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Everything posted by whitesoxfan99

  1. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Oct 20, 2014 -> 01:49 PM) TWD with another good episode. Potential spoiler from comic book:
  2. Horrible performance by the 49ers WRs and TEs so far. Bunch of drops on really easy plays.
  3. So Brandon Marshall apparently called out Cutler today and Kyle Long ripped the fans after the game today. This season could go off the rails if they lose next week.
  4. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Oct 18, 2014 -> 12:20 PM) Yes. They are starting a 3rd string true freshman QB. Indiana shockingly leading MSU pretty late in the 2nd quarter. MSU's run defense has been abysmal.
  5. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Oct 14, 2014 -> 11:44 AM) True. But Spidermans role in Civil war is pretty big, it would be a shame to replace him I'd love to see it and hopefully Marvel gets the right back to Spiderman since Sony is doing a s*** job with the character.
  6. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Oct 14, 2014 -> 10:02 AM) One thing to keep in mind about it, Spiderman is an absolutely pivotal character. If they plan on doing it without him....well lets just say they shouldnt do that. I doubt the Civil War in the MCU will be the same as the Civil War in the comics. Especially since we don't have any characters in the MCU yet whose identities aren't already known.
  7. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Oct 14, 2014 -> 09:40 AM) I actually have confidence in Josh Trank to get a good Fantastic 4 off the ground. Fox seems to have plans for their own shared universe with X Men and FF I don't think the quality of the movie is what will matter to Fox but whether it is profitable. If it is good but still does poorly financially I'm guessing Fox might give up on those characters making them a lot of money since neither of the first two Fantastic 4 movies (obviously they were both awful which hurt) were huge at the box office. I also am not sure Marvel cares all that much about getting the Fantastic 4 back other than to get their cosmic characters like Silver Surfer and Galactus.
  8. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Oct 14, 2014 -> 07:37 AM) They might be, im not sure. i was just reading the wiki of the core members of the group, not saying who was going to star in the movie or show They are with Marvel but Feige said this back in July: "It’s slightly more complicated than that. Let’s put it this way – there are entanglements that make it less easy. There are older contracts that still involve other parties that mean we need to work things out before we move forward on it. As opposed to an Iron Man or any of the Avengers or any of the other Marvel characters where we could just put them in." I'd guess that Universal might still have distribution rights (similar to Paramount distributing the first few Marvel movies after Disney's acquisition) and that with all of Marvel's other properties they just won't use Namor until that is cleaned up. I'm also pretty sure that at this point everything is back at Marvel other than Spiderman and his universe of characters (at Sony), X-Men and Fantastic Four and their universe of characters (at Fox). X-Men will be with Fox for a long long time unless Disney/Marvel just pays Fox a crazy amount of money. I could see Spiderman returning to Marvel for a decent amount of money fairly soon as Sony isn't that stable financially and they have a limited amount of characters and are starting to see significant diminishing returns on the Spiderman movies (and how many Spiderman movies can you really make with such a limited character base). Fantastic Four rights include Silver Surfer and Galactus and whether those stay with Fox or not long term will probably depend on the success of Fantastic Four next year. If that movie bombs I wouldn't be surprised if Fox gave up on those characters and decided to just focus on X-Men and let the rights to Fantastic Four revert back to Marvel and just
  9. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Oct 13, 2014 -> 03:39 PM) Im curious if Silver Surfer is Fantastic Four exclusive or if he is a character like Quicksilver and Scarlett Witch that is interchangeable between franchises. The former.
  10. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Oct 13, 2014 -> 02:51 PM) One thing i did like when I read up on Defenders was after that first three core members, the next long time member is Silver Surfer. I would love to get him into the Marvel universe after the travesty that was Fantastic Four 2. And...Galactus I don't see Marvel getting any of the Fantastic Four related characters back unless next years Fantastic Four movie bombs. I hate to root against if it is good but I hope regardless of the quality that movie does terribly at the box office so Fox stops caring about those characters and the rights revert back to Marvel like has happened with basically all non-Spiderman/X-Men characters. Fox has picked it up the quality of their X-Men movies but I'd like Marvel to have as many of their characters available to them as possible because they have done such a great job with their shared universe. And if the next couple Spider-Man universe movies continue to decline at the box office I think Marvel gets those rights back in the not to distant future as well which would be fantastic.
