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turnin' two

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Everything posted by turnin' two

  1. Dude. Not sure wishing death on other people is a good way to demonstrate that you "give a fuck about people".
  2. There are plenty of people that have jobs while they are in college. And most of those jobs don't pay very well.
  3. I have a college student cousin that is doing child care for us over the summer, the problem is, even though her classes are online next semester, the school is making the students show up on campus. I have no idea why, I assume so they have to pay room and board.
  4. Meh. They are basically in the same situation as millions of other people.
  5. Anyone remember the Bill Walton game? That was amazing.
  6. Just wanted to say, thanks for continually doing this.
  7. With all dead there's only one thing you can do. Go through his pockets and look for loose change.
  8. Is it too much to hope that Angel Hernandez has opted out? That could help to redeem 2020 a bit.
  9. Yeah. Entirely. Never said or implied otherwise. Don't know why anyone would ever take him seriously. That is part of the reason why we have worse infection and death rates than whipping boy Sweden, but Illinois has some of that responsibility too.
  10. Damn solid burn bruh. I'm gonna go be embarrassed because I value your opinion so highly.
  11. Yeah, I was totally embarrassed by Illinois doing a terrific job and only having 150k cases and barely over 7K deaths. Outstanding. I didn't see much info to counter that. And still don't understand how it is anything but poor. I saw a lot of excuses for why we blew up early. And saw information that we have done better lately, with which I obviously agreed.
  12. Yeah, don't you know you aren't allowed to change your opinion? Even when faced with more information.
  13. That is one heck of a largemouth in AJ's profile picture.
  14. Illinois did a great job in June. And so far in July. But this state, especially Chicago (area) was a shit show in April and May. I just fail to see how having the number of cases and deaths pretty much exactly in line with our population (5th in population, 6th in cases, 4th in deaths) is some sort of win. With only one exception, the states with more cases than Illinois have more people. And the exception is New Jersey, which is a pretty unique circumstance. Everything is going well now, and has been for about a month, and that is commendable. But it isn't like Illinois is some beacon that handled this exceedingly well. It could very well be that we were just into our curve sooner, so we are on the downside sooner. And I don't know that having an pointing out a high amount of cases and deaths is nitpicking. The states nearest to Illinois in population all have drastically fewer cases. Ohio and Pennsylvania are the closest to Illinois in population. Pennsylvania has more people, and 60K fewer cases, and slightly fewer deaths. Ohio has a million fewer people, but 90k fewer cases, and less than half the deaths of Illinois. Based on those numbers, it is pretty clear that both those states have done better to this point. Also, I don't mean this as an indictment on JB. I think he has done fine. Illinois as a whole. But it is very clear that I am the only one that thinks this way. So I guess I am looking at things wrong. So I'll join Tony and drop the mic on 150K people with COVID and 7,020 dead. I mean, there are a whole 3 states with more fatalities. Hooray!
  15. Were you following the conversation? I'll humor you. If you compare Stockholm county and Cook county (that's how I could easily find the numbers -and I'm not going to pretend to be an expert on Swedish geography) the infection rate in Stockholm county is 8% and in Cook it is 7.6%. The death rate in Stockholm county is .98%. In Cook County it is .91%. So pretty comparable on the numbers. But Cook county is twice as large. That's why I used Sweden as a whole. It has about 10 million people. Illinois has about 12 million. I did say earlier, there isn't a perfect comparison for Illinois. Even if you use the closest states in population, they are different, they don't have so much of the population located in such a small region of the state. But, as I mentioned, the states closest to Illinois in population, have somewhere around 50-60% (ish - I don't exactly remember. Ohio was better than that and Georgia was worse) of the cases. I just don't see why anyone would think we have done a great job. I later used Sweden as an example because they have been completely panned for their crappy response, and their rates are surprisingly similar to what we have here in Illinois.
  16. Except I was clearly talking about Illinois, not the entire US, so....
  17. Sweden? We have higher infection and death rates than Sweden, who really took a laissez faire approach. But ok, that's fine. Obviously the comparison's aren't perfect. I was adding them just for a bit of perspective. There isn't a perfect comparison. Georgia, Pennsylvania and Ohio are about the closest population-wise, but all are different from Illinois. All have fewer cases than Illinois, but Georgia is gaining, but still below 50% of where Illinois is, but I wouldn't be surprised if they caught up. Pennsylvania and Ohio each have about 60K fewer cases and have a similar trend to us.
  18. I think he has done ok actually. And I think that overall Illinois has done ok. But I think it is a bit rosy to pretend that Illinois has done an more than an average job. I stated the volume stats to add a little perspective. CWS added that Illinois is the 5th most populous state. We are 6th in cases and 4th in deaths. Pretty much right where you would put Illinois based on population. But that's why I added the other countries in. Illinois has twice as many cases as Sweden, who has basically been a whipping boy. And yes, Illinois has more people, but 12 mil to 10 mil. And twice the cases. We have 50K more cases than Canada. At 1/3 of the population basically. We only have 20K fewer cases than all of France. Not all of that is the fault of Illinois, but I don't think we are some sort of beacon as to how to handle this thing.
  19. Ok. So much for following the data though. Illinois has the 4th highest death total, and there are only 13 countries (not counting the US) that have more deaths than Illinois. But I guess that is just me.
  20. Yeah, there are factors. But claiming Lightfoot or Chicago or Illinois did some sort of good job seems silly to me. But maybe that's just me.
  21. Chicago definitly deserves a blue ribbon. I mean, there are a whole 5 states with more cases than Illinois. And we (Illinois) barely have 50K more cases than like the countries of Canada and Argentina. And there were barely any videos of people having mass get togethers and huge parties as Chicago was peaking. Yeah, we love science.
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