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turnin' two

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Everything posted by turnin' two

  1. He is the worst. Ugh. Can't wait for him to be gone, I just hope he doesn't ruin baseball in the meantime in hopes of shaving 24 seconds off the average game time. Its like he hates baseball, and he hates people that love baseball.
  2. Ha, so true, and it is often Leury. That being said, he is a very valuable member of the team, his flexibility is huge. He can play just about anywhere competently. He doesn't need to be a great hitter, though I'd say he is certainly a good enough hitter.
  3. I think the most likely scenario is that Rodon has the job out of spring training, gets hurt, Lopez carries it for a while, then Kopech takes it.
  4. This year's team. Book it. At least until next year.
  5. Dude. It sounds like you were the A hole and your team didn't like you. That doesn't necessarily equate to Madrigal. To me it seems like the team giving him some good natured shit after he said something stupid. You know, like friends do.
  6. I'm all for it. I would have preferred a pitcher as well, but that ship has seemingly sailed. I think you could find him enough ABs by rotating through him through giving Eloy, Eaton, Vaughn and Abreu (with Vaughn at 1B) and maybe even occasionally in RF with Eaton in CF to give Robert a day (rarely seems best here). Cespedes can really hit. If he is cheap, and you aren't really counting on him as a big middle of the order bat (because he isn't reliable) I'd give him a shot. If you get good Cespedes, he could really make a difference, if he is hurt or bad, well you didn't really need him anyways.
  7. This is the worst "my bad" I've ever seen.
  8. I feel like I can hear Manfred trying to convince teams that they should be able to end innings early in regular games, you know, to speed the game up.
  9. Boy does Adolfo look the part. He had a couple of really nice ABs too.
  10. Great work and thank you for the info. Can't help but to really want Burger to succeed.
  11. What do you think, over/under 500 posts where you tell everyone how much you dislike TLR? I'm going over.
  12. From what I saw, TA said he was upset that Ricky was let go, I didn't see anything where he said he was specifically against TLR in any way. But I may have missed it, if you have a link to something else, I'd read it.
  13. Hope you all stay safe! Its just winter here, but for you guys, its new and dangerous. Accelerate slowly, and turn slowly. Make sure you have weight over the wheels (in a RWD vehicle)
  14. It was like 2o when I walked the dog yesterday. Our warmest walk in like 2 weeks. Felt tropical, I didn't even have to wear 125 layers.
  15. You must have been giggling with delight to post this. I wonder how accurate they were with his projection last year.
  16. Upon first reading I definitely thought John Kruk was the head athletic trainer. I was confused.
  17. Has anyone ever seen Ray Ray and RagahRagah in the same room together?
  18. Do you somehow know this conversation happened? Seems disgusting to somehow imply the parents are making out like bandits an celebrating over their kids death.
  19. I'm not sure if Manfred hates baseball, or just hates people that love baseball.
  20. I think they definitely cheaped out. By spending 8 million (ish) on Quintana, and 8 million (ish) on Rosario, this team could have had a good dependable 4th starter, and a LH bat that could DH (and play some OF in a pinch). Obviously time will tell, but I think these additions, for not really a lot by MLB payroll standards, could have taken this from a really good team, to what is certainly the favorite in the AL Central, and probably the AL.
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