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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. Go Bucs today. Losing these last two can make a huge difference in draft position for the Bears.
  2. QUOTE (fathom @ Dec 26, 2015 -> 11:23 PM) Those were some awful possessions down the stretch Rose played one of his better games today but he was horrid in the last two minutes (mostly the last minute).
  3. Stacey King and Funk are just impossible to listen to now. They make Hawk look unbiased.
  4. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Dec 23, 2015 -> 08:48 PM) Why is Lewis taking the shot there? I'd rather see hill or nunn go iso. Groce gives his bad players too much freedom.
  5. QUOTE (Boogua @ Dec 23, 2015 -> 08:32 PM) Gotta get Maverick and Khalid those touches... It drives me nuts during stretches like that. As soon as the other team goes on a run like that you need to find your best players.
  6. This team goes way too long at times without Nunn or Hill getting shots or being involved in the offense. That is a sign of bad coaching.
  7. QUOTE (Brian @ Dec 23, 2015 -> 07:43 PM) Noah expiring and we also send pick. It's Sacramento. Ha, no. Sacramento is dumb but they aren't giving up an allstar big man for an expiring contract and a s***ty draft choice.
  8. QUOTE (Brian @ Dec 23, 2015 -> 07:41 PM) Holy s*** Kendrick Nunn It's nice to see him healthy. He just didn't have his explosiveness last year coming off knee surgery.
  9. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Dec 23, 2015 -> 03:52 PM) Lol Beckham suspension gonna be overturned oops nevermind solid reporting That would be beyond absurd if that happens. There is zero doubt that if it wasn't a star player that suspension would not be overturned.
  10. QUOTE (Brian @ Dec 23, 2015 -> 02:53 PM) To those who have the NBA system down, could the Bulls do some kinda deal with Noah and taj and something for boogie, plus flip Gasol to Memphis or some place for something small? The Bulls don't have the assets to get Cousins. Why on earth would the Kings want Noah and Taj?
  11. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Dec 23, 2015 -> 01:33 PM) Below 30 part is tough. Noah / Taj / Gasol are all average to above average players. Yes, they are older, but they provide value. I look at this another way, who on this roster do I think are assets and tradeable for an asset (how valuabe the asset, one can debate, but we'll include): Roster: Solid Value Or Better: Butler Gasol Noah (presuming he bounces back from injury...he was playing very good and is an expiring which in an of itself is an asset) Taj Niko (value is lowering, but he's still young and a lot of teams would like to see if he can develop...especially as teams are looking more and more into those stretch 4's...and I think plenty of teams will look at his game and presume he can improve that 3) Some Value (but still a solid chip): McDermott (not sure where to put him, clearly he's taken major steps forward this year and looks like a productive player on a playoff team) Snell (clearly a rotational guy) Bobby Portis (far more upside in keeping the guy right now...looks like he has a ton of potential...whether he pans out or not, who knows, but a lot to like) Non Assets (some of these guys could be moved, but you are getting zero back): MDJ (purely due to injury) Brooks Moore Hinrich All other bums that I ignored Hell if I know: Drose (I'd have put him on non-assets except for the fact that Zach Lowe seemed to think he's still an asset). Snell has no value. He sucks. Agree on the rest although Noah isn't bringing anything of value back since he is a free agent after this year and Gibson has consistently been overrated by people on this board.
  12. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Dec 23, 2015 -> 12:50 PM) I agree with the bolded parts of this. There's clearly an issue with these guys playing together. That's on Hoiberg to fix and at least he's trying with a variety of different rotations. A lot of these games have come down to energy and some good ol' fashioned TWTW. Disagree entirely. You aren't a top 5 defensive team in the league if you aren't playing hard. It comes down to this team being terrible on offense.
  13. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 23, 2015 -> 12:13 PM) The other part of this to not ignore though is...with Butler under contract and the young guys the Bulls do have, plus the general weakness in the East that will keep them in the playoffs yearly, they're going to be able to convince themselves that they're only 1 piece away and that they don't need to do a major overhaul. They might not be wrong either, but then they'll just keep trying to acquire that "one last piece" and whiffing on it or having it not be enough. (Which does sound vaguely familiar). There isn't a player on the Bulls roster other than Butler below the age of 30 that is an above average NBA starter (that includes Rose until proven otherwise because he has either been hurt, terrible or mediocre at best for 4 years now). I certainly hope they aren't thinking this team is one piece away.
