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turnin' two

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Everything posted by turnin' two

  1. But then there is this too... https://news.yahoo.com/as-more-states-reopen-georgia-defies-predictions-of-coronavirus-resurgence-whats-the-lesson-for-the-rest-of-the-country-164734815.html Which certainly seems to be good news. Maybe if people continue being cautious and smart, some things can start to open up a bit. Especially with some warmer weather coming.
  2. I've been taking a lot of cool ranch. Seems to keep Covid away...
  3. Without seeing any names, I have to say I love this layout. Thanks!
  4. Just to be Devil's Advocate... https://news.google.com/covid19/map?hl=en-US&mid=%2Fm%2F0npz6&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen 58 confirmed cases in Douglas County, Kansas. You can probably behave a little differently in that situation and still be relatively safe, at least compared to somewhere like Cook Co., IL.
  5. It doesn't really make sense to be carrying on the negotiations in public. Snell (or other players) don't really have anything to gain by doing stuff like this. This would irritate the crap out of me if I was Tony Clark.
  6. Just want to say again how much I think this is complete horse crap. What a terrible set up this is.
  7. So you are being critical because Hansen is a different kind of pitcher than Cavalli? Like it says in the article exactly?
  8. Its a nice try, but you have clearly never been to a bar in Wisconsin.
  9. Of course they aren't wearing masks. You can't drink through an N95. Duh.
  10. Well, like I said, I'm no pro, but it sounds like he can hit, along with hitting for power, and I think the Sox have CF covered for a while, so if he is LF, that isn't really a big deal. Just curious, in the system right now, who do you like more aside from the obvious in Robert? I would think he'd be the only one rated higher if Kjerstad was drafted.
  11. Yeah, I think that would be a great way to go too, I just don't see it happening in the first round, especially with this situation, but new regime, so who knows.
  12. I wonder if this is mostly speculation, or if there has been some smoke linking the Sox to him. I'm no pro, but I'm with you on the direction. Bailey seems like a fine pick, and wouldn't seem to be a reach or anything. But I'd prefer one of the pitchers(Kelley, Meyer or Crochet), Kjerstad or Howard I think.
  13. There maybe one positive casualty of Covid. Having to watch pitchers hit.
  14. Am I wrong, or are you the dude that had the hair cut appointment scheduled like 3 days ago? If so, you seem super hypocritical with this.
  15. I think this is also a function of getting news from twitter/ social media. All people do is look at the headline and don't try to read more or try to understand what is happening.
  16. My bride works for Northwestern. They are testing people with symptoms, and people that have upcoming procedures planned.
  17. Wow, looks great. You have some real talent.
  18. Isn't this exactly what you would expect if these people have been social distancing?
  19. And for all the crap people give Greg about wanting to get a haircut...
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