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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. The Bulls are a joke. Orlando is shooting 63% from the floor right now.
  2. whitesoxfan99

    DC Films

    QUOTE (Y2HH @ Mar 25, 2016 -> 11:07 PM) I honestly think people are just piling on this movie now because it's become the thing to do, and then pointing to critics to justify their preconceived opinion. These same critics loved Age of Ultron, and that was an utter disappointment. I can see not loving BvS, I can even see calling it average...but I outright disagree that it was bad. I personally loved it, and I was only expecting to like it. Yep, no one can have their own opinions and everyone hates it because everyone is taught to like Marvel and this is too dark. Everyone has biased opinions but yours are completely untainted.
  3. QUOTE (WilliamTell @ Mar 25, 2016 -> 10:57 PM) Not saying you're right or wrong but the announcers would be wrong since they said Syracuse caught a break there. I took games and officiating as a class like 10 years ago, but forgot what the rule is. You have to establish possession in the front court. Just having the ball go past half court isn't enough.
  4. Horrid officiating. Niang has gotten away with 2 unbelievably obvious fouls. Refs being too big of p*****s to call him for his 3rd.
  5. QUOTE (buhbuhburrrrlz @ Mar 24, 2016 -> 08:39 PM) back to back losses to the LOLKNICKS Got their asses kicked both nights too.
  6. I really hope this garbage team doesn't make the playoffs.
  7. Absolutely pitiful start by the Bulls tonight.
  8. whitesoxfan99

    DC Films

    QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Mar 23, 2016 -> 01:55 PM) So all these movie critics who are paid for this stuff are just conditioned to not like these movies? Amazing how the Marvel stuff was able to get around that after Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy conditioned everyone to want the darker movies. I also don't think anyone has ever said DC hasn't had good movies or that all of Marvel's stuff has been perfect but the way you defend some of the recent DC stuff is just bizarre. He defends or hypes everything Warner Bros related basically.
  9. whitesoxfan99

    DC Films

    QUOTE (Joshua Strong @ Mar 22, 2016 -> 05:22 PM) Go see it for yourself. I like to read reviews after I see a movie, never before. No thanks. Snyder is an atrocious director and this movie looks like garbage. I have zero interest.
  10. whitesoxfan99

    DC Films

    QUOTE (Joshua Strong @ Mar 22, 2016 -> 11:20 AM) So the DCEU is underway and we're getting at least two movies a year from here on out: 2016: Batman v. Superman & Suicide Squad 2017: Wonder Woman & Justice Leauge (Part 1) 2018: Aquaman & The Flash 2019: Shazam & Justice Leauge (Part 2) 2020: Green Lantern Corps. & Cyborg Here's a place where people can talk about the movies and what's going on with the DCEU ************************************************************* Just saw BvS last night and I was satisfied as a fan of the lore, as a fan of films and filmmaking. There is a lot of stuff in the movie but none of it felt rushed or crammed. Everything had a place, every character had a role and everything had room to breathe. How the filmmakers were able to fully establish an universe in one movie (Granted we did get Man of Steel) is impressive. The world building was insane. The movie is somehow darker than Nolan's trilogy but it was quite funny. Never a dull moment, not a lot of unneeded fat if any. Henry Cavill had the best performance of the movie in my opinion. Jesse Eisenberg and Ben Affleck were great, Gal Gadot was a scene stealer and Amy Adams had a lot to do. One of the best fight scenes I've ever seen, all done in one take no less. The sound was great and the IMAX stuff was awesome. If I could describe the movie in terms of style it's a combination of TDK Trilogy, Wathmen, and the Empire Strikes Back. With shades of Mad Max and a trippy Terminator beat. There's some supernatural element to it, which I'm sure will be explained later on. I think it was easily better than both Avengers movies and is up there with the TDK films in terms of quality. I own and have read a ton of comics regarding these characters and I have no idea where they're going from here. It's exciting. Go see the movie. Early reviews are pretty much terrible across the board thus far. Not surprised at all given this is a Snyder joint.
  11. Disney announces Indiana Jones 5 for July 19, 2019.
  12. Why do we have to mess with a good thing? Announce the brackets and then analyze the games.
  13. QUOTE (Brian @ Mar 13, 2016 -> 04:56 PM) Dumb but as long as MSU isn't in Kansas' region, I'll pick the to get to Final Four Eh, not a lot separating the top teams this year. No great teams and those resumes are all comparable.
  14. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Mar 13, 2016 -> 04:07 PM) Off the top of my head they're basically 1-1 against sure fire at large teams with him, beat Utah and lost to SH. They lost to Tulsa with him playing most of the game and those other early season losses came with out him, Frankamp and Grady for one or two of them. Then they won the valley but also have the Ill State and two UNI losses with him. I hope they get in because they are definitely better than every other bubble team I just don't think the committee will put them in unfortunately because their resume is so weak.
  15. QUOTE (fathom @ Mar 13, 2016 -> 03:41 PM) Their losses without VanVleet will get excused Their resume with VanVleet is still crap. They are a really good team that has a s*** resume even with VanVleet missing some games.
  16. So Wichita St. is the team I'm most curious to see whether they get in the tourney. Their resume is garbage but that is a legitimately really good basketball team which would be a terrifying 11 or 12 seed.
  17. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Mar 12, 2016 -> 11:13 AM) The only reason he's around doesn't have anything to do with 2017 imo. Can't let uncommitted players hold your program hostage. It's no coincidence he was given his vote of confidence the same day Lovie Smith was hired. If football wasn't going to be fixed, it would be basketball getting fixed. Doubt there's enough money to go around now, thanks to general apathy towards the bball program. Yep, I think this really comes down to a few things. First is that Whitman was able to hit a home run for the football hire which is where he has stronger connections and trying to make two big hires in your first two weeks on the job would be a huge pain in the ass especially when they just invested huge on the football side. Add in the fact that if Groce does land a good 2017 class you aren't setting the program back any further by keeping him another year even if the team isn't good next year (and with Groce coaching I'm guessing they won't be) and I think that is why Whitman is punting on this for now.
  18. This looks awesome. Take my money now please.
  19. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Mar 9, 2016 -> 09:48 AM) Turned down his alma mater at Oklahoma but goes to Illinois for the same position. You can't make that up. Tim Brewster is interested in coming aboard. That'd be just massive. He'd cost a ton but for a recruiting coordinator he'd be worth it. He has a fantastic relationship with Lovie who recruited him to Arizona State like 25 years ago. It is those types of stories and the way almost all of Lovie's former players talk about him that makes me think he will recruit really well. Urlacher would still run through a wall for him. Brewster would be incredible as TE coach/recruiting coordinator. Where are you seeing/hearing that?
  20. Garrick McGee from Louisville coming on board as offensive coordinator. He has a reputation as a top recruiter and was one of the 20 highest paid assistants in college football last year. Also, turned down the Oklahoma offensive coordinator position last year to stay at Louisville. This really is a new day for Illinois football.
  21. $4 million for assistants is only behind Michigan and OSU for assistants in the Big 10 and not far behind those two. Wow.
  22. QUOTE (SoxPride18 @ Mar 7, 2016 -> 04:59 PM) A risk Illinois definitely needed to take either way. I don't even think it is a risk given who he is replacing.
  23. So Whitman said Lovie's available funds for assistants will be competitive with the top of the Big 10 and I've heard $4 million rumored.
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