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turnin' two

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Everything posted by turnin' two

  1. You don't find advocating for steroids for one guy and demonizing another for chew to be odd? But I get it, I'm done.
  2. Anyone have any insight on where and when he starts? I'd assume probably some time in AZL, but then, since he is a bit older and seemingly more advanced, will he got to WS? Birmingham? Any educated guesses?
  3. How good he is or isn't isn't the point. It is that they still, even beside him, and over 3.5 million to spend and couldn't lock down one of the premier talents. They also couldn't have known about him until, what, December or something? Meaning at the time, they had really no one lined up? That seems like an organizational failure to me. I could be being overly negative here. But I think the FO has earned some negativity.
  4. Maybe that was the excuse, but what was the reason. And is that the same situation for Robert?
  5. Can someone remind me if the Sox called up Eloy late last year when he was clearly ready, and if not, why was that?
  6. Not just you. This to me, looks like another organizational failure. They literally had years to prepare, and seemingly had no one really on the docket. Even if Sanchez is really good, it is like, what the heck have you been doing the last 2 years?
  7. Haha. The only problem here, is that other teams are trying to lose too. The Sox are even bad at being bad. Hahah.
  8. Yeah, I honestly don't get it all. He seems like a good, smart, rational baseball fan except when it comes to Abreu. I don't understand it at all. Maybe he is just clowning all of us?
  9. I think you deserve it Parkman. You saw it and never wavered. Your faith in him has helped make Giolito a success!
  10. I never would have believed this after they signed him. But wow. Ever so deserving. Congrats on the hard work paying off Mr. McCann.
  11. And... it isn't in the majors? His issue has been not throwing strikes recently correct?
  12. Huh. Hadn't thought of it like that. That does seem, well crappy. But then, getting a 22 year old version of Iglesias for the next 6 years for a 2.5 million investment does seem like it makes a heck of a lot of sense. Especially if he can really pick it at SS, that would maybe allow the Sox to solve their RF problem as well as their SS makes 35 errors problem. I guess the more I think about it, I like him as a player and think it makes sense (still shows a complete waste and terrible planning for this J2 though). There is a lot to be said for a slick fielding SS. And I don't know much about him, but will dream on even an Andrelton Simmons offensive profile ( I have no hope he would be that good defensively), but if he can play SS, and produce a .700 OPS with some stolen bases, well, that could be a valuable piece to hit 9th in the lineup. Though I guess Ricky would hit him cleanup unless Alonso is still on the team. Heck, even if he can be what Iglesias is, which is basically a 2 WAR player, that would be pretty darn good. Again, I don't know anything about him, but it is something to dream on I guess (crap am I overly optimistic).
  13. Anyone know where this data is originating? I like to look at brooks baseball, but I like how this is organized as well.
  14. What the freak is going on here. Come for the Andrew Vaughn signing bonus, stay for the .... I don't even know what. I'm leaving.
  15. I think sitting Collins against Sale is the right move.
  16. That was nearly Tim Anderson level swagger after that homer.
  17. Robert has now made outs in 2 of his last 3 ABs. He is really in free fall.
  18. Hmmm, that would be 9 HRs in 67 games, or .13 per game, translating to about 22 HRs over 162 games.
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