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Polar Bear

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Everything posted by Polar Bear

  1. He's played it a bunch to begin his career with the Sox, I really don't think he'd be worse than Fletcher there. At worse I think he'd be equivalent
  2. Colas is better than our current OF by far on defense Colas > Fletcher Colas > Grossman Colas > Benetendi
  3. JR don't/won't pay dead money. We stuck with Grifol through 2025
  4. Its a sad day, when the Oakland A's are more entertaining than this
  5. s%*#, still way too many. With the lottery rules you really have to go for it after a terrible season. Not do what whatever this crap is
  6. I actually would like to see Garcia as a SP over Flexen
  7. Setting the all time record for losses in a season and turning around and seeing 14 other teams pick before us ?
  8. Won't a work. If everything is straight or going in to righites its a recipe for disaster vs good right handed hitting teams All SP, not just Crochet, really need a change, splitter, or two seam to ride away from opposite handed pitchers
  9. Crochet needs a 3rd pitch. Why do they continue to think pitchers can get away with facing the opposite handed hitters without one.
  10. Well then the calls for a new gm, new manager, new coaches, and new staff will grow loud af
  11. So only 3 more times he can come up, that can't be right can it? If so, why the f use one knowing he wasn't going to play
  12. This is correct in some way. Its like 6 or 7 times in one season, not sure if the initial option counts though
  13. Due to a family medical emergency a couple weeks ago I haven't done them. Don't know how much time I will have with the few projects I have going on and trying to catchup with work I could try and pump out a rough draft in the coming days Its a certain of the top 2 1. Noah Schultz 2. Colson Montgomery
  14. Looks like Tanner McDougal is gonna be on the bump for WS. There should be a video feed tonight. Definitely will be watching that one to see how he looks this year Greensboro has a good looking team with some good prospects, led by top 100 prospect Termarr Johnson, so it should be a battle
  15. At the same time, heights for prospects are entirely unreliable, especially in the DSL. For all we know the kid grew 3 inches and is 5'11", he was only 17. Hell for all we know he is 20 (more of a joke related to the age falsification stuff going on down there). Ultimately overreacting to DSL stats are a slippery slope that will get you burned and it seems like futuresox and this board and leaning that way. I'm just trying to be the cautionary and conservative voice here. You have to be more conservative with those players than most bc as I said, these are mostly high school juniors, in fact the same age as Wolkow. I wonder if Wolkow hits 20 HR in the DSL last year, that would have been a fun experiment to do lol
  16. Its what I do. I rank and write about prospects across baseball. Could it be a slight overreaction to what I have seen numerous times over the years, maybe. Is it statistically the most likely outcome, yes absolutely. Any outcome is possible. I'm just speaking to the greatest likelihood based on the statistical probability of what happens with the smaller stature players as they transition stateside. In the DSL and Rookie ball, power for smaller stature players appears, but as they face actual pitchers stateside that throw harder, are bigger, and more precise the power is zapped due to the physics of a baseball swing in correlation with their size. Smaller stature players have to break the physics and be more precise and perfect than taller and bigger players that have natural power and don't have to fight the physics. You ever wonder why Judge can flick the bat and hit a HR, it isn't bc of skill as much as it is size and length. Longer levers create more power. So im just speaking to the realistic expectations of Mogollon 10, maybe 15 home run power MAX with that dropping as he progresses higher in the minors. How's Madrigal's power? How's Chapelli's power? Those same "scouts" loved them as well Is Mogollon the once in a generation unicorn? You tell me, do you really believe he is going to get to 20+ HR power? Do you really believe he will get to 40+ SB Its more like a .270 avg, 10 HR (or less), 20-30 SB. And thats in the minors. If he makes the bigs it will be more like .240, 0-5 HR, 10-15 SB. A prototypical utility bat at best.
  17. Looking at how people played in the same season after being drafted is not wise. If you did that, Dylan Crews is utter trash according to you (he hit .208 with 0 HRs at AA)
  18. The DSL isn't pro ball. Its high school juniors on a dirt field vs pitchers that can't pitch. And I've never disqualified him outright. Mogollon's power will evaporate when he comes stateside. He didn't show enough speed or enough of a hit tool to expect it to continue stateside either. Thus no tool for him, in my opinion, is good enough to project him to be more than a guy that will stall at AA or AAA Aslo, you do know College is the equivalent of A+, AA if its the SEC. The DSL is the equivalent of JV in high school at times. At times varsity
  19. Probably once the team is on a 15 game or longer losing streak
  20. I know and you were you capable of having a rational convo you'd know why... There are exceptions to the height if they have a tool or two that can overcome it. Nishida has a good hit tool, but he also should not be at Kanny so it's going to appear better for now. He should be at WS. It's also about expectation. I wouldn't expect him to be much more than maybe a utility type. Possibly he could be starter but his hit tool will have to be very high once he gets to the upper minors. Hell i think Dylan O'Rae in the Brewers org is going to soar up rankings (including mine) this year and he is only 5'7" but he has a great hit tool, speed that rivals or tops Victor Scott and Chandler Simpson, and exceptional plate discipline.
  21. Power. I have him at 40. He needs to start showing in game power or he could be a Benetendi type (the blasphemy)
  22. I said last night I'm gonna be watching Nishida closely. Game 2 of the season and Nishida goes 5 for 5 ?
  23. There is a ton this year. Should be a big pick this year. I want Jac but a lot of options will be there
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