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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jul 23, 2015 -> 07:49 AM) Bruce Levine thinks Edwards, McKinney, and Contreras will get it done for Price. Am i crazy or is that a gross underpay? For two months of control I don't think that is that crazy. I'd certainly want more if I was Detroit but that doesn't strike me as a completely ridiculous offer.
  2. I also don't understand how Vela's elbow was a yellow but Panama got a straight red in the first half (and I don't have a problem with the straight red but Vela's was much more intentional).
  3. QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Jul 22, 2015 -> 10:35 PM) There no chance of that happening, CONCACAF loves that Mexican money. CONCACAF doing everything they can to make sure Mexico advances to the Final, especially now that the US is out. Mexico doesn't deserve to win with the s*** level they've shown in the Gold Cup. The last two games were referee gifts. I thought they outplayed Costa Rica for the most part but that game should have gone to penalties where it is pretty much a toss up but tonight Panama was the better team even with 10 men and Panama was absolutely robbed. I couldn't feel good about winning like that if I was on Mexico's team.
  4. QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Jul 22, 2015 -> 10:06 PM) I hate to admit it but yeah. Mexican commentators are getting on the Mexican crowd to behave. That wasn't a penalty. The Mexican commentators are livid at that call, even suggesting that the Mexican player who takes the PK should miss it on purpose. I hope Guardado misses. Shameful. If CONCACAF had any balls they wouldn't let Mexico host any games until they can actually get their fans under control (and yes I realize this game isn't in Mexico). When throwing things at opposing players is the rule not the exception there is a serious issue.
  5. Mexico fans are the worst. How CONCACAF has never done anything about them is ridiculous.
  6. QUOTE (Brian @ Jul 21, 2015 -> 04:26 PM) I know right. Pixar doesn't know what they're doing. Looks like Wall-E where there maybe minimum dialogue. I think it looks ok. It's pretty clear the dinosaurs were intentionally designed to be cartoonish looking which is odd given that the rest of the animation is gorgeous. I'm sure this will end up being good since Pixar hasn't had a real miss on an original film yet (although I didn't really care for Brave).
  7. QUOTE (chw42 @ Jul 19, 2015 -> 09:22 PM) Mexico just got a very generous penalty call at the end of extra time to win. Generous is putting it lightly. There isn't even a debate that there was no foul there on Costa Rica. A dive on Mexico would have been more appropriate than a penalty on Costa Rica there.
  8. Costa Rica about to lose to Mexico on a complete bulls*** call in the 122nd minute.
  9. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jul 16, 2015 -> 09:25 AM) Jurassic World, while entertaining, was pretty stupid. Of all the scripts to hit your desk, you chose the one based around a genetically modified, genius dinosaur and militarizing raptors? Idiotic. The nods to the original were the only saving grace for me with this film. Agree. It was a pretty fun movie but I don't understand how it became such a cultural phenomenon. The idea of the militarized dinosaurs is just ridiculous with the types of weapons we have right now. And I'm not sure this needs a spoiler tag but:
  10. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jul 13, 2015 -> 10:12 AM) Hinrich isn't awful in that spot. His efficiency was down last year and he lost his confidence, however, he can handle and pass. He isn't quick enough to break guys down like some point guards but their are worse backup PG options their. If other guys develop in the wing, it means less need (and really their should never be a need) for Hinrich to play at the 2. Maybe Hoiberg can get Kirk to be a lil more efficient, etc. That said, Hinrich is pretty old but I think a lot of his game at this point has to do with his confidence. Please note....I realize I'm supposed to hate Hinrich like everyone else here, but alas, I don't. If the Cavs had signed him as a backup, people would be going, how come we couldn't get Hinrich. And I'd be the first to admit that he was lousy last year (so don't think I didn't see it). Hinriich has been really bad at basketball for quite some time and not a single person would care if the Cavs had signed him as a backup. Frankly, as a Bulls fan I would have been happy because every minute that Hinrich would have been on the court for the Cavs would have increased the Bulls chances of winning. Hinrich isn't a good shooter and he also isn't a good distributor.
  11. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Jul 12, 2015 -> 11:22 AM) Beyond silly to make any conclusions during summer league. Yep. My general summer league rule is that a guy playing well is meaningless but that a guy looking bad can be cause for concern.
  12. QUOTE (Joshua Strong @ Jul 12, 2015 -> 12:05 AM) I thought Man of Steel was one of the best movies of 2013 and the Superman movie that I always wanted to see. Its amazing how much world building that did for the DCEU and of looks like BvS is going to take that even further. Good choice by Zack Snyder and co. to make Bruce Wayne our 'in' character, it's going to be amazing to see Batman realize that he is just a man amongst gods, it's going to be awesome experiencing that alongside him. It's cool that Batman has been active for 20 years and is a weary veteran. I felt like I was one of the few people who liked the Wonder Woman casting and after seeing the trailer, I feel a bit validated. This looks like Snyder unleashed and it looks f***ing awesome. I can go on and on, I'm really excited for this. Could not possibly disagree more. Man of Steel was a mess and just about everything from Snyder recently has sucked. I have no reason to think this won't suck as well and a couple decent trailers won't change my opinion given that the trailers for Man of Steel were also well done.
  13. whitesoxfan99

