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turnin' two

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Everything posted by turnin' two

  1. Reading that line of BS just makes me so mad. They are stupid, ignorant or completely incompetent. What utter BS.
  2. The DePaul logo near your name already said this for you.
  3. Yeah, and the vaaaaaaaaaast majority choose the team that offers them the most money.
  4. Yeah, I will tune in to see Eloy and Moncada a bit. But I have never felt so apathetic (now that the hate and anger and frustration have worn off) towards this team.
  5. There was 100 million in deferred money in that contract. That drastically impacts the NPV.
  6. No. We suck. We don't care. We don't want to compete, unless it is on the cheap, every now and then.
  7. I wish I could even be disappointed. But I expected failure. Way to go Sox. Now, wait, I think that Geoff Jenkins is ready for a comeback. Go sign him!
  8. That was quite a while ago though correct? Maybe liking where they are means not spending the money (ugh, I hate that I am that cynical about this). But with that said, Kaplan is a stooge that shouldn't be given any credibility.
  9. Why is that true. Why does he have to be HOF caliber hitter to justify the 3 overall pick? Do you have the same threshold for a pitcher? A corner OF? A team needs a 1B, and I get that guys can be moved into 1B if they can't play elsewhere, but if you are drafting a guy expecting that he will have to be moved, how is that different? Let's say you draft a big mashing 3B, that most people believe will have to move to 1B, sure there is a chance he can play 3B, but it seems most likely you just drafted a 1B. Is that much different? It is easy to say just draft up the middle talent. But for the most part, in the history of baseball (CF excluded, actually) those guys aren't the best hitters. Your organization needs guys all over. You need SS, but you also need 3 hitter. If those can be the same guy, well that is a huge bonus, but that hasn't happened much in the history of baseball. Witt (and I am no expert here, just for the record) is an up the middle defensive player correct? But he has some concerns about his hit tool correct? So his defensive abilities may be completely negated by his lack of being able to hit. So you get maybe a utility IF out of a 3 overall pick. That doesn't really do much for you. Everyone here is high on Rutschman, and he seems like a monster, but playing catcher wears guys out. It drains them of offensive ability, at least usually. Maybe he is the 1% of guys like Molina or Piazza, but even guys that looked like studs in Mauer and Posey get worn out and get moved to 1B. From 2000-2010 (from a fangraphs article (https://community.fangraphs.com/success-rate-of-mlb-first-round-draft-picks-by-slot/)), guys taken 1-5 have an average WAR of 12.8 (article written in 2016, so some likely still accruing), does a 1B need to get higher WAR than that to be successful? No. Do they need to hit more? Yeah, a bit. But that player wouldn't have to be HOF level to justify the pick. If you got a Jose Abreu out of the 3 pick, well, I know I'd be thrilled. Eric Hosmer was the 3rd overall pick, I would bet the Royals were happy with him, even though he wasn't as good as Frank Thomas.
  10. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/welington-castillo-reflects-2018-ped-190642108.html Wellington Castillo seems like an idiot. Completely puts the blame elsewhere for his suspension.
  11. That is completely fair. And I agree, but I just think he can't be completely discounted because he is a RHH 1B.
  12. I don't think Vaughn's position matters at all if you buy that bat. I can think of more than a few RHH 1B that have made a serious impact on their teams fortunes. Heck, I think the Sox have even had a few. Can't think of their names just now, but I think it is a list that goes back about 30 years at this point. If he is Paul Goldschmidt or Rhys Hoskins with the bat, the rest doesn't matter.
  13. I'm not surprised by this, the Rockies have a history of keeping their players.
  14. Shameless. You'll get nothing from me and like it!!! But we are totally getting him.
  15. The reasonable person inside me is being murdered by the insatiable optimist.
  16. I'm going with, get yourself a biiiiiiiiiiig birthday president Mr. Chairman. You deserve it. How about the biggest star in baseball.
  17. Anyone else think that is a lot of years/money for Aaron Hicks?
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