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turnin' two

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Everything posted by turnin' two

  1. Some Charlie Morton fun. Pretty amazing. https://www.mlb.com/news/charlie-morton-s-pitch-movement-is-magic
  2. The White Sox average finish since Jerry has owned the team, 2.92. They have also finished second in the division 11 times. Which is more times than they have finished in any other place. They have finished 3rd 10 times. They have finished first 6 times. They have finished 4th 6 times. They have finished 5th 5 times. Never finished 6th, and once finished 7th. By the way, 5 of the 4th place finishes are the last 6 years.
  3. I feel like Mookie will be more valuable to another team. What I mean is that another team will be willing to give up more to acquire him because of what difference he could make for them in a one year window.
  4. While you are probably right, Leury would really, really help the Cubs right now.
  5. If it is him and Abreu, I think that is ok in the offensive side. I think, and it isn't a world shattering opinion, but I think they really need to add a high level SP. I kind of doubt they will though. In which case, we have to pray that Kopech is everything that his potential hints at. But adding Madrigal, Robert and Calhoun (as well as new look Collins) to this offense would certainly make it more interesting.
  6. Today, Marcel Ozuna said that it is his priority to stay with the Cardinals and that it is his agents job to make it happen.
  7. It is so frustrating that the organization continues to scoff at what is probably the best way to add impact talent. I get that they are young and there is a larger chance the guys don't pan out. But cmon. The entire pool is like 5.4 million. Why would you not invest it as aggressively as possible.
  8. Haha. Want to bet? JD has the permanent bunt sign.
  9. C 1B 2B SS 3B LF CF RF DH McCann-Abreu-Madrigal-Anderson-Moncada-Eloy-Robert-JD-Collins Collins-Abreu-Madrigal-Anderson-Moncada-Eloy-Robert-Leury-JD McCann-Collins-Madrigal-Anderson-Moncada-Eloy-JD-Abreu You could basically use the DH to rotate JD,Abreu and Collins through.
  10. https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/split.fcgi?t=b&id=anderti01&year=2019&team=&per162=1
  11. It was one thing to trade the slots when they were in penalty. To do it now is shameful, ignorant and lazy. If that is indeed how they proceed, it is a damning evidence to the competence and will to compete for this organization.
  12. No I didn't. Did you forget that he was completely overused the entirety of the playoffs? Do you think that may have had anything to do with it? Oh, and he was overused because he was their only reliable reliever. I don't know what you mean by they ransacked the NL. In that DS, the Cubs won 3 one run games. Seems like an elite reliever would help in those games.
  13. What? Yeah. I'm sure the Cubs would throw away their first championship in what was it 111 years or something? Based on their weirdness, and their completely ineffective bullpen, I'm not sure they win the NLDS matchup without Chapman. And in a WS that went extra innings on 7 games, taking their best reliever out of the mix, and really their only effective one, would have resulted in disaster, I think at least. I think it would have to be really really extreme to be an overpay for a WS title.
  14. Not when you are on the brink. If you are on the edge, it is worth it to add that extra piece to the puzzle. I bet the Cubs are happy with the Chapman trade, and the Astros with getting Verlander, the Royals acquiring Cueto, the Red Sox with Sale (though they also made significant trades for Porcello and Kimbrel). There are certainly different points of view and strategies that can be effective, but when the Sox are close, I hope they are willing to make moves that put them in the best possible position.
  15. I disagree. Teams that are ready to win are going to make moves to win. You have to think long term, but when a team is in their window where they can win, if that is their ultimate goal, they have to make moves that improve them in the short term even if it hurts them in the long term.
  16. Is there any reason to expect that Nimmo or Conforto will be available? I don't think I see the Mets selling off. You could probably get Cespedes for nothing...
  17. Haven't read through all this, but I would have to bet on Leury.
  18. Hopefully they did more interviews than they did for manager.
  19. Then you make terrible decisions. Jose may not be the best player, but he is far from a DFA candidate. This is ridiculous. Oh, and while he isn't the best player, he is probably the best hitter on this team, and has been for years, you could make an argument for Moncada, but it isn't clear cut. And pretty much everyone else is clearly behind him.
  20. Better keep Abreu around longer eh?
  21. Hey Bruh, where did anyone say that. Newton put the rules on gravity in what like 1700? They are still important. They have been built on, and gravity isn't the only important rule in science, but it is still there, and is the basis for a lot of other work. Advanced stats paint the picture. Traditional stats paint the picture. You know what is ignorant? Having data and ignoring it for no reason other than you think it isn't cool --- or what is much worse, it doesn't support your point. I don't understand why people try to use 1 stat to define a guy. That is ridiculous. There are tons of stats readily available right now. They all tell a part of the story. Abreu is 15th in wRC+ among 1B. Ok that is part of the story. A big portion of wRC+ is OBP, which everyone knows isn't Jose's strong suit. He also plays most of his games in a park that downgrade his production. It makes sense that he wouldn't be killing it there. It doesn't take a genius to see his weaknesses. He is 11th in SLG, which tells part of the story. He is slow, but he hits more than his share of HR and 2B. He gets an XBH in 11% of his ABs. That seems like it would help an offense. He is on pace for over 70 XBH this season. Is that easy to replace? He is 6th in BA. He is 14th in ISO. None of those numbers seem like a guy that is garbage. Highlighting his shortcomings while completely ignoring where he is good seems like you are conveniently using data that you want to prove the point you want. It reeks of bias.
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