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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. You just have to make the Fowler hit his way on there
  2. Contreras has been unbelievably awful defensively this inning
  3. QUOTE (Tony @ Oct 10, 2016 -> 06:03 PM) EXCEPT THE ENTIRE GOP AND THEIR TALKING HEADS THE LAST WEEK PLUS. This is why everyone fights with you on this board, Greg. And the entire media and the entire country throughout the 90s.
  4. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Oct 10, 2016 -> 03:18 PM) Realistically this is where Trump has blown the entire campaign. Instead of actually making the election about policy, and Clinton's history on those policies, it has become a personal referendum on Trump. A discussion of policy would go horribly for Trump. Every time he tries to discuss policy he comes off as a clueless moron.
  5. QUOTE (Tony @ Oct 10, 2016 -> 10:38 AM) Paul Ryan just threw up the dueces and said "I'm out". Won't rescind his endorsement though which just makes him look like a coward.
  6. QUOTE (iWin4Ron @ Oct 10, 2016 -> 07:49 AM) Has anyone played Halo: The Master Chief Collection? I read that it had such big errors and was a disaster. All I really want to do is play a little here and there with my gf in coop, nothing to serious. I'm sure that's playable, right? I haven't played it for a long time so I can't speak to whether there are new issues or how the game is working now but it was a huge disaster upon release but they eventually did get it fixed before I stopped playing it.
  7. QUOTE (chw42 @ Oct 9, 2016 -> 11:18 PM) I thought that part of the debate was hilarious. But you have to remember that this is an election, not a f***ing reality TV show. Donald Trump has no f***ing idea about policy whatsoever. He thinks Hillary Clinton could have closed tax loopholes as a lone senator from NY. And the topic at hand was about his tax returns in 1995, when Clinton was still first lady. I get that people like blame Hillary for everything, but that timeline makes no sense. Yep, Donald Trump is remarkably clueless and his entire debate strategy is based on fair mongering and cramming as many lies as possible into his responses because he is incapable of intelligently discussing policy.
  8. QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 9, 2016 -> 11:08 PM) He did. He had the line everybody should and will remember. The jail line was priceless. Yep, the exact type of response I'd expect from you
  9. QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 9, 2016 -> 10:41 PM) And somebody wanted to ban Greg for an intelligent debate about Chelsea Clinton. Wow. Hey, when there are secret tapes of conversations and we're talking about Trump grabbing p****, anything's fair game. Bill Clinton is her husband and was President. There are allegations about him as well. People were all mad at me for talking about how Hillary screams and I was told to knock it off. This superficial stuff you mentioned IS important. Ever since Nixon looking bad on TV sweating in debates this superficial stuff has mattered. As a Hillary hater I will say this about her. She looked good for TV tonight. Her hair looked good. I think she knew that too and was very confident. Sometimes she looks hideous. Her hair looked great tonight. Trump's looked better, too. He won the debate with that line. it should be all the headlines tomorrow. That was the line. Boom. Trump wins. Something a guy said 10 years ago off the record shouldn't be haunting him now. He is a potty mouth elitist who has always thought himself as entitled to getting perfect looking women, which does make him a crummy person in many ways. He did win. That line gave him the win. It's easy to be undecided, Tony. Some people despise Hillary fricking Clinton. It's not just Greg. A LOT OF US think she should be in jail. A lot of us despise everything about her career. And my vote for Ventura is a good vote. How in the hell could I vote for either one of them?? They are despicable. You are the exact type of person I could see actually thinking Trump won that debate.
  10. QUOTE (RegionSox @ Oct 9, 2016 -> 09:51 PM) All the analysts seem to think Trump won. Not one mention of him threatening to put Hilary in jail. Which makes literally no sense. He didn't say a single thing of substance the entire night. The bar for him is so low that any performance ain't considered bad for him.
  11. QUOTE (iamshack @ Oct 9, 2016 -> 09:16 PM) I disagree...you can't sit up here and make all these promises as if politics is a simple game and then blame away previous ineffectiveness on politics. I think that scores points with the American public. He utilized the tax code to keep as much of his money as possible and he shouldn't be criticized for that. The best argument to make is that she has been a longtime politician and she didn't change it. While the guy is disgusting, this is honestly his best performance by far to date. Going on the offensive is the only chance he has. I don't think it works that well when you have literally no idea what you are talking about on any of the topics being discussed tonight.
  12. QUOTE (Tony @ Oct 9, 2016 -> 09:15 PM) This honestly is the worst part of this election. I HARSHLY judge anyone that is voting for Trump. It shouldn't be that way, but anyone that is actually voting for this man, I just can't get on board with you.... Yep, I've never felt that way about any other election. Even if I disagreed with the candidate I could at least understand how someone could vote for them. Trump, not a f***ing chance.
  13. Dumbest presidential candidate ever and I'm just going to assume everyone who votes for him is a dumbass as well.
  14. Trump is the most clueless person running for president ever.
  15. QUOTE (chw42 @ Oct 9, 2016 -> 09:01 PM) One senator can't change the tax code. The fact that he thinks the audience can't see through this is insulting. Clearly his supporters are too stupid to realize he is remarkably ignorant so it probably works with his but I hope you are right it won't work for anyone else.
  16. Trump loves to just blatantly lie about what he has said in the past
  17. QUOTE (chw42 @ Oct 9, 2016 -> 08:40 PM) Trump is basically the symbol of Islamophobia in this country right now. Also, sexists, racists, and clueless f***ing morons without a clue.
  18. QUOTE (chw42 @ Oct 9, 2016 -> 08:37 PM) Trump knows nothing about policy. It's hilarious. It is unbelievable. Without question the least qualified person to run for president in the last 100 years, probably ever.
  19. Lol, Trump is a clown. No f***ing clue for a healthcare plan. Everything sucks but he has zero ideas about how to fix anything
  20. How can anyone with a brain possibly think Donald Trump could handle being president of the United States.
  21. Donald Trump is such a f***ing piece of s***.
  22. Trump has already said several blatantly false things in the first 5 minutes of the debate
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