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Superstar Lamar

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Posts posted by Superstar Lamar

  1. I think my method of operations on free agency this year would be to aggressively approach pitchers but sit back and let value come to me with fielders.

    Those Puig numbers aren't horrible.  Maybe being around fellow countryman will inspire him to be his best or at least shame him into not being his worst.  Giving him three years is a little concerning with his lack of dedication.  Still, those three years are ages 28-30 where he should be his best.

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  2. Unlike some, I don't think the first signing will be a high end pitcher.  It seems from recent past that second tier guys at a position (for example Wheeler) are keyed in to the amount the top tier receives.  The top tier meanwhile, plays a game of chicken to see who signs first.  Boras always seems to wait it out when he represents the top tier, then after someone on his client's level signs, he looks to beat that number.

    As everyone has agreed, Jose signs first.  On some level it may have been brilliant for JR to announce that Jose will never wear another uniform with Jose subsequently supporting the statement.  That should retard the offers he receives as teams won't waste their time on a futile gesture.

    The first non Jose I think will be a relief pitcher.  You can move pretty quickly in FA to transform a bullpen.

  3. 17 minutes ago, JUSTgottaBELIEVE said:

    Let me just ask this to the Machado apologists, at what point will you admit the Sox dodged a major bullet by missing on him? If his 2020 and 2021 seasons are comparable to his 2019 season will that be the turning point?

    Just curious because if the Sox had given him the same contract as the Padres, and he just had the season he had, Hahn and Kenny would be getting roasted right now.

    I'll admit it if he doesn't opt out after 5 years.

    If he plays well enough to opt out in five, the cost would have neither prevented them from signing additional free agents nor extending their emerging core.

  4. 2 hours ago, soxfan2014 said:

    He may not even want to play next season.


    He sounded like he would in the right situation in the quotes from him in today's Tribune.  He said he feels great and thinks he has more baseball in him.  I would imagine being able to stay in Chicago would be attractive to him. 

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