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Everything posted by HeHatesShe

  1. I can't imagine it being a torn acl or mcl. I tore both in November and I wasn't interested in putting any weight on it for 30 minutes. And even then it was gingerly. Any other knee injuries are beyond my experience, but I'd be more surprised than Chris Rock when Will Smith slapped the shit out of him if it's a torn mcl or acl.
  2. Shoot me the teams and scoring format.
  3. Did you think he went? I did. What's the rule on that? When it's 20 to 1:00, he went.
  4. Engle in classic spring training mode. Hopefully he can keep that locked in.
  5. Excited for Burger. Hoping Blake can surprise.
  6. I fucking knew he was gonna do that! He had that lol in his eyes!
  7. Why can't Robert catch those. 3 or 4 this year like that.
  8. He's going to make a lot of money this off-season.
  9. :Did i not say you were a liability? Did i not say you had no place here? I have never been so wrong in all my life" - The Madrigal
  10. Another terrible call at first. Not as bad as the one last week, but he was clearly safe.
  11. I remember seeing Cody Heuer and Benjamin Bailey on the "just missed" list last year and thinking I'd rate them both in the top 20. This year, besides still wanting Hansen and Hamilton to succeed, I don't really see any that I could complain about not making the top 30.
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