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turnin' two

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Everything posted by turnin' two

  1. Lightfoot was in the news a couple weeks ago after pictures of her getting a haircut made the rounds after the stay at home orders. She said she had to because "she takes her hygiene seriously".
  2. And if you take your gun and point it at someone and shoot, it is murder. They are different based on intent.
  3. I just want to be sure, in your view, it is similar to 1)know you have aids, fuck someone knowing they will likely have aids after that, and 2)not knowing you have Covid, and breathing near someone giving them covid. Those are similar situations? Not advocating for people not wearing masks. Obviously they should. But that is quite the line to draw.
  4. I honestly don't even comprehend how anyone that thinks of themselves as "patriotic" could ever have anything to do with the confederate flag of nazis. Those are the two biggest affronts to what this country has stood for in its history, and an association with those things is essentially treasonous.
  5. The wars were really just the easiest, most easily comprehendable examples. Not only in terms of lives, but in terms of all around damage. Slavery obviously is as well and is the original sin of the US. And its culmination was the Civil War. It is just too bad that the baptism of fire that was the civil war didn't completely purge the traces of that sin from our country. People were willing to fight and die for the rights of people to own people. Some citizens of the United States no longer wanted to be part of the United States so they could own people. Slavery always had the chance to undo the United States. The country had been on that collision course ever since the revolution. It wasn't just a crisis for America. It was a crime against humanity. That, whether you define it as slavery or as the Civil War, is clearly the biggest crisis to face these United States.
  6. Ok, you convinced me. This is way worse than the Civil War, in which over 600,000 soldiers died. Additionally at least another 50K civilians died. By most estimates, over 50K died in 3 days at Gettysburg. It is also worse than WWII, in which over 400,000 servicemen lost their lives, and ushered in the nuclear age. No big deal. This is way worse. It is a more dire moment for the nation than when the British invaded Washington DC and burned the White house and the Capitol. We can just ignore the entire revolution as well, it wasn't that serious. Try to have a little perspective.
  7. That doesn't mean you shouldn't point it out. But it really isn't worth this much conversation I guess. Its just a silly thing to say at a time where a lot of silly things are being said. So I guess you're right.
  8. Doubt it. He loves the attention of his adoring fans.
  9. People keep saying this. It isn't remotely close to true. This country, has several time, been on the brink of not existing. This kind of hyperbole helps people to dismiss that this is a serious crisis.
  10. Didn't mean it as a slight or insult. It was intended as a lighthearted jest. Sorry if I did it in the wrong way.
  11. I have to re-convince myself every day that Caufield isn't just an article posting bot.
  12. Isn't part of that equation also a first round pick, top 50 CF prospect who had gold glove potential as well has had hit pretty darn well in the minors? And the DH had put up close to 9 oWAR in the previous 2 seasons as well (not counting a very injury shortened 05...though I guess that would have to play in as well). I guess my take, is that even now, it is hard to second guess when the organization was so high on Anderson. It is the inclusion of Gio that makes it more questionable. Rowand for Thome should have been about a straight swap. But even that is probably just knowing what he would become in hindsight.
  13. And yet... Buehrle was better than McDowell (ERA, WHIP, Win % ( and wins still mattered as both guys averaged more than 7IP)) Fernandez and Garcia were like, the same. Creepily so. Garland and Alvarez were close, slight advantage to Alvarez in ERA, more substantial advantage to Garland in WHIP, very similar. Contreras was a bit better than Bere. That is no slight on Bere, who as a 23 year old went 12-2 and K'd 8 guys per 9, with a biiig fastball, and put up a good ERA though lots of BBs as well. But Contreras was a monster in the 2nd half ,and was better across the board. Bere gets the nod in win %, (.857!!!) but averaged about 5.2 IP, where Contreras averaged just over 6.1 (and still had a great win % of .682) Buehrle and Contreras make the difference. However you chose to match them up, I think those two end up as advantages for the 05. So I'd say, the 05 team beats them.
  14. 1994 didn't have the chance, it isn't that they lost. They're the ultimate what could have been, or at least they were until 2005. I loved both of those teams, and the 94 team was right when I was learning to love baseball. Frank Thomas was at the absolute peak of his powers. Just unreal numbers. (.353/38/101 and 353/.487/.729 (?!?!?!?!?)) Keep in mind that wasn't even a full season Frank put up those numbers (and 34 doubles) in 113 games. I mean a 1.217 OPS, cmon, that isn't fair. Ventura, DJ, Raines, One Dog, Ozzie, Cora, and the already old, and would play like 100 more years, Julio Franco. It was a great group to follow. The pitching was really good too. Black Jack was already established as an ace, and Fernandez, Alvarez and Bere were all young guns coming into their own. It was a super fun team. But, with that said, I think the 05 team was better. The staff was better top to bottom, the bullpen was better (it seems like everyone in the pen had a career year that year, and stepped up into any role.). The lineup. Well the lineup has to go to the 94 team. Frank alone would carry that. Other than Frank, it is really close. The 05 team hit for more power (game changed) but the 94 team walked a lot more and actually had a better team SLG (Thanks Frank!). They actually BBed about 60 more times in about 50 fewer games. Wow, I didn't recall this, but Konerko was the only guy to BB more than 42 times in 05. That's crazy. Offensively I'm taking 94. Overall, 05. They're close though. At least I think they are. Haha.
  15. Look how close he was to missing the perfecto because he didn't cover 1st on the first batter. Whew.
  16. That doesn't seem to be the case at all. There are plenty of countries with socialized health care that are experiencing (or experienced) a lot of trauma and death. Saying Norway or Sweden is a case for national health case is just as biased as saying Italy and the UK aren't. It is a far more complicated issue in general, as is how different countries have approached covid. And you pointed out earlier, Sweden's overall health makes it a terrible comparison for the US. In general the health of the US is problematic for socialized health care. As you mentioned, Sweden has the 2nd lowest obesity rates in the world. The US, I think, is 2nd highest. If Bubba and Betty can't invest in their health at all, eat fast food 8 meals a week, only drink Pepsi, smoke a pack a week, never exercise, and never make a healthy choice, why should other people have to invest in their health?
  17. Am I wrong or is his wealth increase due to Amazon's stock price? Do you think this pandemic has helped Amazon? Do you think people would be better off with or without Amazon during this pandemic? I know my household uses Amazon a lot, and that has increased over the last month. People aren't shoveling money to Bezos. They are buying from his company and investing in his company, which drives shares up and increases his personal net worth. If you want in, buy Amazon stock.
  18. The numbers for the US are crazy, in that ,at least to this pont, just under half the cases are right about New York City. There are almost 400K (out of just about a million) cases between NY and NJ, and likewise, about 28.5K deaths out of 56K. New York was just ravaged by this. With it being an international travel hub, very high density, lots of public transit, it was just a perfect cauldron to incubate a bad outbreak. Its brutal.
  19. I have been amazed at so many new cases every day, in light of social distancing. https://www.yahoo.com/news/coronavirus-illinois-video-surfaces-allegedly-201842256.html People are just idiots. That's how it keeps up.
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