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turnin' two

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Everything posted by turnin' two

  1. Boy! That makes me want to give him a bunch of money!
  2. Thank you both, and thank you all. It is because of your dedication and valor that the rest of us numbskulls can sit here and complain about baseball all day. Thank you for everything you do and have done. There is no way to truly express what we all owe you.
  3. Man! That sucks. Too bad you don't have Kimbrel. He's perfect for mop up duty! Seriously though, sorry about that. That's terrible. We had a bunch of damage to our floors when something like that happened so be careful, water can be miserable.
  4. We know he would be great at taking the dog for a walk. If you need to clean anything out, he can load up the bags. He can't make pancakes though. He loses control and hits the batter too often. Alright, that's all I got. I'll show myself out.
  5. I think you're wrong, Balta has to be at least -1, because there is definitely a negative in there. ba dum tssss
  6. They were asked to pitch correct? And they sucked at it? It isn't like TLR asked them to make balloon animals. They were asked to pitch and get outs, which is literally their job.
  7. To be fair we don't know that is what they decided. They may have decided that Rodon isn't worth the money because they can't count on him for 150 innings. And they really can't count on him for any innings in September and October.
  8. 2/38 is pretty different than 3/120. (I have no idea if those numbers are realistic, but that is what MLBTR just predicted for him, I get that this is faaaaaaar from being the absolute truth, but its a starting point)
  9. So, did TLR get Sammy Hagar free tickets to see Sammy Hagar? That's a baller move.
  10. Well, I think its a pretty strong signal that he is going to bank this contract, which he completely should, but while the Sox can work with Boras, the Sox typically aren't successful with the free agents that are playing at that level.
  11. Just hired the Boras group. I think we can all kiss this little daydream goodbye. Edit: I see this is mentioned in the offseason thread, feel free to delete! Thanks!
  12. All my White Sox homerism aside... well as much as it can be.... Minnie and Allen are the two biggest snubs in my opinion.
  13. Who should have hit where he hit this year? Grandal? Eloy? Yoan? Maybe in the future, but none of those guys earned it. Right now, I'd say TA-Robert-Abreu is your best 1-2-3.
  14. See, I don't get why that combination of things wouldn't cost much to acquire, except that the Rockies are stupid I guess. But haven't they been stupid in asking too much for guys, not the other way around? And I'm not trying to be an argumentative jerk here, I'm honestly trying to understand your perspective and your info.
  15. And Sale would have gotten him out. There is some real risk in needing 6 pitchers to all be on their game in the same game.
  16. Sure, but McMahon had more than twice McNeil's WAR this year, the difference is 1 year of control so he still gives you multiple years, and he still makes relative peanuts. So he still makes sense for the Rockies to keep, and would still take a haul to acquire correct? That still seems like a really valuable asset for a team to trade/acquire.
  17. From MLB traderumors yesterday: And doesn't everything you just said about McNeil apply here as well?
  18. I get why they could have tried it, but its hard to replace a guy dominating at closer with a guy that is flat out sucking.
  19. Are we sure he is getting one? Seems like the Mets are a little done with him and 18M could be a big risk for a guy that had an OPS in the neighborhood of Leury Garcia.
  20. I just hope I remember to stay clear for a few days after they pick up Cesar's option.
  21. Honestly, that wouldn't surprise me at all. And hell, if we sign Semien (well crap, now I'm doing it...) I'm cool with it.
  22. I wish GIolito could have been that. I mean, I know he would have thrown a perfecto had he started game 1, but... I wish Lynn could have been poised and in control. And Rodon. And everyone in the bullpen. The pitching was so bad.
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