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turnin' two

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Everything posted by turnin' two

  1. Matt Holiday speaking well of him on MLB radio right now. I think I found our new RF.
  2. Well, we know what is on deck when Hawk replaces Hahn as GM at least.
  3. The last 2 managers Hahn have hired are Ventura and Ricky. Maybe it is better that he didn't make the hire.
  4. By the way, I see by you are a Hot Chicken Connoisseur, I've had Hattie B's what should I try next time I'm down there? Any recommendations?
  5. Wasn't meant to be any hate at all. Sorry, just poking fun. I apologize.
  6. Yeah, people with different view points can work together.
  7. Judging anything by how twitter handles it is not the best life choice.
  8. Just don't get your heart set on it. I'd hate if you had to move again.
  9. Analytics are great for big picture stuff. That is what they are. Numbers that play out over a large sample size. Trying to boil that down to make it work in a one game situation is a misuse of the data.
  10. Well, pretty sure Tony wouldn't have pulled Blake Snell like that yesterday, so he's got that going for him. *** haha sorry. Not caught up. I was going to make a joke, but then looking up like 2 posts, well peoples undies are in a bunch so... sorry!
  11. I can't stand either candidate. I'm voting for Kanye. The idea of Kim K. as first lady really amuses me. So that's what I'm going for. I live in Illinois, by the way, so my vote doesn't really matter.
  12. Can we just rename this thread the anything but Bauer thread?
  13. Man, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice... This is still Mazara talk??? Holy moly.
  14. Man, did this thread prank me. I came for Trevor Bauer updates and got Nomar Mazara updates. Well played jerks.
  15. I think Roberts does exactly what his front office tells him to do.
  16. What'd Berkman have to do with anything? Isn't he coaching in college somewhere? Say it aint so Big Puma/ Fat Elvis!
  17. This goes double for cops that don't want to speak up about criminal elements in police departments. Yeah. Fuck integrity and ethics. Do what is best for yourself. Honor is just some word that doesn't do anything and can't be measured anyways. Get your own. Fiers is an asshole traitor.
  18. So there are rumblings that the Nats may decline Adam Eaton's option. What are people's opinions on him in RF?
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