    2015 TV Thread

    This season of True Detective just isn't working for me. I have found each episode incredibly boring. If the season wasn't only 8 episodes and if TV options weren't so limited during the summer I would be dropping it.
  14. QUOTE (OmarComing25 @ Jun 26, 2015 -> 10:04 PM) How bad would Danks have to pitch to finally get kicked out of the rotation? At this point part of me wants him to get completely bombed just to speed up the process. Sunk cost, God damnit. He is trash and has been since the shoulder injury. He has no business at all being in a major league rotation and that has been obvious for a long time. The fact he hasn't been demoted or traded tells me the Sox don't want to eat his salary.
  15. QUOTE (Knackattack @ Jun 24, 2015 -> 12:37 PM) Micah is destroying AAA right now, when can we have him back? When he isn't one of the worst defensive second basemen ever.
  16. QUOTE (Brian @ Jun 23, 2015 -> 04:36 PM) I'm oblivious to NBA contracts and stuff but would a package around Jo, Taj, picks work? Not even remotely close.
  17. QUOTE (fathom @ Jun 23, 2015 -> 03:15 PM) Even that though has been questionable of late. Eaton was good last year, and stinks this year (and of course, Hector Santiago is now pitching superb). Avi looks like a question mark as well going forward. Santiago hasn't pitched near as well as his ERA suggests and I'd expect some regression to come soon.
  18. QUOTE (LDF @ Jun 23, 2015 -> 02:52 PM) i don't. we lost on that trade. plain and simple. we got nothing for a rtn of reed and 1 yr in the majors. the sox really could've used Reed last yr. in addition, i don't care if he was good for q yr. just put it up as a bad trade. Reed isn't good and the Sox still would have sucked with him last year.
  19. QUOTE (fathom @ Jun 23, 2015 -> 12:36 PM) Personally, I'd ask for Grandal, Seager and Urias for Sale and Danks. Wouldn't mind getting a quality starting catcher and 2 of the top 5 prospects in all of baseball while freeing up money with Danks gone. Yeah, a package based around Seager and Urias would at least be tempting. I don't see many other fits around baseball that would make a whole lot of sense but if you start with those two and add a few other pieces to the deal it is something the Sox would have to consider.
  20. whitesoxfan99

    2015 TV Thread

    QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Jun 22, 2015 -> 02:57 PM) True Detective was kinda boring and just an onslaught of characters, so far it seems like they felt like they couldn't create a replacement for McConaughey so they decided to just create a bunch of characters with flaws to make up for it. I'm still intrigued but disappointed with the start, hopefully the plot starts to move forward and is more intriguing. I didn't care for the first episode at all. I loved the first half of the first season of True Detective but didn't care for the second half so the premier put me on the fence for continuing to watch the show but since there is nothing on in the summers anyways I'll stick with it.
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