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turnin' two

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Everything posted by turnin' two

  1. I can't love this post enough. Get going boys!
  2. It drives me crazy, that most of the people that I see not wearing masks, are the exact people that need the protection. Its like, we are all doing this to save your life, you could at least give the smallest shit about it.
  3. I would guess the guy that registered for an account just to make controversial posts on the Covid thread isn't interested in actually having a discussion.
  4. So, do you think there may have been more cases imported from China if there weren't travel restrictions placed on China?
  5. That't not true at all. He has continually pointed out that both sides are stupid.
  6. Trevor Bauer is mercurial and mediocre. I'd rather have a mid 4 ERA starter that wasn't always trying to be the center of attention.
  7. I didn't say hours cut did I? I meant a change in their rate of pay and in the benefits which they receive. I was laid off, and recently brought back, at a 10% rate reduction for (at least) the remainder of this year, along with everyone in my division. Literally thousands of people -- and I know it isn't just me, because it was mentioned in a conference call when the onboarding process was being laid out -- 10% cut for everyone. I know people in my family that have had their rates decreased. I know friends that have had their rates decreased. Not hours, a straight reduction in their salaries. There are many others that I have spoken with that have lost things like a 401K match, and even PTO accruals. Honestly I didn't respond to your pro rata comment right away because I thought it was tongue in cheek, until someone else commented.
  8. I mean, it isn't proof, but anecdotally, just about everyone I've spoken with is having some sort of pay and or benefit adjustment.
  9. The owners can try to negotiate it later all they want. Who says they won't anyways? The players could even use this to get in writing that they owners will abandon any thoughts of pushing this into the future CBA.
  10. Why is this true? Not enough extenuating circumstances this year?
  11. But even that is stupid. It is such a weird hill to die on. They would make more, bottom line, in 65 games at 85% ( 341,049 per million) than in 50 full pro rata (308,642 per million). They would make more in 81 games at 85% (425,000) than 65 full pro rata(401,234). Yeah, making less per game, and I get that, but for playing another 15 games, they'd make an additional 32.5K per million. (in the 50 vs 65 game scenario). That's basically another 100K for a guy making 3 million. For what comes down to 15 games? And if they are putting some sort of playoff split on top of it, it shouldn't be that difficult of a decision. If you got laid off due to covid, and your employer said you can come back at your full rate in September, or you can come back at 85% now, which would you take? Yeah, your rate goes down, but your overall bottom line is quite a bit better. It is like no one negotiating has a brain at all. And that no one that works for the MLB or MLBPA has any idea how to basically use excel. Or, they just want to spite the other side so badly they don't really care. Right now they are looking at a 50 game season with regular playoffs. Basically a worst case scenario for the owners and players. Congratulations you idiots, you have successfully negotiated a deal where everyone involved (including the fans, the oft neglected stakeholders) loses. Freaking morons. Both sides have handled this as poorly as they possibly could have.
  12. I was on the Able train, but I think I like this better. It spreads the risk a little at least. Two HS pitchers carries more risk than the HS/College combo (though always plenty of risk). Both still have high ceilings and TOR stuff. And if we just pretend everything works out, this spreads out their timetables a little bit as well. I'd have to guess Crochet is at least 2 years ahead of Kelley (not an expert, just a guess), so having them separated a little may be a good thing.
  13. MLB doesn't ever do anything to dissuade tanking correct?
  14. I absolutely love this draft. They hauled in 2 of the best arms in the draft. I love it. I would trade my 2nd 3rd and 4th picks for another top 15 pick every time. And the great thing about the MLB draft, is that you don't even need a trade partner, just a willing player. In a way it is similar to what they did last year, except they traded for basically 2 second round picks. I love it. Get as much high end talent as possible.
  15. I heard (part of) an interview with Mick Abel today. He seemed like a very impressive kid. He was talking about his workouts during quarantine, seems like he is very into analytics, also sounds like he recently added (and sharpened) a curveball which he thinks will be a huge pitch for himself. It was on MLB Network Radio, again, very impressive. Without ever having seen him pitch, but knowing a bit of his reputation and hearing his interview, I have to say, I'd be pretty happy if the Sox took him. Edit: If you are a Sirius subscriber, the show is available on demand, it is MLB Roundtrip with Perfect Game, from this afternoon.
  16. This seems quite reasonable and achievable to me.
  17. I mean, they just upgraded the charges to 2nd degree murder. Why do you think the charges will be dropped?
  18. @southsider2k5 Not quoting for obvious reasons, but that's the worst post ever. I refreshed my screen twice before getting to the bottom because I though something was freaking out. Hahah.?
  19. Ah, thanks. I had forgotten that. That probably minimizes the chances of that happening.
  20. In light of financial struggles teams may be experiencing, is there any thought that some teams may pick a guy, lowball the offer in hopes of not signing him to save money and just push the pick to next year when things will (hopefully) be more certain and scouting could be done more thoroughly?
  21. This is probably the pick that I'd be least excited about. It may be the most sensible (read: safest, and very White Sox) pick though.
  22. Nothing worse than having a lefty who can throw 95.
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