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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. Hopefully you will have to make a new banner pretty shortly.
  2. Whether Everett said is or not he has become one of my favorite players in his short time with the club. This is one guy I definately want back next year.
  3. I was just about to ask the same question.
  4. I think they are slightly overrated but have you watched the Bears play? They would have trouble against some college offenses. Opposing offenses have basically marched on the Bears D at will.
  5. Thats supposed to be in green right.
  6. Typical White Sox, runner on third with less than two outs and he doesn't score. :fyou
  7. Oh, come on HSC you know you love looking at all of our sigs.
  8. Honestly, I don't care who made the comments. I'm not going to hold it against that particular player. Whoever said it was just stating the truth.
  9. One week ago this board was full of excitement over the upcoming series with the Twins. Now we're playing the role of spoiler. :fyou 2003 Chicago White Sox
  10. Personally, I think Thomas had a fine year until September. I just have a problem with roman blaming Loaiza while not placing any blame on Thomas for the collapse even though it was Loaiza who kept us in striking distance in the first half.
  11. I'm can't give Magglio an A this year. The numbers are there but the impact was not. Besides that 2 week stretch right after the all star game he really never made a huge impact on the team. It seemed like he hit a lot of home runs in blowouts and really didn't have that many big RBIs.
  12. I don't know, I do remember seeing it fine a couple days ago. It was a sign referring to finding the Koch who pitched for the A's last year correct.
  13. Sorry, I thought you were referring to their starts against Minnesota because thats what a lot of this post was about. Yes, you are right both Loaiza and Garland started on three days rest against the Royals.
  14. capn12 what is your sig supposed to be. All I see is a fortune city add.
  15. Do you really think the Padres would be willing to give that much up? They already have Giles and Nevin to play the corner outfield positions.
  16. Man, I'm a curse for quarterbacks. In the last 2 years I've had Vick, Warner, Culpepper, and Pennington.
  17. Yeah, he produced runs.... in August. But that .224 BA average and 10 RBIs in September killed us. I'm not saying Thomas isn't a good hitter because he still is but to defend Thomas's season while bashing Loaiza's is ludacris.
  18. Do you have any idea how hypocritical you just sounded. You have flamed Loaiza for three bad performances when he had a great year. Then you try to defend Frank by throwing out his HR and RBI totals which are great and very good respectively but nothing all that special when you look at his BA.
  19. Its sad really. I still remember watching him pitch against Cuba in the 2000 Olympics and he was filthy. His curveball was awesome and his fastball was up in the mid 90s. This is one of the reasons I'm usually in favor of going for it all when you have a chance, you can never count on prospects being great major leaguers no matter how talented they are.
  20. Neither Garland or Loaiza pitched on 3 days rest. Loaiza pitched on 4 and Garland pitched on 6 days rest.
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