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  1. Naylor is most hated non-sox player since nick punto.
  2. This is the most embarrassing team of all time. No one communicates. A handful of players play like they want to be there. Can’t hustle or catch the ball. Real shame us fans wasted our time and money on this season’s product. Sell the team Jerry. ?
  3. Matt Araiza (Bills) gets cut and Daryl Boston still has a job.
  4. ChiSox lead MLB in runners thrown out at home. Pack your bags SLEEPY JOE.
  5. Certainly a tear in the knee. Poor guy. Fireable offense for McEwing. Parlaying another great decision on his amazing year…
  6. Okay so some organization like the Texas Rangers will give him 9 figures because they think he is coming off his 2019 season. Got it.
  7. Another great outing today. Approaching Non-Tender in the offseason territory at this point.
  8. Gee Mendick getting hurt on a little league effort by Haseley really stinks. Sosa needs some run NOT Leury Garcia.
  9. Rick Hahn is going to be booed out of town at this rate. He can bring the Sox season tix reps he hooks up with with him!
  10. Giolito won't net a return like Hader but I liked what the Brewers did. Hahn should try and get some type of similar return. Maybe Giolito to the TX Rangers for Martin Perez and Nick Solak?
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