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Superstar Lamar

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Posts posted by Superstar Lamar

  1. Quote


    Joe Maddon sits across town having to endure a lame duck year after being to the playoffs four years in a row and winning a world series but Ricky gets the comfort of an extension?  Strange world.

    I doubt there was anyone beating down the door to get him if he didn't have an extension.  Maybe they think it gives them an advantage in FA to let a player know there is a consistency in management

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  2. 6 hours ago, ptatc said:

    If you look at it by that time frame, the Astors took 7 years to get to first place, 5 years before they had a winning record. That new front office was given a lot of time to make it work. The Sox are in year 2.

    I fear that when he returns he will regress in his control, which really was the key factor in him transforming into a great prospect

  3. 28 minutes ago, Swingandalongonetoleft said:

    I would like "not too distant future" to mean 2019.

    and really, is there any reason for this not to be true?

    There is plausible deniability right now for waiting to bring him up in May 2019.  Take advantage of it.

  4. 2 hours ago, maggsmaggs said:

    According to Baseball Reference, they are already at $185 million in estimated payroll for 2019 (if Q and Strop's options are exercised). The luxury tax next year will be at $206 million. If they want Machado (or Harper for that matter), they will easily be at $215 million without any other off season additions. Will be interesting to see what they do,

    I've written here before that I think the key on both of those guys is going to be front loading the contract in the first two years with a player opt out after year 2.  I think the Sox are position better than just about anyone to give $80 million (or more) in those first two years.

    I wouldn't even be concerned about the overall contract value if I were the Sox as there is a very small chance he doesn't opt out.

  5. I assume all offers for Machado will include opt outs within 3 years (probably 2) which he will most definitely invoke.  The Sox can offer some outrageous number in those first two years because the rest of the payroll will be so low during that period.  So I don't see why the Sox would even blink at offering slightly above market on a 10 year deal but well above market in the first two years of the deal.  Guarantee 70-80 million in those two years and see what you can do with Machado, Abreu, Jimenez and Moncada in year 1 surrounded by guys like Castillo, Avi, Davidson and Anderson.

    There aren't a lot of teams that will be able to make their payroll work with adding 40 million into one player for each year but it shouldn't make the Sox blink.  From Machado's perspective, even if it doesn't work he is out of here in 2 years 80 million richer at the age of 28.

  6. It won't be long now.  Tilson is starting to get his hitting in line after a year off.  Give him another 50 or so good at bats and he will be here to replace Engal.

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