  11. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Oct 13, 2014 -> 12:02 PM) Hulk was somewhat surprising to me. They really have been holding off on it because the Ed Norton Jr version didnt really go over that well. Defenders, i just didnt know about. Everything else has been talked about, so I am not surprised. I figured Avengers 3 wasnt there because it is always the conclusion to Phases. And who knows, maybe they are trying to rope in Spiderman before they announce it Yeah, I don't know anything about the Defenders but they are clearly trying to introduce some fairly unknown characters or teams if they think they have a good story. With how popular Hulk was in the Avengers I'm not surprised they would try another solo movie. Of course the issue in those movies is always balancing the amount of screen time for Banner vs. the Hulk. In the Avengers Banner isn't carrying the movie so that wasn't an issue and people loved the Hulk. But will people love a movie that is almost all Hulk or in which Banner is the main character? That remains to be seen.
  12. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Oct 13, 2014 -> 11:38 AM) Twitter, it is the rumored leak of phase 3. Whoever leaked this one, also leaked the phase 2 picture which turned out 100 percent correct. Interesting. Nothing on there would shock me although Avengers 3 should be on there.
  13. Kyyle where are you seeing that? Most of those movies (or something similar) will happen but I've seen a lot of similar mockups before and they usually end up being wrong.
  14. Julio Jones playing an awful game so far today. Two huge drops so far.
  15. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Oct 12, 2014 -> 03:44 PM) Jordan mills looks bad. False start on the first snap, Massaquoa beat him for a sack, and he missed a big block on the Jeffery end around Jordan Mills is bad. He was a solid 5th round pick but he has no business being a starting NFL lineman.
  16. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Oct 11, 2014 -> 01:42 PM) Beckman truly has a scorched earth policy. Bailey's redshirt burned I would have had far less problem with it if he would have started Bailey yesterday (still not a fan but I'd least get it). But to pull off the redshirt in the 4th quarter down 24? f***ing ridiculous. He better be playing every snap that Lunt doesn't for the rest of the year now.
  17. QUOTE (SnB @ Oct 10, 2014 -> 11:22 AM) I got hilton'd last night. It's always a crappy feeling to be way behind before the games even start. I faced Andre Ellington and Demaryius Thomas for their breakout games last week. I'm facing Hilton and Andre Johnson this week. I have Megatron, AJ Green and Rashad Jennings all injured. Yay fantasy football.
  18. This is shaping up to be another great Thursday night football game.
  19. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Oct 8, 2014 -> 01:03 PM) Is that even possible to do? I'm not sure if all of those were lost fumbles but he at least coughed it up that many times which is incredibly concerning. He has 4 regular season touchdowns on returns the last couple years so there is also big upside but the constant fumbling is a huge issue.
  20. QUOTE (bmags @ Oct 8, 2014 -> 12:46 PM) Considering we are getting negative plays with bad returns, how much worse could we be? Well he has fumbled 11 times in only 133 touches in the last 2 years so a lot worse.
  21. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Oct 8, 2014 -> 12:32 PM) He has fumbled 11 times in the past two years. Yikes. Yeah, an incredibly explosive return man but are the good returns worth the negative plays?
  22. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Oct 8, 2014 -> 08:47 AM) Wow, he must be pretty impressionable. Obviously the recruiting sites don't agree with me but i love what I see of Moore, even moreso than Thomas. He'll be on the nba real quick. No. He didn't rebound, didn't block shots and only shot 40% from the floor during AAU play this summer. He looks the part but is bad at basketball right now.
  23. QUOTE (knightni @ Oct 8, 2014 -> 08:17 AM) They need to find a up-and-coming coach that was a former player. Someone that knows the success of the past and can promote it to recruits. Is there such a person out there? Maybe an ex-coach or player under a former head coach. People over complicate these things. They need to find a good coach and the rest will work itself out. It really is that simple. Now finding that good coach is more difficult at Illinois than at an Ohio State or USC because they aren't able to hire someone with an established track record of winning but it can be done.
  24. QUOTE (knightni @ Oct 7, 2014 -> 03:39 PM) I compare Illinois football to DePaul basketball. They can't even attract good in-state and Chicagoland kids anymore and are living in the past. They need to build from within and stop looking for a miracle hire. Otherwise, any coach successful at Illinois is going to leave within a few years for a better job. They got plenty of good in-state kids under Zook. Beckman's done a poor job with in state recruiting but it also isn't surprising nobody wants to play for him.
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