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turnin' two

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Everything posted by turnin' two

  1. He has averaged 20 HRs and over 20 doubles for 3 years in a row, looking like an easy shot (barring injury) at 4. And he is only 24 years old.
  2. He almost seems like a more extreme RH version of Palka... based on nothing but his baseball ref page.
  3. Ok. Cool. Great point. He had a bad week and a half. Then after 2 more ABs you said he was free falling. Then he hit a dinger. Great, should I use that 1 AB sample size to project him? Saying he was "free falling" and "down to .303" seem overly negative and critical of a guy that has done nothing but impress this year.
  4. You said his OPS is "free falling" at .850. That is a terrible insight. Plus what is the point? Letting people you know he stinks? Is overrated? Having a bad week? Keep in mind his last game as the All Star game, in which he had a 2B and a 3B. It isn't like he forgot how to play. And it isn't like he is being overmatched.
  5. What point are you trying to make with this terrible post?
  6. There was much talk about the zone yesterday, so I looked it up. Not that it made the difference, but Giolito got zero close calls, and Lester got all of them, and several that were not close at all. http://www.brooksbaseball.net/pfxVB/pfx.php?month=6&day=19&year=2019&game=gid_2019_06_19_chamlb_chnmlb_1%2F&pitchSel=608337&prevGame=gid_2019_06_19_chamlb_chnmlb_1%2F&prevDate=619&league=mlb Giolito ^^^ http://www.brooksbaseball.net/pfxVB/pfx.php?s_type=3&sp_type=1&year=2019&month=6&day=19&batterX=&pitchSel=452657&game=gid_2019_06_19_chamlb_chnmlb_1/&prevGame=gid_2019_06_19_chamlb_chnmlb_1/&prevDate=619 ^^ Lester
  7. Ugh. Ricky really should have had Cordell bunt Yoan over to 3rd.
  8. Watching the gamecast, both strikes 2 and 3 to Cordell were balls.
  9. This was so much more dramatic than if he had just hit the slam in the first. Hahah. Holy shit. That dude.
  10. And 3 years ago, Hahn could have laughed in Cashman's face if he proposed Judge for Rodon. Things change. Frazier is already a pumpkin in RF. He has been completely brutal. To the point where he has been avoiding the NY media because he doesn't want to talk about it. He is most likely a DH. Now that can change, he is still relatively young and could improve, but that certainly isn't a sure thing,
  11. I mean, they couldn't have tried that hard. He signed for 25 mil AAV. Significantly lower than most projections.
  12. Bottom tier next year... depends how you define it. Bottom third? I'd be surprised if they weren't. They are 25th right now. I am yet to really see that this team wants to be good. They haven't done anything to show that winning a championship is their ultimate goal. This team has had two brief periods of any type of sustained success in 38 years (since Jerry bought the team). The early 90s (which the owner played a key role in scuttling) and the early 2000s. Their much more established MO is bargain basement players, and bargain basement coaching, bargain basement scouting, bargain basement drafting and development. Hell, they had 3 years to plan for this J2 signing period and have no one significant lined up. Expecting them to all of a sudden start acting like the Yankees, Giants, Dodgers seems like a fool's errand.
  13. Uh. No. Didn't say that. I sure don't expect them to be in the top 3-4 either though. And spending 120-140 million on a pitcher on his age 29-34 (maybe more) seasons doesn't seem like it is a realistic expectation. The Sox may spend some money, but it will be on guys that are already on the roster and in the farm system, as well as guys to round out the roster. I doubt they'll break the bank (or the mold) for a big free agent signing, especially a pitcher. Which, honestly may be for the best because they seldom work out. I think this team thinks they have the top end talent they need with Eloy, Moncada, Robert, Anderson etc on the offensive side, and they will count on Gio, Kopech and Cease on the pitching side.
  14. And they may as well have offered them 20 bucks. Making an offer doesn't get you credit. Especially when there was a very small chance that the offer would have ever been accepted. I don't see any reason to expect that this team will spend on a premium free agent. Because even though they tell us how "hard they try" they haven't done anything to show they will spend money like a big boy team. I find it even more difficult to believe that this team will spend big money on a pitcher. I have every expectation of Giolito/Kopech/Cease/Lopez as the first 4. With maybe 2 low cost veterans for depth.
  15. Fill in the blank: The largest contract the Sox have given to a pitcher was _________ years and ______ dollars to ___________. This contract worked out ______________.
  16. Hahaha. I legit clicked on this thread thinking it was paranoid people (like me) chatting about how Google, Amazon and the like are spying on us. Hahaha.
  17. Wholeheartedly disagree. No matter how good your offense is, you still need guys to pitch. Kopech and Cease could go much further in determining the success of the rebuild than Robert and Madrigal. I'm pretty sure Mike Trout has played beyond any sort of reasonable ceiling projection, and his team has made the playoffs once. Even if Robert is Trout, and Madrigal is Brett Butler, that won't be enough, even paired with the guys that are already here.
  18. I find Sam Abbot being there a bit interesting. I would not have been surprised if he was in AZL for another year.
  19. Ha! That would seem to be an indictment of their scouting prowess.
  20. This may be the most ridiculous post I've ever seen. No person of any kind, living or dead, should ever be a cub fan. There is no need to put any other qualifiers on it. Just don't do it. It's the worst.
  21. Typical. Name the bill the opposite of what it is so people think Congress is doing the right thing.
  22. It is crazy the team isn't more invested in their minor leaguers. It is ridiculous, irresponsible, and stupid.
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