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Superstar Lamar

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Posts posted by Superstar Lamar

  1. 7 minutes ago, Highland said:

    I am not ready to call the rebuild a failure yet, either. There is still a good core of talent here. But I wonder if the FO will do what is needed to finish this job. I don't want to make LaRussa the scapegoat, but his hiring just didn't make sense. And it makes me wonder about other things.


    Even with current gloomy feelings, the Sox are pretty well poised for today and over the next few years.

  2. They squandered years of drafting in the top 10.

    They really are only being propped up by the trades of great veterans signed to ridiculously below market contracts.  Two of those veterans ended up winning world series for the teams to which they were traded.  

  3. He meant to be a dick. He was a dick. That’s sufficient for me to back my guy. 

    I’ll let god decide if it was racist. Anyone with two ears  can determine it was racial. You would have to be pretty thick to be making racial comments to your enemy and not think it would be interpreted negatively. 

    maybe you accept the excuse from a stupid person. Donaldson isn’t stupid. In fact, he seems sufficiently intelligent to have that justification ready to go in his back pocket. 

    he meant it as derogatory. It was received as derogatory. It had a racial component attached. These aren’t in dispute and sufficient for me

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  4. 2 hours ago, The Critic said:

    I would say to get there as early as you're comfortable with waiting. There have been lines outside of every gate for giveaways. The last time I went to a giveaway game was the Abreu bobblehead and the line was insane.
    Keep in mind as well that the only sizes of jersey being given away are medium and XL, so unless you wear a small or large t-shirt, these jerseys won't fit you very well.

    and their XL is not an overly generous XL

  5. 39 minutes ago, southsider2k5 said:

    Also worth stating, Tony isn't leaving until he quits or dies.  If the team that falls short, that doesn't mean anything.


    Have we made the playoffs so many times in our lifetimes that we turn our noses up at an offer?

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