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Polar Bear

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Everything posted by Polar Bear

  1. 3 singles are nice but at some point someone needs to start hitting some extra base shots
  2. So no defense from you again, figures, got it.
  3. He said yesterday's statements were not racist. He in fact specifically called them "disrespectful" so why are you, the media or anyoneelse making things up that it was racist..... "Disrespectful" does not equal "racist"
  4. They continue to fail to preach patience. We were better at it yesterday but fell back into bad practices once Cortes left the game.
  5. I am going off of statements actually made from the players themselves, something you obviously either cannot do or choose to not do
  6. No one is victim blaming anyone. TA has been outspoken and vocal since day 1 in Chicago. I'm saying he has been and was measured in his words yesterday bc he knows it to not be inherently racist or racism. Just disrespectful (which it absolutely is and was) Why do you think its just a bunch of white players speaking out about this... Did TA lose his voice? what about Abreu, Robert, Eloy, Leury (I haven't seen anything from them, if they have spoken I missed it) What about Hicks, Judge, Stanton..... The terms racist and racism should not be used lightly and at everything bc its not something that can be walked back, its not something that can be undone nowadays. Did you speak with TA? Do you have intimate knowledge of his beliefs on that matter, same with Donaldson....
  7. As to the first part. It is devoid of racism imo bc race has and had nothing to do with the comment. It was TA who in fact called himself Jackie and over the next 3 years plus Donaldson had called him Jackie numerous times bc TA called himself that. TA did not view any of those comments as racist over those 3 plus years and he himself in fact did not call it racist yesterday when provided the opportunity after the game. Why? Why just call it disrespectful (which i agree it was)? Bc something doesn't magically become racist and TA knew he could not answer for what magically changed to make it become racist.... It cannot be easily construed as racism unless the person construing it believes that a white person is not allowed to call another person (who claimed himself to be the next Jackie) Jackie. To do so would in fact be racist by definition. As to the last part, everyone on Earth has earned that. The world is not even one tenth as racist as the media and others would have you believe. Does it exist, yes. Does it exist all times when different races are involved, not at all. People are humans first and foremost, not of a race. The majority of all humans are decent and kind. Some are asses. Only a minute fraction are racist bc it goes against what people are truly are, humans. Unless there have been numerous other incidents that involve Donaldson (there have not been) that show he is racist or partook in racism then imo he has as a person and human being has earned that trust to not throw around those labels or statements. Insensitive, absolutely Disrespectful. Definitely Is he an ass, yup But that's where it ends imo.
  8. So are you of the opinion that.... To solve racism we must practice racism You wanna know what the result of that will be, more racism in response to the racism that is in response to racism Its a never ending loop that has to be cut off or it will never end.
  9. Did TA's skin color change since 2019.... Did Donaldson's skin color change since 2019 No? So it wasn't a racist comment in 2019, 2020, or 2021 and their skin color has not changed and TA even didn't call it a racist comment when he could have.....wanna know why.....bc its not a racist comment. Is it a disrespectful comment, sure. Is Donaldson an ass, sure. But who called it a racist comment first, a 80 year old mouth piece for the image conscious team that was probably told what to say specifically which is why he wouldn't comment further. Is it a racist comment if Hicks said it TA, no Is it a racist comment if a white player calls himself the next Babe Ruth and a black player calls him Babe over a 3 year span making fun of him....no Is it racist if an Asian player calls himself the next ichiro and another race calls him ichiro...no The concept of looking at everything through the lens of color is inherently racist in its own right because it is based in treating those of different races separately Bringing racism into something that is entirely devoid of racism is the problem with things today We are all one. So people need to stop looking at a person's skin color and defining what they are allowed to do and not do based on their skin color....thats racism in its purist form
  10. This is all over nothing. No punishments bc its over nothing. Just 2 hot heads doing what they do best and trying to get under guys skin. It sucks that the world blows up nothing into something but that's the way it is now. They both need to shut up and play baseball
  11. Bennetti doesn't know baseball. Yankees aren't pitching around Leury. Just couldn't find the strikezone and Leury sucks so bad he swung at ball 3, ball 4 and ball 5
  12. So more patience was good but still not enough as 3 straight strikeouts were all on balls (2 weren't close)
  13. I still think we win if the big guys can focus on and execute hitting to right field vs Cortes
  14. Oh and righties need to focus on going away to right field heavily (especially with a very short porch in right)
  15. If the coaches can drive home being selective at the plate and not swinging at balls i think we win. So many early swing and swings out of the zone last time vs Cortes (and every game for that matter).
  16. Moncada is and has to be in the 2 hole. Hitting coach and TLR are mia and need to be fired so they aren't gonna all of a sudden preach patience when the entire team hitting philosophy for 2022, outside of like 2 guys, is "Swing at every pitch and hope you make contact"
  17. TA and Robert back to back just can't ever be allowed to happen again. 2 pitches and 2 outs far too often leads to the opposing SP going deeper into games
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