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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jan 11, 2016 -> 10:00 PM) Kiffin is getting too cute. Much has been made of the spread concepts he stole from Baylor and OSU to beat MSU etc. well it's not as effective against teams that see it in practice every day. Run the football I thought he did that last year against OSU in the first half when Henry was rolling as well.
  2. While Davis keeps harping on Bama's pass pro struggling I haven't really seen that. At least two of those sacks were 100% on Coker.
  3. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jan 11, 2016 -> 09:53 PM) Last two plays were awful calls. Let your best player play. Bama needs to do the same. Clemson hasn't shown the ability to stop Henry and Coker has been horrendous.
  4. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jan 11, 2016 -> 09:48 PM) Bama doesn't ever need to throw it but they continue to let Coker try And he's been awful. He had a ridiculous amount of running room on second down. If he pulls that down its a first down easily.
  5. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jan 11, 2016 -> 09:39 PM) Real entertaining. I'm wondering when the zebras will get involved. Lots of holding going on. Two great teams. Bama more talented overall but Watson is the great equalizer. I think they are just going to let a lot of that go at this point. Both teams being allowed to do it so it will be interesting to see if that changes. A lot of contact being allowed in the secondary for both teams as well and Alexander got away with at least one blatant hold so far.
  6. Huge momentum swing there. Fingers crossed but looks like we might actually have a competitive game tonight.
  7. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jan 11, 2016 -> 09:20 PM) Watson is far and away the best QB Bama has faced this year. He is also by far and away the best QB (for college ball) in the country so that isn't shocking. Coker has been really shaky for Bama so far. He's made some terrible reads already. Keeping the ball on the one read option that cost them 6 when they were driving and he missed Henry wide open underneath on that last sack.
  8. QUOTE (Big Hurtin @ Jan 11, 2016 -> 12:02 PM) Not true http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2016/...-injuring-sack/ https://vine.co/v/iMuO9BaxgQT Wow, well the initial hit and sack itself was clean. Burfict is a piece of s*** though and while I sometimes would give a player the benefit of the doubt on something like that in Burfict's case that was almost assuredly on purpose.
  9. Hill and Nunn have been incredible today and this is the best we have looked on offense against a good defensive team since Groce's first year. Good defensive gameplan too (overmatched inside so Purdue has scored a bit but the rare game this year where I like the plan and we have executed on D).
  10. QUOTE (SoxPride18 @ Jan 10, 2016 -> 04:28 PM) That made kick he made earlier was from 42, right? I think so.
  11. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Jan 10, 2016 -> 04:15 PM) The 3 games have been pretty damn boring but two unbelievable endings. That last kick seemed to be more on the holder than the kicker but no one will care. No way. That is a 27 yard field goal that he hooked incredibly badly and he made an earlier kick with the laces in.
  12. Dear god Rodney Harrison is a moron. He just said the difference in the game was that Russell Wilson was able to make the big plays and Bridgewater wasn't. Wilson made one good play the whole game basically and Bridgewater marched his team down for a 27 yard field goal attempt which NFL kickers make well over 95% of the time.
  13. Yikes, James Harrison says he didn't think Burfict's hit on Brown should have been a penalty.
  14. QUOTE (ptatc @ Jan 10, 2016 -> 12:44 AM) I don't believe I said Shazier's hit was really dirty. He lowered his head during a tackle. I would call it illegal but not "really dirty." He'll get a fine. Burfect will get a suspension. I'm not sure how hitting a guy in the head with the crown of your helmet isn't dirty but regardless, my agreement was more with the fact that my annoyance with the announcers and Carey for being flat out wrong on that play and defending Shazier over and over for a blatantly illegal hit clouded my judgment and Burfict's play was clearly worse.
  15. QUOTE (ptatc @ Jan 10, 2016 -> 12:01 AM) I would disagree with this. Shazier did lower his head during a tackle. Burfect hit a guy in the head when there was no play. The ball was ready by him for an incomplete pass. That was the definition of a helpless reciever. You know what I actually agree with this. Both are really dirty plays, Burfict's was more malicious.
  16. QUOTE (ptatc @ Jan 10, 2016 -> 12:37 AM) Shazier's hit was illegal but it was during a play and those happen. I imagine he will get a fine. Except the announcers and Mike Carey defended the hit and called it legal when it was clearly not legal.
  17. QUOTE (ptatc @ Jan 9, 2016 -> 11:43 PM) Burfect has earned it with previous personal fouls and fines. People look at it differently with repeat offenders. For the record, I don't have a problem with criticizing Burfict as his dirty hits date back to college and I remember one against Illinois in the last game I actually went to in Champaign but it was a ridiculous juxtaposition where they were defending a clearly illegal and dirty hit by Shazier and then going out of their way to find something wrong with Burfict's hit which was clearly clean. I also really hate Ben Roethlisberger as a person and I can't stand the love he gets from announcers as a result so their treatment of those two plays bothered the hell out of me.
  18. QUOTE (Jose Abreu @ Jan 10, 2016 -> 12:19 AM) just had to ruin my mojo like that... In all seriousness, I hope Brown gets better. Concussions are what will soon bring the demise of the NFL. Saw two of them today on absurd plays by Shazier and Burfict. Suspend Burfict for as long as you want and suspend Shazier as well.
  19. And finally the rules official on ESPN acknowledges that the Shazier hit was illegal. Amazing how many so called rules experts (Pereira and Carey specifically) didn't know that. Them not knowing that rule or willfully ignoring it really bothers me because it speaks to a lack of competency among officials.
  20. QUOTE (ptatc @ Jan 10, 2016 -> 12:09 AM) Im more of a baseball fan and usually just want to see good games. This was awful. Playoff football is usually pretty good. That game was hard to watch. While the announcers and commentators will focus on Cincy (and they deserve to be heavily criticized because their conduct was disgraceful) because they were the last two act and it cost them the game the Steelers were disgraceful in this one as well.
  21. What's the longest an NFL player has ever been suspended for actions on the field? I know Odell Beckham only got one game for spearing Josh Norman after the play was over. Suh got two games when he stomped on a player's arm. I think they need to start handing out really long suspensions for the behavior we saw today and I'm talking much more than a game or two.
  22. QUOTE (ptatc @ Jan 9, 2016 -> 11:58 PM) I agree. Im just saying his history, not just this game is the reason people talk about him that way. The hit on Ben wasn't dirty today. That's fair and I think the NFL needs to do way more to prevent guys like that from making plays like he did on Brown late. Need to start having very lengthy suspensions for repeat offenders.
  23. QUOTE (fathom @ Jan 9, 2016 -> 11:54 PM) That penalty on Jones was a joke. Get Porter away from the opposition. Can both teams be eliminated About as dirty of a game as you will ever see. And I still can't believe the announcers defended that Shazier hit. That was the dirtiest play (Burfict one at the end was close) in a game filled with dirty plays.
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