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turnin' two

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Everything posted by turnin' two

  1. On its own though, the deal makes no sense. Why would you trade for Pederson. He does nothing for the team the next two years if he is the big acquisition. There is no reason to trade Flores on his own for him. Now if you want to be in "go for it" mode, and sign Harper or Machado, along with Keuchel and make a play for a WC or division, that is another story. But I don't see any reason to trade even middling prospects for 2 years of a good player, if he is the headline move of the offseason. Nova, Alonso, Jay, Colome Herrera and Pederson are not enough to make you competitive with the Indians. If one of the whales and some starting pitching are added, well then maybe. But until that time, or until that is certain, trading a guy like Rutherford for Joc would be insane.
  2. No doubt. I was not his biggest fan because of injury risk, but if those are the numbers, wow, that is a bargain for his talent.
  3. I wonder if Rich Hill basically taking himself out of that game has soured the Dodgers (especially Roberts) on him at all.
  4. That's true. But he is a perfect DH. Which is why without Manny, I would love to see Alosno just get moved again. I'd rather see those ABs go to Palka. Find him a RH platoon mate maybe. There were only 25 players in the MLB that hit 30HRs last year. I have no doubt that Palka could do that this season. Did you further know, that Palka, in only 4 more ABs, hit the same amount of HRs and RBI (exact same) as Aaron Judge? Not saying he is Judge, but the power is obviously real. Or this maybe, as a 26 year old, Palka hit is 27 HR and 67 RBI with .240/.294/.484 As a 26 year old, Khris Davis hit 22 HRs, 69 RBI with a .244/.299/.457. Then as a 27 year old, he had a decent improvement in his BBs. Then the next season his power exploded and he became a 40 HR guy. I wouldn't be terribly surprised if Palka followed a Khris Davis developmental path.
  5. Hahah. Maybe it isn't rational, in fact it probably isn't, but I would much prefer to trade Walker. Bush is something the system needs. A young, high ceiling player, and an infielder to boot. Walker, in my opinion, is completely redundant in the Sox system. His ceiling isn't as high, and there are other guys in the system with similar skills that are either further along, or have higher ceilings.
  6. Yeah, it is best to give up on him. No way a kid in rookie ball could improve defensively.
  7. I've been all about this all offseason. As for Joc, it is a move that makes no sense on its own. As part of something bigger, yeah, that could make sense.
  8. Most people think less of the White Sox, so it seems like good news to me.
  9. That seems like a terrible oversimplification. There is at least a fair chance this is a complex deal with opportunities for multiple opt outs. Neither side just wants to give into the other side, each wants the best for them. It isn't just saying here take this 10/400 deal. That would be ridiculous and a waste of limited resources. Each has a responsibility to make sure they are doing the best for their stakeholders, as well as getting a deal that works for the other side.
  10. Wow. That is terrible. You and your family are in my prayers. Good luck in this very difficult time.
  11. There are 30 teams. That should work out to 1 every 30 years right? Seems about on target. That isn't how it works? Huh.
  12. Do you think George Steinbrenner didn't care about making money off the Yanks?
  13. Yeah, guys that own professional sports franchises typically make money. Why should that be a problem?
  14. I still say screw them. Sign Manny before they can mess things up. Or just give this hypothetical money to the Sox to sign Manny. Whatever. Giving pretend money to the Phillies is stupid.
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