  14. QUOTE (ChiSoxFanMike @ Dec 22, 2015 -> 08:07 PM) Butler is better than Leonard in my opinion. Lol. No and it isn't close.
  15. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Dec 22, 2015 -> 11:08 AM) The line about Rose finally being ready, that he just had his preseason, is such bulls***. Preseason is what, 8 games? We're at like 25 right now. I think that's enough games to determine that Rose is never going to be half the player he used to be. edit: the Bulls are officially stuck in NBA purgatory. With Butler they're good enough to make the playoffs every year, but not good enough to win or even get to the Finals. They're stuck with a broke, max player in Rose. All of their remaining pieces are good role players at best. And they have little hope in the draft to improve. They have to rely on FA signings, which has been such a success story the last decade. And with respect to free agency, it isn't like there is a free agent out there this year that the Bulls have a chance at that would actually be a game changer anyways.
  16. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Dec 22, 2015 -> 11:08 AM) The line about Rose finally being ready, that he just had his preseason, is such bulls***. Preseason is what, 8 games? We're at like 25 right now. I think that's enough games to determine that Rose is never going to be half the player he used to be. edit: the Bulls are officially stuck in NBA purgatory. With Butler they're good enough to make the playoffs every year, but not good enough to win or even get to the Finals. They're stuck with a broke, max player in Rose. All of their remaining pieces are good role players at best. And they have little hope in the draft to improve. They have to rely on FA signings, which has been such a success story the last decade. Yep, and Rose played in the final preseason game. We are nearly a third of the way through the season and there are zero signs of improvement from Rose or the team as a whole.
  17. Lol at Stacey King and Funk acting like the Nets don't suck. That team is f***ing garbage. One of the worst offensive teams in the league and they suck on D as well.
  18. This is an unbelievably pathetic performance tonight.
  19. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Dec 21, 2015 -> 12:10 PM) Film reportedly had 45 cut minutes. I think it definitely needed another 10, but it was still good. Sure we'll see the extended edition in 5 years. @LDF, episode 8 comes out in spring 2017. They're filming now. The first spin off movie comes out next Winter, Rogue One. Then in 2018 another spinoff, Young Han Solo. Then in 2019, episode 9. Then in 2020, a Boba Fett spinoff. Be prepared for Star Wars overload. I think the Boba Fett spinoff might be delayed since they fired Trank. I hope after this initial set of spinoffs they try going for totally original stories set in very different time periods. We don't need every Star Wars movie to be set within a 100 year time period.
  20. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Dec 21, 2015 -> 11:28 AM) I wonder if at some point they won't have a separate star wars movie to cover the gaps. I figure Disney is going to figure out ways to explain the rest of the universe and significant gaps. Monetize as much as possible (and as a Disney shareholder and a Starwars fan...I'm all for it). I hope not. I want spinoffs to focus on new characters and time periods (and Disney is already developing spinoffs). And while some interesting stuff appears to have happened between Episode VI and VII, I'm not a fan of prequels as a concept because you already know how the story ends (Rogue One is an exception for me because it sounds awesome and we will at least have almost all new characters).
  21. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Dec 21, 2015 -> 11:20 AM) I think the bigger issue was that Rei was so powerful without a moment's training. A little but Luke with basically no training was able to deflect shots from a remote, hit an incredibly small target with proton torpedoes without using any computer to aim and he also was able to grab his lightsaber using the force. And Rey not allowing Ren to read or control her mind is impressive but there have been non-force sensitive characters like Jabba who didn't allow mind control to work on them as well. I'm sure we will learn more of her backstory in the next movie as well.
  22. QUOTE (Brian @ Dec 21, 2015 -> 11:04 AM) I think it's hard to criticize much until we see the next 2. Some people don't like that Ren wasn't that powerful but he probably will be in ep 8 and more so in ep 9. Yep, and the complaint about Snoke not having enough backstory is also a little odd to me since the Emperor was only mentioned in passing in Episode IV, appears only as a hologram in Episode V and isn't really fleshed out until Episode VI.
  23. Odell Beckham is playing one of the dirtiest games I've ever seen. He should be kicked out.
  24. Ok so now I really hope the Bears lose their next 2. Just absolutely nothing positive comes out of them winning either of those games.
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