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turnin' two

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Everything posted by turnin' two

  1. Also a guy that the Sox shouldn't touch with a 100 foot pole in my opinion. And advocating for a player because of grades is completely silly. Especially with the other issues.
  2. In my opinion Singer and Madrigal are basically 2 sides of the same coin. Neither is particularly exciting, but both are easily projectable into the major leagues. Both have tools that project to be above average. Both could very easily be good players, while neither is very likely to be elite. I have no problem with the Sox taking either, and don't really understand why so many seem to hate the idea of Singer.
  3. What exactly is the point you are trying to make? That Heimlich is a good pitcher? Everyone knows that. That isn't necessarily enough reason to draft him. It is also now a reason not to draft Singer.
  4. Well, I for one, am excited about tin foil hat scenario. Those are my favorite.
  5. Maybe to hope on one guys would be foolish, but it is pretty much a guarantee that some decent HS players get to round 2. There are still only 46 picks ahead of the Sox 2nd rounder.
  6. So he made an out? Well, he should clearly be out of top 10 consideration.
  7. No, they are making their best guesses.
  8. Basing the risk on a single player whose story is not yet complete seems all kinds of silly.
  9. Seems like you changed your point. Well, Giolito is averaging over 92 as well (this season). And as for the sinkers, you said : That doesn't seem to allow for the allowance you just made. Your point seems to be that you need to throw at least 93 here. Obviously that is incorrect, and Giolito's main problem isn't his average FB velocity. It isn't being able to throw strikes. With the FB, or anything else. *** The information I am using for average velocities is from Baseball Prospectus.
  10. Corey Kluber Tanaka Nola Porcello Maeda Orodizzi Ross Cueto Greinke These are some of the guys that get outs pretty routinely that are RHP that averaged less than 93 on their 4 Seamer last season. I think you could make a pretty solid rotation out of those guys...
  11. 3 BBs and 3 Ks? Kidding, but really, I think getting outs won't be Fulmer's problem. It is getting the ball over the plate. Even so far this season, his stuff looks good, he just needs to be able to command it. Ok. so by proxy outs may be a problem... I meant stuff isn't his problem, it is commanding it.
  12. Sadly he may not be there when the Sox use their 2nd pick. Fair enough though.
  13. And Bingo was his name-o. I would love to see Collins and Eloy promoted together. They are quite the duo.
  14. Isn't Singer pretty much an absolute lock to go top 10? Isn't his stuff pretty darn well regarded? Hasn't his control been pretty impeccable? From what I have read, there is a lot more there than craftiness.
  15. Sigh. Must be so difficult being that much smarter than everyone else. Sorry. A couple question though, and please indulge me, because I clearly don't understand things as well as you do. So, first one is that, since Collins was basically a very good hitter in college, hitting .300 or so his entire career, hit .260 his first year with WS, was bad last year (in his first full season of pro-ball -- how dare he!), how does that make him a .240 hitter? As for examples of guys that made big adjustments after the ripe old age of 23, well I would say that most (even all players) make adjustments, but I guess that is because I don't understand simple math, or that EVERYBODY IS ALREADY REALLY GOOD, so why would they need to make adjustments? Sorry, I am a dufus. My second question is: Are you contesting that a guy is what he is at 23 and that no material changes can be made after that? Can't really think of them off the top of my head, but I seem to recall hearing about mechanical changes making a difference all the time. Arm slot, release point, position in the batters box ( remember when Anthony Rizzo couldn't hit lefties at all then made this small mechanical change?) trying to adjust launch angle (about 50 guys last season) adding a leg kick (Jose Bautista went from a DFA guy to a perennial All Star) messing with their stance (Cal Ripken Jr.?) or always making small adjustments from the time he was drafted (Aaron Judge -- moving in the box, shifting his weight back and lessening his leg kick). How about that, I did think of a couple off the top of my head. But who knows, maybe I just don't like, follow or play baseball enough. I do like your 2+2=4. I get that, maybe I am better at math than I thought. I don't, however, understand what the statement you are making in that paragraph is trying to say, at all. I would say the difference between a good hitter and a great hitter may be their ability to make adjustments. They all have the physical skills (to different degrees) but the ability to adjust to what their competition is doing is what makes guys great. I distinctly recall Manny Ramirez adjusting AB to AB and pitch to pitch and making pitchers for not adjusting their approach to him. Final question: If Collins has a 4 WAR season, hits .280 in 1000 PA but the Sox don't win the pennant, can I still remind you? I guess not, it doesn't meet your arbitrary criteria for a player making an adjustment that all players make that you don't believe in but say some are better at than others. That sentence confused me. Must be because you contradicted yourself. But, I will officially "cool it". Thanks for the tip.
  16. In a really sad way, this start was encouraging. I mean, at least he had a 2:1 strike to ball ratio and didn't walk anyone. I mean, I guess that' something.
  17. You don't take stock in players making adjustments in order to be better? That seems really, really weird, if that were true, no one would ever like, get better.
  18. Related to what I mentioned in an earlier comparison, this would likely make Collins a HOF player.
  19. About 5 posts up it is mentioned that he was ejected.
  20. Don't sleep on the Royals. Moose, Herrera, possibly Duffy(if he can pitch well enough to be wanted...), Perez... They could get really bad depending on who they trade.
  21. Adam Dunn's numbers at catcher would likely land that player in the HOF.
  22. I get what you are saying, but what is the reason for optimism on Giolito, other than he used to throw hard?
  23. I'd say he is even worse. At least with Fulmer, you can see his FB move like crazy which would at least give some explanation of his lack of command. With Giolito, it is straight, lacks velocity and most importantly command.
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