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whitesoxwinner last won the day on December 4 2021

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  1. "The team would be worth more out of town"- Jerry. If that is true, it is entirely on him. I hate him. Looking forward to the day he is gone
  2. Northbrook bob seemingly threw cold water in his reply to your tweet implying that we still have to wait for Jerry's demise for the full sale of the team, but I agree in that this probably puts the succession plan in place to the ishibas
  3. https://www.azcentral.com/story/sports/mlb/diamondbacks/2015/09/16/diamondbacks-tony-la-russa-phil-nevin-could-hot-managerial-candidate/72343042/ I was right yet again. Not sure why many posters here thought it was shumacher. It would've been had he wanted the job. But he didn't want the job, and that was clear. Why would he quit the marlins just to go to the white sox?
  4. Thank you Lip Man. Don't know if I already did, but wanted to congratulate you on your end of season award from the sox. Thank you for all you do for the fans. With that said, have you seen this article from barstool carl? Feels like a good summary of what could happen. Here is the link: https://www.barstoolsports.com/blog/3529249/billionaire-governor-jb-pritzker-refuses-to-buy-the-white-sox-a-new-stadium
  5. Skip didn't want the job I'd guess he was first choice
  6. seems like a tony hire. Nothing will change until reinsdorf is dead or sells. Then we are off to nashville anyway
  7. isn't it just an extension of the sales tax at hotels? Not like any chicago resident will see an increase in taxes. They may if the state continues to fund free healthcare for noncitizens however!
  8. I might be a rockies fan but would probably give up on baseball altogether. Not the game we all once fell in love with. Kind of boring ever since the inception of the sabremetric era
  9. Yes, former CEO of starbucks. She purchased a minority interest in my Broncos as well
  10. Is it possible that Reinsdork could be doing Dave Stewart & TLR a favor with the MLB by signaling to them that they are still serious about owning an expansion team and that they have the potential investors? While letting other potential bidders know it is time for a sale? With this disastrous TV deal, the business climate seemingly no longer makes much sense to Reinsdorf.
  11. @raBBit mentioning the last sentence is of interest on twitter. Could he be announcing the intention to sell or the plans to build a new stadium?? Anyone with inside scoop here have any clue?
  12. Crochet will not be dealt today, and that's about it
  13. He's one but there are a few others with different screen names. They did say paul dejong to the royals before it was reported
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