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Superstar Lamar

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Posts posted by Superstar Lamar

  1. 31 minutes ago, Jose Abreu said:

    Good news everyone!



    I cannot post enough eye rolls with this guy.

    Is there anyone sitting there glued to his twitter guesses, especially the ones that are incorrect at an astounding rate, all while trying to give the appearance of inside information

  2. 24 minutes ago, JUSTgottaBELIEVE said:

    Maybe, maybe not but he was certainly top 3. Under the new rules (including changes to international signings), he’s just a guy.

    but the advantage was more than just Theo and his brain.  The advantage included the Red Sox having nearly limitless funds to spend on draft picks whose talent was well known by all but that other teams had to pass on for budgetary reasons.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 23 hours ago, Joshua Strong said:

    Wait you’re saying that there’s nothing racist about a group of white people banding together to celebration the destruction of work by black, Hispanic and queer artist? What? People coming together to destroy art and culture, is literally a sign of oppression  

    I know Dahl has defended himself from being called a racist and a homophobe but as Vice put it, he’s using the same defense as many alt-right/white nationalist and men’s right supporters. “We were just letting off a little steam. We were just having fun.”

    Here’s an section from that Vice article: Vince Lawrence, a then-teenaged usher at the event told NPR he was uncomfortable being one of the only Black people at the stadium, and remembered that fans were just bringing LPs by black artists: “[There were] Tyrone Davis records, friggin' Curtis Mayfield records and Otis Clay records. Records that were clearly not disco.” All those artists are black artists. Whatever the the intent, this was obviously not just about disco but also about simmering racial resentment.

    What planet do you live on?

    Is there any evidence that any African American, gay  or Hispanic people were injured as a result of disco demolition?

    Do you know if Vince recalls seeing any Carpenters LPs being brought to the stadium that night?

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