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Superstar Lamar

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Posts posted by Superstar Lamar

  1. There is no reason to take team stats and extrapolate them as indicative of anything in the future with the 2019 White Sox.  There are maybe 3-4 players who will be here in 2021.

    If you limit it to Moncada, Anderson, Jimenez and the numbers are troubling, then there is cause for concern

  2. I am going to continue to beat the drum for Zobrist on a one year deal with a team option as our RF next year:  switch hits, high obp, low K, may be rejuvenated after most of the year off, veteran leadership and movable should a minor league OF develop.  He can bat leadoff and played 100+ games as a corner OF last year.

    Get Wheeler as a front end starter as your big(ish) signing.  Sign Cole Hammels for the back end on a one year.

  3. some far outside the box thinking:  Ben Zobrist on a one year deal.  He'd be a placeholder who provides lots of veteran leadership.  He played over 100 games as a corner OF for the Cubs last year.  He switch hits, doesn't strike out and gets on base better than anyone one the team currently.  My guess is he wants the stability of staying in Chicago and would probably come cheap. 

  4. remember, we have to have room for Collins to get 450+ AB as well in a C/1B/DH role.

    I don't think next year is going to be a championship year regardless of the lineup.  We are relying on 2 rookie starting pitchers, with all the inconsistency that brings, as well as projecting Lopez to be better.

    Give Collins his AB, Abreu a short term contract and find a reasonable RF.  Lots of questions will be answered in one more year.

  5. 31 minutes ago, BackDoorBreach said:

    At the end of the day its 30 mil a year at those years which is absolutely doable and fair.  I just hope they understand this time that cutesy offers with incentives don't work with elite talent.  Pay that man.

    They understood it last time.

    Last off season was all theater.  Sure they would have taken Machado at their price but they knew they weren't going to compete.

    They will offer Cole 8/240 but with a team opt out if he doesn't throw 300 innings in each year.

  6. 3 hours ago, Jose Abreu said:

    If he didn't get injured, he would be on a 33 home run pace for this season though

    I'm aware of that:

    1.  I think he would fall a bit behind that pace as the season wore on resulting in a final total of about 30; and,

    2.  While he may gain a bit more power with experience from an eye test, the ball situation will not be as optimal as this year so the total will be the same.

    I think 30 is his best.  30 is very good

  7. 15 minutes ago, Eminor3rd said:

    Anyone who even utters “you have to have a balance” is so far behind, it may not even be the same game anymore. 

    Successful franchises like the Dodgers and Yankees got all of this out of their system ten years ago. There is no “old school vs. new school” debate inside baseball anymore. All reliable info is good info and it all has to be used to make good decisions, period. Well-run organizations don’t have time for this — they get everyone on the same page, and if you can’t hang, you gotta go. 

    The Yankees and Astros are revolutionizing the relationship between talent acquisition and player development, identifying and targeting players they know they can improve, evaluating and using feedback in real-time to ensure consistent progress up the chain. They understand their own strengths so well, they are poaching other teams’ underperforming talents and fixing them in a matter of weeks. 

    The White Sox are still trying to get their manager to figure out what order to put the players in. 

    that is not really on renteria

  8. Ricky is the Washington Generals of baseball coaches.  He is on his second job where the implicit, if not explicit job is to lose gracefully.  He is like one of those executives who is made CEO for a month as new ownership sells off parts of the corporation.  His only task is to hold the position and not do anything to embarrass the organization.  In exchange, he will make a great salary (with an extension) and have the title on his resume....at least I hope this is how the Sox view him.

  9. 16 hours ago, poppysox said:

    McCann won't be making outlandish demands IMO.  A 3 year contract at 6 million per would have him doing handsprings.

    He would have to have a bigger set than I gambling on himself as a 31 year old free agent catcher with much more bad history than good in the league.

    My guess is that he would jump at the security of a long term deal

  10. I got banned for a week by that fat hump who played the peanut butter game with his beagle.  I was a long time member at that point without any history of problems.

    I think the site's undoing was based in the pr they received during the world series run.  There were indications before that time with moderators but 2005 seemed like a catalyst for them to all become self important.

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  11. 3 hours ago, Jose Abreu said:

    The point is that people who take hours out of their days to complain about Kevan Smith, Alcides Escobar, and the Field of Dreams game aren't really fans. If you're gonna complain, at least complain about something that matters 

    and my point, not directed at you but at Hahn is, smile, take my money and thank me for my patronage

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