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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. He looks totally washed up. The stuff sucks too.
  2. Having Reinsdorf as owner. The baseball gods were nice to let the 2005 team magically come together because everything else during Reinsdorf’s tenure as owner shows that was a total fluke.
  3. And I don’t think they make the playoffs in 2020 if it’s a real season considering their pitching was toast after 60 games and they had no depth.
  4. LoL, even with 2 lucky hits they can’t score.
  5. Absurd BABIP luck (ie the only way this Sox offense has a chance of scoring).
  6. Lol at the ump that at bat. That’s impossible for Renfroe if you give a pitcher 3 inches inside and outside.
  7. Soroka looks like absolute trash so far this year. Zero swing and miss stuff and teams are having no trouble squaring him up.
  8. It isn't right but fans are more willing to forgive having unsavory characters if their team is actually good and/or the player is a premium talent. The White Sox are going to be atrocious this year with or without Clevinger and he is a mediocre pitcher.
  9. The pitching hasn’t been good. The one true positive so far has been Crochet’s opening day start.
  10. Lol. Nothing like bringing on a raging asshole who is super mediocre to join a god awful baseball team.
  11. Yep, and a lot of hard hit balls right at guys today too. This could easily be like an 8-0 game right now.
  12. I was all about turning Crochet into a starter but this absolutely seems like an insane approach to building up a guy who has had tons of arm trouble.
  13. He’s terrible. His stuff blows, no one should expect anything out of him,
  14. I’ve been calling for moving Crochet to the starting rotation for years but crowing about one good start against a trash offense is also pretty funny. Hopefully he stays healthy because he’s the only good arm the Sox have in the rotation.
  15. Those projections are always crap and are always over stated too. Reinsdorf deserves nothing, the guy who won’t spend at all on free agency should not be gifted a new stadium to make his sale of the Sox worth $2b instead of $1b.
  16. They also have pick 32 this year because of Henderson winning rookie of the year so they have 2 of the top 32 picks even with this move.
  17. Their offense is good. Their defense was trash all year.
  18. Absolutely absurd that fans booed Krause tonight. That stuff happened 25 years ago and he’s passed away. Embarrassing
  19. That matches my eye test that a huge amount of the pressures and sacks are on Fields. There is a reason the sack rate drops dramatically when he has been hurt and a backup has played. And the phenomenon was the same when he was at OSU. Before his years as the starter OSU was among the best in the country at preventing sacks and it was the same after when Stroud was there. Yet when Fields was the QB they allowed a ton of sacks. OSU didn't suddenly have much worse offensive lines during that period either (their starting OL from 2020 included a 2nd round pick, 2 3rd round picks, and then their other tackle was also drafted into the NFL and 2019 you had 3 of those same starters plus a 3rd round pick).
  20. Would 100% be better off just rotating through AAAA guys and seeing if something sticks then signing Tim Hill. He's awful.
  21. Yep. Really sucks for FSU but they are basically Iowa without their QB. Hopefully the committee doesn’t repeat its mistake from last year of leaving Bama out (im assuming Michigan, Texas and Washington are all in) for a clearly inferior team.
  22. Like all things Reinsdorf touches just an absolute loser group or players and franchise.
  23. Just an awful win. And I cannot believe Flores brought zero pressure on the last drive when the Bears did nothing against the blitz the entire night
  24. Williams is terrible. Why would that sweeten a return?
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