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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. Yeah, going to the U of I vs. Cal game in the morning and then I'm going to check out a basketball scrimmage because we have some pretty big prospects on campus.
  2. Not for me, plans to go home for the weekend fell through, and my friends had already planned to go to the bars, and I couldn't get in because I'm only 18 and they didn't get me a fake.
  3. Agreed. Hes only saying what everyone else is thinking.
  4. Thats a bit harsh. How old is this kid anyways? I really shouldn't really be calling anyone a kid as I'm only 18 but he acts like hes about 10.
  5. The only thing he could do was throw. And if you can believe this, he was about twice as bad as Olivo at the plate.
  6. Agreed. I wish I was in a boy band.
  7. cwsox, just gotta make a comment on your sig. Navarre will not win the Heisman and won't even lead his team in heisman votes. Chris Perry is the real star of the Wolverines.
  8. Here are a few shortstops I'm pretty sure are available off the top of my head: Tejada (no chance), Kaz Matsui (unlikely), Christian Guzman, David Eckstein, and I believe Rich Aurillia is also a free agent.
  9. What the hell were you on when you thought that? I mean I've heard people say stupid stuff when their high but never anything even approaching that.
  10. I'm not a hater, I honestly don't even know what picture everyone is talking about.
  11. Actually, I'm a pretty good looking guy if I do may say so. Unfortunately it hasn't really helped with the ladies.
  12. That was two years ago. His name was Julio Ramirez, and Jose was our starting CF to begin '01.
  13. Fine Jose isn't worthless, but hes pretty damn close. Yeah, he has the occasional home run but if you hit .226 with an OBP of .301 you're worthless.
  14. It is completely unacceptable that MLB still owns that team. Instead of worrying about how to make the all star game more competitive they should have been finding Montreal a permanent home.
  15. The Sox aren't hungry enough to get into a fight over baseball. That 2000 season was the only time in the last 4 years where the team was hungry and played good hard aggressive baseball. In fact the only time the Sox play good is when no one expects them to contend. 2000 came out of nowhere. 2001 everyone expected us to be good and at least win the wild card and we finish .500. Last year we were again expected to be a contender and really didn't play good baseball at any point except for April and September (once we were out of the hunt). This year the team showed no heart at all for 2 1/2 months then played good for a couple weeks before they took off for what was a very memorable August. Then of course when the pressure was on they decided to roll over and die.
  16. I'd like to blame JM but you would think that the Sox would be able to beat the Tigers with even a 3 year old managing the team.
  17. You know whats really sad, if we had just went 14-5 which is about what the rest of baseball has done against the Tigers we would be in first place right now.
  18. I've lost all respect for Iowa's basketball program. There is no reason for Pierre Pierce to still be on scholarship after aplea bargain in which he pleaded guilty to an assault causing injury after being accused of sexual abuse.
  19. Don't know what dorm he is in. He is a sophmore.
  20. I actually was just talking with my cousin who is at MSU about your schedule earlier today and its a lot easier than it looks. Oklahoma will not be anything special this year. They lost Price and Ere so they probably will only be a borderline tournament team. Syracuse will still be pretty good but without Anthony they're nothing special. UCLA is not what they used to be and Kansas lost Collison and Hinrich. Duke will be tough but I believe that game is in East Lansing.
  21. No, the Sox are not a better team than the Twins. More talented, yes, but the Twins are better defensively, hit better in the clutch, and generally just play harder than the Sox do.
  22. We'll see but we only play you guys once this year and its at Assembly Hall so I like our chances.
  23. Only one month till midnight madness. I can't wait for U of I basketball to start up this year.
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