. They signed him to a 1 year contract for $1.25 mil and he is having a better year than Konerko ever has.
  14. Actually that was Roman. I argued that point with him for a very long time and just now decided to call it quits. I saw very few people who were overly critical of Loaiza.
  15. The reason a lot of people want some of those guys gone if purely economics. This isn't a fantasy world where you can just resign and keep all your guys around forever. Konerko and Ordonez are both overpaid and thats why you read posts about people wanting them gone. People don't want Ordonez gone but they realize that at $14 million dollars for next year he will handicap the team.
  16. I believe the saying is to little to late not to much to late.
  17. Hitting a game winning home run doesn't mean you show up in big games. Look at Frank's playoff numbers and the two series against Minnesota for examples. I have never said Frank isn't a good hitter. What you have to realize is Frank is not god and he does have faults. And Shoeless Joe was a better all around player than Frank.
  18. He is a very good hitter but he has never shown up for big games and thats the problem many people have with him. My problem with you earlier was that you criticized Loaiza while defending Thomas. As for Thomas being the greatest to ever don the White Sox uni, I think Shoeless Joe would have something to say about that.
  19. I think the Bears have some heart. They just have no talent, big difference.
  20. The moment that this team stopped caring I did too.
  21. Close, he had 22 RBIs. But Manuel kept trotting him out there even though everyone knew he wouldn't produce.
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