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turnin' two

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Everything posted by turnin' two

  1. It really is impossible to compare across eras. Walsh in part of an era that is almost "tall-tale-ish" by now. He is the all time leader in ERA and in FIP. He is an all time great from the era. He deserves to be as revered as guys like Christy Mathewson and Walter Johnson. Would he be dominant in today's game? Really there is no way to know. Just like there is no way to know how Eddie Collins would have hit in today's game. That doesn't diminish what they accomplished at all. They are all time greats, and some of the best players of their era. I'd think it is completely fair to include them because of that, or exclude them because we never saw them so who knows.
  2. Albert Belle makes me want to barf -- not that he didn't absolutely mash, but you know, just in general.
  3. Anyone here see Frozen? I've seen it like a million times. There is a part where the trolls are singing, and they say "People make bad choices when they are mad or scared or stressed. People everywhere are mad, scared and stressed. They don't know how to act. She could be like that retiree. I wonder why you prefer to look at it through the worst possible lens? Maybe your own biases? But as you said. We know nothing about this lady. Maybe she is mad over what we would say is no big deal. Maybe she's upset because as texsox said, maybe she lost her job, is facing foreclosure or eviction. Maybe she has seen her retirement completely destroyed. Maybe family members have lost their jobs. Maybe she hasn't been able to hold her granddaughter in 6 weeks. Who knows, maybe she is just an idiot. Whatever it is, she is out of sorts. And if there is no attempt at understanding why people are upset, it will just lead to more and worse conflict. A little empathy can really go a long way. If you throw a little love their way, you'll bring out their best.
  4. That truck was 100% built in Michigan. At the Warren truck plant. A plant that has been in operation since 1938 and converted from building cars to building tanks during WWII. Some of the Rams are built in Mexico, the regular cab and HD varieties. Right now, FCA has 2 plants (Sterling Heights and Warren) basically running to capacity ( at least before the shutdown) building Rams in Michigan. It is a powerful picture though. I understand that people are frustrated and scared by what is going on. People want their lives and livelihoods back. They want to enjoy a hard earned spring. But you can't protest and yell a virus away. And to do things that could enhance its spread are ridiculous. All we can really do, is hope and pray that the medical community and the much demonized pharma industry can come up with treatments and vaccines.
  5. This basically mirrors a story posted here (I believe) yesterday about blood donors in the Netherlands showing antibodies at about a 3% rate, which is drastically higher than their tested ratio. I also saw a story that said over 60% of the sailors that tested positive on the Roosevelt showed no symptoms. (I don't think this was the original article I saw, but wanted to post something for reference...) https://taskandpurpose.com/news/uss-theodore-roosevelt-sailors-coronavirus-asymptomatic
  6. It worked for the Daleys for generations. Seems worth a try.
  7. Some of the Michigan stuff seems bonkers to me. I mean, if you're already at Target, is there really a difference in popping over one aisle to buy a toy to occupy your kid? Or to buy some gardening stuff? I have a good friend that lives near a lake in Michigan. He can't take his boat out there alone, or go to cabin up north. But the crazy part, at least according to what he told me, is that if he had a kayak or canoe, he could take it out, the restriction is against boats with motors. So apparently it is the engine that spreads the virus? And while he can't go up North, it would be ok for me to drive in from Illinois to go to a cabin in Northern Michigan. That stuff makes no sense to me. And again, this is just based on what he told me, I didn't do a ton of research into it. But it seems so illogical, that is is just the sort of thing a politician would think of implementing.
  8. I've only ever owned Gibson electric guitars, but recently have been thinking about getting a Fender (at least when stuff gets back to normal...). Just wanted to see if anyone had any insight. Personally I kind of like the style of the Telecaster a little more than a Strat, but if anyone has any opinions on play-ability pickups (obviously 3 vs 2 but more tone wise), balance really anything I'd appreciate it, as obviously, I can't just drop in somewhere and go play them now. Its weird honestly, I don't think I've ever even picked up a Fender. I mostly play rock/blues and a bit of classic metal (read as Metallica...) stuff. Thanks in advance!
  9. Doesn't exactly change the point though. Seven years of Robert, starting now, is still better than 6 years of Franco, starting, next year? 2 years? it is still a check mark in the certainty column for Robert vs uncertainty for Franco.
