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Everything posted by Dominikk85

  1. The sox front office made some mistakes but also did some great team friendly extensions. Really the extensions of sale, Quintana and Eaton were the backbone of this rebuild as it made those guys off the charts valuable and meant they could acquire assets much faster than for example the Astros or Phillies. Who could be a candidate for this? It has to happen before the player is an established star usually but you also don't want to waste of 30-40m on a bust of course. I don't think eloy will sign one as he was too much of a star in the minors but there are still some candidates. Good candidates are non highly drafted hitters and basically every pitcher since pitchers have a higher risk.
  2. Fangraphs projects them for 70 wins. I would take the over on that though.
  3. Madrigal and mize were the only 55s on the fangraphs board. Madrigal is unlikely to be the best player of this draft but considering floor AND ceiling he was seen as the number 2 guy of the draft behind maze. He had no power last season but also had a wrist injury, scouts still see him as a 12-15 homer guy who hits 290-300 with good defense. That is basically howie kendrick with a better glove. Btw kelenic isn't really seen as a future star either, it is more a balanced 5 tool set of average to slightly above tools. If one of the hs guys is a star it is probably gorman who has done well in his first season with 17 homers but also comes with considerable risk (contact issues).
  4. I also think it will be vaughn unless rutschman falls to them because they want a quick moving bat because it fits their window better than a hs bat which might take 4 years to reach the majors.
  5. I agree, although Murray probably wouldn't have signed at all with that agreement and the As gambled on the risk. Still don't quite understand that risk though altough the As tend to draft risky high upside guys in the first round gambling for a star they can't afford to sign and then go with safer, lower ceiling guys in later rounds. Btw i think it is kinda unfair that the As don't get another pick while teams that lowball guys after seeing the physical (astros with aiken, braves with stewart) get another pick. It is not the As fault Murray wants to go to nfl and this incentivises teams to not risk signing high level two sport athletes which is bad for the quality or the game.
  6. I agree, although Murray probably wouldn't have signed at all with that agreement and the As gambled on the risk. Still don't quite understand that risk though altough the As tend to draft risky high upside guys in the first round gambling for a star they can't afford to sign and then go with safer, lower ceiling guys in later rounds.
  7. Bauer often likes to rip fans who tweet at him, kyle boddy who is the boss at driveline where he trains does that too. But this time not even boddy defended him.
  8. Lopez needs to throw more sliders and less fastballs, that slider is a good pitch. 60% fastballs is too much, his fb is ok but not really good. He definitely needs to improve his k rate if he wants to repeat last years ERA.
  9. They do have algorithms for minor leaguers but there is a lot more uncertainty and they tend to be conservative on prospects unless they go bonkers in the minors at a young age like vlad jr.
  10. If senzel is traded it is for a guy like syndergaard (of course packaged with another good prospect).
  11. But the yankees could afford a 400m payroll and still make profit. No team could compete with that.
  12. Here it says your top pick is dropped 10 ranks starting 2018 http://m.mlb.com/glossary/transactions/competitive-balance-tax
  13. I don't think if machado had already decided he would wait till january to announce it.
  14. What? The PA has been robbed blind the last CBAs, the PA boss seems to be absolutely incompetent. But yeah creating a hard cap would be the players losing the last thing they still have, that won't happen. If the owners want a hard cap they will need to give something back and they don't really want that because all but 4-5 teams actually see the threshold as a hard cap, ie. 26 of the owners wouldn't save any money with the cap. Basically the threshold is just a public excuse of the owners to not spend more.
  15. I don't see a pitcher shooting up to the top3. Usually top pitchers are talked there early, they might fall but don't rise usually. pitchers often fall and HS bats often fall too (see de sedas last draft). If college bats are on top already they probably stay there unless they totally flop or get hurt.
  16. Yeah but for example Astros have tucker and white in their DH depth chart. Cruz could have helped them.
  17. Pretty good deal, 14m one year and a 13m club option and 300k buyout. Without a second guranteed year pretty low risk. I wonder why not more teams were in on him at that price.
  18. I don't think updates now mean that much. However rutschman and vaughn basically are as high as they can get because they already performed so well, there is simply no more room up and especially vaughn could fall even his performance only slips a little bit or if other more versatile players perform. Even rutschman could fall a little if he has a non great season. With the high school guys anything can happen from staying at the top to falling to late first. Really AR and vaughn are the safest bets. I would be surprised if AR doesn't go 1-3 and vaughn not 3-6 unless something drastic happens.
  19. 1. A good 6 year run of success with 4-5 playoff appearances but no WS win 2. A single year success winning the WS but not much after? Ideally would be getting both of course but if you had to choose one which would you take?
  20. Yes only one year for wood. Still wood and puig should fetch similar prospects as they cost at the deadline if they don't crater totally or get injured.
  21. Yes this really migitates the risk. Downs and gray are good prospects but you will get similar prospects back at the deadline if not more unless they both get injured.
  22. I like it from the reds. Sure it probably won't make them win the division but if several prospects break out they might have a good year. Also they didn't give up that much. The guys are real prospects but in the end it was only a 45 and a 40 (8 and 13th in last fg ranking). Losing two solid but middling prospects and 7m for possibly 4-5 wins isn't a bad deal. Also if they have good years and the reds are out of it the reds can flip wood and puig at the deadline or give them a QO and get a comp pick so the risk is really marginal for them.
  23. Zack greinke also played SS in HS, that is nothing unusual. A lot of college and mlb corner guys have been HS middle infielders.
  24. No chance. College 1B never move up in position and in fact even college 3b have a pretty bad prognosis considering staying at third (a lot have to move to first). If he is an average or better 1b that would be excellent for him.
  25. If adley falls the sox should definitely take him. Fangraphs have him as the only 55 pre draft.
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