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turnin' two

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Everything posted by turnin' two

  1. The poor kid has no idea what to do. I feel bad that the game he is there for is this nonsense. Hahaha.
  2. Is this picture to scale? Holy crap Judge is huge. I mean, I knew he was huge, but this is ridiculous.
  3. Wish I could give this a million likes.
  4. This is all I have been trying to say. And that it isn't fair to do a straight comp because of the more intense competition at AA.
  5. This wasn't even responding to criticism of Rutherford. It was more saying that there should be a wait and see approach for Walker, because AA is difficult, a case I tried to make with the comparison to Gonzalez. And I don't think I take criticism of him personally, he certainly has room for some of it, and has earned it. I do find it odd that you seem to go out of your way to drag him though, that is true.
  6. Just that easy huh. Silly me. Jose Abreu (33) Matt Adams (31) — $TBD mutual option with a $1MM buyout Yonder Alonso (33) — $9MM club option with a $1MM buyout Lucas Duda (34) David Freese (37) Brad Miller (30) Mitch Moreland (34) Steve Pearce (37) Mark Reynolds (36) Anthony Rizzo (30) — $14.5MM club option with a $2MM buyout Justin Smoak (33) Eric Thames (33) — $7.5MM club option with a $1MM buyout Neil Walker (34) Ryan Zimmerman (35) — $18MM club option with a $2MM buyout There is the list. Abreu looks like he may be the best hitter of the bunch. And if you are splitting time with Collins, since he is a LHH, you'd probably want a RHH.
  7. Cool. This is how you get Reed, Skole, Palka and other AAAA fodder. You don't let a productive player go because he could be replaced with someone better hypothetically. You have to have a strategy. And you have to execute it. He would be a good fit. In theory you would be sacrificing some power production (thought not a ton) for better BB (and of course OBP) numbers. But he would certainly be a reasonable substitution for Abreu. Then the question becomes how much more does he cost, and is it worth the incremental increase in production. If they could get Abreu for 2/25 or something, and Grandal for 4/60, is Grandal clearly the better value? Castellanos, in my opinion, is not a clear upgrade. He has similar OPS and wRC numbers right now. His BB and K numbers are very similar to Abreu, and his power numbers are lagging behind. His career high in HR is 26, I know Comerica and all, but he seems he seems overvalued. I don't get the love affair with him at all. I get that he is younger, but again, what will he cost? Because his production will probably not out run Abreu by much, and if he demands twice many years or significantly higher AAV, I don't think he would be the best use of money.
  8. Well, yeah, but there can't be any real expectation of that happening next year right? Maybe not even to start 2021, though hopefully at some point. But even with Vaughn playing 1B, they still will need a DH (provided Eloy stays in LF). It is because of this that I see a 2 year extension as a good possibility.
  9. Cmon man. No time to be prudent an gather more data, especially critical data like how he handles the most significant jump into a park that suppresses offense like crazy. We need takes now! This is the internet for crying out loud!!!
  10. Do you think Yolmer has been a better, more impactful player over the last 2 seasons? Because in reality a replacement level player the Sox have found for Yolmer is maybe, Goins? Saladino? Seems like a reasonably talented substitute is easy to find. For Abreu, well look at their recent options at DH/1B, Yonder, Palka, Reed, Davidson, LaRoche. The question I keep asking about getting rid of Abreu remains, who are you going to replace him with that is better?
  11. 103 XBH In that slump. That is an XBH better than 1 every 10 ABs. Doesn't seem like to terrible of a slump.
  12. I have been impressed with Goins too, but let's keep in mind that in over 1400 career ABs, he is a .230/.277/.339 player, and he is 31 years old. His career numbers are worse across the board from Yolmer's and he is 4 years older. I am firmly on team Yermin though. Bad body and no position comments can go to hell. The guy has done nothing but hit. Why not give him a shot?
  13. In my head, and I don't know if it is real, but Luis Gonzalez seems to be a reasonable analog for Steele Walker. and last year at WS, Gonzalez hit .313/.376/.504. Walker is currently at .267/.341/.419. That was in 62 games for Gonzalez and 72 currently for Walker. Gonzalez had hit more doubles and triples, Walker has 1 more HR. Gonzalez had a 27/46 BB/K ratio and Walker's is 28/47. Their numbers are pretty similar. And a lot of people (myself included) were pretty optimistic about Gonzalez, but the adjustment to AA has tempered that a little bit. Now, I am not a scout, and honestly haven't seen more than 25 ABs from either guy, so maybe this comp is way off. They just seem like similar type players to me. Though if Walker has been battling a core injury all year, that certainly would have an impact. I say this, just to point out how difficult the jump from A+ to AA can be. For reference, I didn't vote, because I feel like the 2 guys are pretty close, and I'm hopeful that out of the two (3 with Gonzalez) the Sox get a RF.
  14. More work put in here than Hahn and co. put in at the trade deadline. Thanks all!
  15. What do you get out of shitting on Rutherford?
  16. Cmon. Bell hit 4th or 5th every game he played in 1992. He also hit 27 2B, 25 HR and drove in 112 runs. Comparing him to where Griffey was in his career is completely disingenuous.
  17. Haha, if the Sox had just won a WS, and were currently loaded with talented players on the infield, outfield and the mound, yeah, trading highly rated prospects, while keeping your top 2 rated prospects, would be ok with me. That is in no way saying that the Sox should have tried to beat the Astros offer.
  18. I agree, I think this is a good move for both teams.
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