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turnin' two

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Everything posted by turnin' two

  1. Nothing to do with your post, but I've been meaning to tell you, I couldn't love your picture more.
  2. GME ending on round numbers 3 days in a row is interesting.
  3. I'm not worried about Cleveland, but the fact that the Sox could have signed Quintana and Rosario for 16 million-ish is frustrating. Those guys would have filled out the Sox roster perfectly in my opinion.
  4. Wow. Hats off to you. I never have much luck with short term stuff, as was mentioned above. But congrats! Have yourself a tycoon level drink.
  5. Oh shit, they're licensed? Then they can't possibly be up to no good.
  6. Now if only the Sox made any money, then they'd be able to actually sign the free agents they need.
  7. Every time it slips into my consciousness I laugh. Can't help it.
  8. It is just so disappointing that this team is really on the cusp of being among the best in baseball, and just a couple of low and mid level contracts would get them there, and they can't pull the trigger. Its demoralizing.
  9. Hopefully Jerry put money in Gamestop. Then we could sign Bauer.
  10. Most importantly, who is the big run tomorrow?
  11. That's insane. This is so bizarre. I can't stop watching. Haha.
  12. AMC has really leveled off after moving a ton in pre-hours trading.
  13. Yes it can. https://www.baseball-reference.com/register/player.fcgi?id=vaughn000and
  14. I may be dense, but I use it when something makes me laugh, not as a way to indicate that I think that something was silly or ridiculous.
  15. Hahaha! Wow. You just blew my mind. I thought he had TJ. Hahah. That is great news. Even if it is old news that needed correction in my brain.
  16. I don't know. If the Sox were going to add 35 million in salary, I don't think this is how I would spend it.
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