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Everything posted by GenericUserName

  1. Jokes on you! I've had my heart broken so many times there is nothing left to break!
  2. I don't think the Cardinals are in on him (other than the offer Dave reported) because it seems like everything they do is leaked. I don't feel like they would be the "mystery" team, rather people would just hear the Cardinals are now in.
  3. I don't think he signs tomorrow, but from the sound of reports it seems like they are willing to go to a record breaking level with him. The difference between him and Machado is we know he has the Nationals offer as a backup, so teams already know what they have to beat. If the Phillies can beat it he will probably take it back to the Nats to see if he can start a bidding war. It doesn't sound like they will do it, so it seems like the Phillies are going to put the best offer he has seen yet on the table this weekend and its unlikely anyone else will beat it.
  4. What can I say, I'm just that good lol If this follows my line of thought from the mystery team, Machado probably signs this weekend or Monday. Assuming there isn't actually a mystery team (which I don't think there is), he needs to have the Phillies still in the running so he has to sign before Harper, but he will probably want to hear what Harper is getting offered first to know if he can try to get another increase.
  5. I bet we hear a lot about a mystery team in the next few days. Machado's agent can't have only two teams bidding when one of those teams looks like its about to sign someone else. He probably is going to have one last hail mary mystery team rumor to get the last few million he can.
  6. Oh man, you gotta check them out. Flatland Cavalry is described as having a very similar sound to Turnpike Troubadours but they are much less known. I heard about Cody Jinks from a Dwayne Johnson instagram post. Apparently he is massive in Texas but his fame hasn't really spread outside of that. Sturgill Simpson is crazy good and actually won a grammy for best country album (I believe) but is blacklisted from country radio because of his left leaning stances, particularly his anti-war stance that comes out in several songs (he is a veteran). When people talk about the guys keeping country alive, they often refer to Stapleton, Sturgill Simpson, and Jason Isbell, with Tyler Childers as the up and coming one. The first three guys often make appearances with each other. Sturgill had a couple awesome SNL performances that really made me find him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZLBVi_0ENU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsrsrOB0zNQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnDALxS7l_0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5cMqD0WqYE
  7. Exactly this. As a country fan I thought all of it had turned into hick-hop, but now I found so many awesome artists that aren't in the mainstream. Cody Jinks, Turnpike Troubadours, Whiskey Myers, Sturgill Simpson, Tyler Childers, Flatland Cavalry. The only hard part is identifying a genre now because there are so many cool genres and sub genres that all have good artists and artists that cross over much more. But now I know where to look because the non-mainstream genres like red dirt country and americana don't have the same radio play, so they don't get pop-ified.
  8. So when do we announce Manny's wife as our fifth starter?
  9. Honestly, with the way they are talking about the Phillies doing this meeting it sounds like they are desperate, so maybe they know they are out on Machado. That would still leave the Yankees, but the fewer competitors the better.
  10. Less about having a home as where they will have their home during the season. Its doubtful they would live anywhere other than Miami during the offseason.
  11. Okay, this stuff is about to blow up. Please everyone remember that this is all hearsay at the moment. Someone told Chuck Naso this info who then had it tweeted out from RLR and its taking off from there. Even Chuck was asking for pics, so its definitely not confirmed. I've already seen people on twitter say they heard it from multiple places when in reality all those places probably got it from the original Chuck tweet.
  12. Someone should tweet at Dave to stand outside the VIP exit after the game to confirm and also to yell at Machado to sign with the Sox.
  13. I would be surprised if we don't have one of the worst starting rotations in baseball next year.
  14. He probably heard one of the rumors that's been circulating this board all day.
  15. A couple years ago I got really pissed off about something while I was at a bar, so I decided to do the responsible thing.... and took my anger out on a brick wall. The last two knuckles on my hand got real swollen and I couldn't move the fingers. I thought I broke them but doc said I just burst a vain and probably jammed or bruised them. Last time I ever punch a brick wall, until the next time I punch a brick wall that is.
  16. Imagine if we do end up signing one of these guys how agonizing the wait between it being reported and the Sox officially announcing it will be.
  17. Ahh, its got that fresh new thread smell in here
  18. We could probably play Palka there enough to prevent his option from vesting.
  19. Hasn't that part about the Phillies not meeting with him in Vegas reported to be false?
  20. Yeah, this is mostly my stance now too. I just feel like if we miss out on one of the big two and can't use them to attract another guy or two next year, then the ceiling of the rebuild is basically a slightly above average team that makes the playoffs a few times because we are in a week division. I just feel like we never reached that critical mass of talent that Hahn liked to talk about.
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