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Superstar Lamar

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Everything posted by Superstar Lamar

  1. never simply defer to the place a person received a degree Washington is jam packed impressively degreed mess ups.
  2. It's a good thing that the Cubs got Kimbrel from our perspective. It eliminates the team with the weakest prospects from the bidding.
  3. also need to ask, where should he play? I would like to see him develop some defensive diversity.
  4. Did anyone ask the kid what he meant by soon? He presented it so self assuredly as someone with inside knowledge that I would expect he would know a near exact date. I would give him a week before soon becomes another false "report" from him. Maybe, like his Joc Pederson rumor, the Sox became so frustrated by him cracking the news on their plans that they will now refuse to bring him up out of spite. I guess if he had used the word "eventually" instead of "soon" no one would have taken notice and it wouldn't have forwarded his hoped for career.
  5. Tuesday June 18 a Wrigley line up giolito to throw the next day and sweep the two game series
  6. Dylan Cease will be playing for the Sox in 2019. That is some breaking news. I appreciate the kid trying to get a career started but that doesn't mean adults need to be paying attention.
  7. If a high school kid's tweet can derail a business negotiation our entire economic system is doomed
  8. why would the sox ever agree to a one year deal? Sure we are happy with the apparent progress. Objectively, they are not in the playoff hunt. We would be disappointed with the record if we thought they were a playoff team
  9. Bevington. You would agree if you lived through it.
  10. He will be a 30 year old catcher when he enters free agency. My guess is he would jump at a long term deal. That would take some big balls to bet on himself at that age at the position he plays and with his past production
  11. and Machado would have made the lineup championship level
  12. $50 million separated the Sox from Machado. The Sox spent $32 million on Herrera, Alonzo, Jay and Mc Cann.
  13. People are recognizing that an extra piece outside of the organization will be needed in order to be great. The Sox balked when presented with that extra piece.
  14. wins are almost irrelevant. We are bad. I don't care about the degree of bad.
  15. This may not be the bottom but I'm not joining them any further on a trip downward
  16. As I said in my earlier post, I don't view employment in baseball to be something sacred. It's a meritocracy. He deserves a shot at the job if his talent is sufficient.
  17. There was a very thorough article about the situation a couple of years ago in, I believe, SI that is worth a read. One interesting excerpt, among many, was a third party expert in the field detailing that recidivism among underage people who commit the crime but undergo proper treatment is incredibly low. I don't know how much that changes anyone's analysis. Personally, I don't think we have to entirely forgive and forget but you also cannot damn a 20 or so year old guy to walking the earth alone unworthy of employment once he has paid his debt. I also don't romanticize a job in baseball as some special privilege bestowed on only the purest. If he were hired for the lowest job you can think of, would you hate the company that hired him? If so, then you are essentially saying he should never have employment. In my opinion that position leads to additional legal problems against society in the future. I may find it repugnant but my line of thinking has to lead to an answer that I wouldn't be against the Sox hiring him. Obviously there would have to be restrictions on his employment.
  18. I think they should experiment with the opener by announcing the chairman and general manager's names at the same time as the players just to get anecdotal evidence of fan sentiment
  19. Alonso and Jay were Reinsdorf's baseball equivalent of sending Benny the Bull to the airport to seal a deal.
  20. We are the one's who have to pay for JR unwillingness to stay up to date with the game, how it is played and how it is generally managed.
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