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turnin' two

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Everything posted by turnin' two

  1. The NC Dino's have been doing something similar in the KBO. Not sure if they are charging people, but they have had fans, personalities and mascots behind home plate.
  2. What percentage of people follow those though? I drive a ton for work...well back in olden times I did anyways. And the amount of people I'd see texting while driving is astronomical. The amount of people that video chat while driving is insane. How many people are issued speeding tickets every year? And that is probably what, 1/100 of people that speed? How many DUIs? Driving without a license? People ignore those laws like crazy. The point is that people ignore all sorts of rules. Rules intended to protect themselves and others. People are stupid and selfish. That was completely evident long before this outbreak.
  3. If you couldn't tell that was a joke, I apologize. I tried to make it evident alluding to the fact that sneezing could be similar to screwing. But I get that on message boards things don't always translate.
  4. If you can't tell the difference between sneezing and fucking, you're doing one of them really wrong, or really right.
  5. Yikes. That seems crazy. I think any player movement will be pretty darn minimal.
  6. With 60 games in 61 days, you think McCann is only going to play 15 games?
  7. I don't know. I don't know if a state did better than Ohio. And I don't know if a state did worse than New York (which now in a morbidly hilarious twist is banning visitors, after New Yorkers spread this thing like wildfire all across the country). Everyone is pointing to Texas as a disaster right now, rightfully so, and blaming republican leadership, which is probably right, but California is worse right now than Texas. They all suck. In general, the way that a disease has been politicized has been completely ridiculous and shameful. A complete national disaster.
  8. Both parties are symptoms. The dems are also responsible for Trump, though they wouldn't admit it. They some how chose a candidate that was less relatable to the middle of the political spectrum than a brash billionaire most well known for firing people. They have also been espousing policies that are far enough away from what the middle wants, it makes them uncomfortable. Then those people have to make a choice between two things they see as bad choices. As someone that does not see much relatable in either party, it becomes a matter of which one of these candidates and parties is least worse? Which one most is at odds with what is important to you? Personally I voted 3rd party last time, to basically protest vote that I hated both candidates ( I live in Illinois, my presidential vote doesn't really matter anyways, if I lived in a battleground state, I probably would have taken it more seriously and made a real choice). Both parties are a mess. And both are to blame for the political mess we have today. Both have been run by special interests and have no real intention of serving the people of this country.
  9. My daughter is in 1st grade at a Catholic school, and I have no doubt her teacher worked much harder in the spring than she would have in a normal year. She (again, 1st grade) and 6-7 zoom meetings a week, online coursework to do, as well as her normal allotment of homework. I would say she easily had 5-6 hours of work to do per day. Her teacher had all assignments and coursework posted by 5am every morning. She was hosting the zooms, she was available for talking to the kids and parents. She was fantastic. My daughter had additional Spanish assignments posted every week, and even her gym teacher would post exercises and things like that on their google classroom page. I think her school did a tremendous job, and I think her workload got her to, at least pretty much where she would have been if she had been in the classroom. Thankfully, though, at least for now, the dioceses has said that the schools will be open in the fall.
  10. I would certainly go to a game this year. Make masks mandatory, Easy enough to distance with how seats are sold, and it would be outdoors. Seems like it would be low enough risk for me to participate.
  11. I don't get why the players would reject this deal at this point in time.
  12. Love it. Great article and thanks for the insights. Always great to add more great arms to the system. A couple things I really like here, the first round pick doesn't immediately become the top prospect, as has been the case in the past. Heck, here guys with pretty elite stuff hardly (or don't) crack the top 5. I also really like that cluster of pitchers sitting 5-8. A couple guys with great minor league track records and a couple new guys with great stuff. I like the balance there. Thanks guys, for another great article.
  13. Again, I have to ask, does MLB care? They have never done the slightest thing to try to curb tanking.
  14. I think it was easy to interpret what he meant was that the cost of ownership compared to a regular vehicle. Obviously much less maintenance and fuel costs.
  15. Do we know what transactions will be allowed under this agreement? Is it likely there would be some sort of August trade deadline? No trades at all? You'd think it would be hard to get a deal together with no minor leaguers to even scout. You'd be using old information to make a trade, that seems exceptionally risky. If rosters are expanded could it be worth it to carry both, just to see what you have?
  16. Ptatc, You have been absolutely on fire lately. Signed, me.
  17. He saw something that he could force into alignment with his good guy / bad guy narrative.
  18. It shows that it was a negotiation tool that worked. The union is also reportedly waiving any grievance. It is almost like each side gave a little to come to a deal that works for both.
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