  10. Franco is the only guy I think I'd even consider. But in the end, I'm keeping Robert, for a few reasons. First, honestly, a bit of emotional attachment (this is for me, not saying how a franchise should operate). I have been very heavily invested in following the path of Robert ever since the Sox were rumored to be interested. I'd hate to throw all that emotional attachment away. And for the record, no I am not John Paxon. Secondly, he fits perfectly. Robert is basically the perfect addition to this team right now. He fits positionally. He fits the window. He fits the lineup. He even fits the White Sox legacy of great Cuban players. He just fits. Third, is the contract. The Sox have already extended their control for 2 more prime years on Robert. Their ceilings are pretty darn close. The both have great potential to be star players with the bat and the glove in premium positions. They both have physical tools that are off the charts. They have both obliterated minor league pitching. Could Wander be better? Sure. Could Luis? Sure. And right now, quite simply, Robert is safer. When the season starts, he'll be in the bigs. He has arrived. He also signed an extension, which removes some uncertainty. His contract includes options, so that safeguards the team. Franco carries a little more risk, in that he is further away and in terms of contract status when he arrives. To me, even emotional attachment aside, I'm taking Robert.
  11. That's amazing . I really hope its true. The mental picture is so fun. Note** My mental picture includes a Dayan Vicedo type LF leisurely taking a couple steps toward the ball.
  12. Maybe it is at least partially due to the tremendous sacrifices people are making. Giving up seeing their family, going to work (and losing jobs entirely), giving up school and church, and graduations and prom, seeing friends, seeing grandkids, working out, playing at the park, beer league softball and generally shutting their lives down for more than a month.
  13. Someone has been reading Soxtalk... https://www.cbssports.com/mlb/news/chicago-white-sox-all-time-team-big-hurt-konerko-in-middle-of-lineup-buehrle-sale-in-rotation/
  14. The first time I did it, I had Robin 4th, because that's how they always hit. I also looked at it with Baines 4th, but in the end, I thought that was overthinking it. I think that of those 3 guys ( Paulie, Ventura, and Baines), Paulie is just plainly the best guy to hit 4th. The lineup balance with those guys, well I think it is pretty negligible. It isn't like Konerko struggled against RHP at all, so it isn't a weakness to have Thomas and Konerko back to back. In terms of pure pop, and hitting, I thought Konerko was the guy to hit 4th. The guys at 5-6-7-8 I could really seen an case for any of them being in any position. I could also see the the top being fairly interchangeable with Appling, Collins, and Minoso. All of those guys could hit anywhere in the lineup. Collins feels like a perfect 2 hitter in today's game. High Avg, High OBP, lots of XBH ( in todays game, I'd be many of those would now be HRs, but even if they weren't...I'd also bet he wouldn't be stealing 40+ bases a season in today's game). Minnie had more pop than Appling, so maybe he is better off more in the middle of the lineup? I do love the SB combination that Collins and Minoso offer (and Johnson to boot), that could cause some havoc and distraction in front of Frank and Co. And I left Jackson off, well, really for no good reason. I just love Minnie and put him in LF. The best way to get him in would be to sub him for Johnson and have either Jackson or Minnie in CF. That is obviously a much better offensive team. Then maybe I'd go Collins-Jackson-Thomas-Konerko-Minoso-Ventura-Fisk-Baines-Appling.
  15. Chicago area native John Prine died yesterday from complications due to Covid.
  16. It seems like the primaries keep pushing everything out wider and wider as candidates cater to their most frenzied supporters.
  17. Define it however you'd like. Your favorite players. The guys that in your opinion were the best. Combination of the two. Whatever you want. Here is mine: C -- Carlton Fisk 1B -- Paul Konerko 2B-- Eddie Collins SS-- Luke Appling 3B -- Robin Ventura LF -- Minnie Minoso CF -- Lance Johnson RF-- Harold Banies DH - Frank SP Ed Walsh SP Mark Buehrle SP Billy Pierce SP Jack McDowell SP Chris Sale Closer : Bobby ..... Thigpen I'd hit them ... Minoso (R), Collins( L), Thomas(R), Konerko(R), Ventura(L), Fisk(R), Baines(L), Appling(R), Johnson(L). My worst choice was leaving Magglio off. He was one of my all time favorite players, but so was Baines. I really wanted to cheat and say Minnie could man CF, to bring them both, but didn't want to go that route. Also I could have obviously DHed Baines and moved Frank to 1B, but Pauly needed to be in there more than Magglio. Appling vs. Aparicio was a difficult choice as well, with 2 great options. I ended up taking Appling simply because played for the Sox and no one else, and Aparicio had 8 seasons with other teams. I had to go with Bobby Thigpen, because literally my first memory of White Sox baseball is listening to my games with my Dad, and hearing John Rooney say "Thigpen ready" and it became the thought that went through my head every time, in the backyard, when I came set.
  18. Illinois did the same thing right? Politicians are politicians. They will press any advantage they have. All any of them care about is staying in power. If you think any politician cares about their constituents, well, I have some real estate to sell you. Its ridiculous to move forward with that election. Just a joke.
  19. Thank you for posting this stuff. I have to say this is the relevant information that I look for when I come into this thread. Thanks again.
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