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I got a f'n traffic ticket tonight

Flash Tizzle

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Only happen about half an hour ago.


I was in Orland Hills coming from party and left early because I have work tomorrow. I drove up there following friends but was going to drive home by myself. Thought it would be easy to retrace my steps but after 10 minutes of shifting through neighborhoods I realized I was lost.


I knew if I just drove straight I would run into some main street like LaGrange or 157th so I kept going. When coming over a hill I was looking around for some identifiable landmark; obviously not concentrating 100% on driving. I saw a stop sign but neglected to give it a second and blazed right through it.


It wasnt for another 2 or 3 blocks that I see a cop turn on his lights in my rearview mirror. I knew what I did, and tried a few classic moves: including not being familiar with the area ,asking what I did as if I didnt know, and mentioning a "long day at work." Wasnt an old cop, and quite frankly was giving me alot of s***. AFter my explanations he said "Thats bulls*** kid, give me your damn liscense."


Anyways, after he comes back with the ticket I noticed he has marked off for driving 30+ above the post limited. When asked about it he remarked that it wasnt locked on radar, but what he "estimated" the speed to be. Which means I shouldnt have to pay the extra amount that is added on when driving above the limit. Or that fact pay any speeding amount because thats not what I got pulled over for.


Other then that, Im wondering if there is any way I could fight this ticket. I know I blew through it, but because of the radar remark (which was recorded on his tape set) im wondering if it may be dismissed in court. If a murder case can be overruled because some cop didnt read miranda rights then maybe I have a chance.


Damn bastards catch me at the wrong time, I cant afford to pay a 150 ticket and 8 hours at traffic school!

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Guest hotsoxchick1

id suggest going to court and tellin the judge your story.. if hes in a good mood he may buy it and who knows what can happen.......i know by going to court i have gotten out of speeding tickets being on my record and the traffic school before.....of course that was quite a few years ago but i dont think things have changed that much since...... :huh: but i suggest that you ask killa he may know what to do ...he knows the laws better than i.......

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Havent heard of a PBA, what is it?

ITS just a card that a cop gives you and its suppposed to save you from tickets, it even could save you from being arrested if the cop that gave you it ( because its supposed to be signed ) has the same last name as you like your dad

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ITS just a card that a cop gives you and its suppposed to save you from tickets, it even could save you from being arrested if the cop that gave you it ( because its supposed to be signed ) has the same last name as you like your dad



Tell me more about this 'card'!

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It's a detector that you put in your card that alerts you when a police is in your vicitnity at any given moment...



But TheBigHurtBEGOOD, how can that help him AFTER he got a ticket??? :huh:

HEATHER no its not that some other thing......IT wont help him now in fact it might no help him at all since im not sure if states outside of NY have them

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Tell me more about this 'card'!

WELL theres one for NYC, Nassau, Suffolk and that should be it

That doesn't answer anything!!!


How do you get this card? And what does it do? You were very vague in your description.

YOU have to know a cop to get it......ITS supposed to "in theory" save you from a ticket but it doesnt always

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Tell me more about this 'card'!

WELL theres one for NYC, Nassau, Suffolk and that should be it

That doesn't answer anything!!!


How do you get this card? And what does it do? You were very vague in your description.

YOU have to know a cop to get it......ITS supposed to "in theory" save you from a ticket but it doesnt always

So it's some sort of bias towards people who know cops so they can do whatever the hell they want! Doesn't sound very good if you don't know a cop.

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Damn bastards catch me at the wrong time, I cant afford to pay a 150 ticket and 8 hours at traffic school!

you can't afford the increase in the insurance -


get a lawyer, lawyer will negotiate with states attorney or prosecutor (depending on what state you are in) and plea bargain to something better if not make it go away)


the cost of the lawyer you save in insurance and points on your license


good luck

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Heres another problem.


On selection B, where it says how much you have to pay( corresponding to how fast you went above the speed limit) I went Over 30 mph. As I said earlier the speed was never registered on radar, furthermore I don't know how much I would have to pay. It only says the price for 21-30 mph over and nothing beyond that.

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Heres another problem.


On selection B, where it says how much you have to pay( corresponding to how fast you went above the speed limit) I went Over 30 mph.  As I said earlier the speed was never registered on radar, furthermore I don't know how much I would have to pay.  It only says the price for 21-30 mph over and nothing beyond that.

I just watched scarface last night for the first time. Solid movie.

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Go to court!  Chances are very high the motherf***er won't even show up, and you'll win by default.

Boy..... are you a f***ing idiot.


Next time a plane flies into a civilian target and a cop or firefighter is running up when you're running down, make sure you let those "motherf***ers" know exactly how you feel about them and what they're doing.

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Only happen about half an hour ago.


I was in Orland Hills coming from party and left early because I have work tomorrow.  I drove up there following friends but was going to drive home by myself.  Thought it would be easy to retrace my steps but after 10 minutes of shifting through neighborhoods I realized I was lost. 


I knew if I just drove straight I would run into some main street like LaGrange or 157th so I kept going.  When coming over a hill I was looking around for some identifiable landmark; obviously not concentrating 100% on driving.  I saw a stop sign but neglected to give it a second and blazed right through it. 


It wasnt for another 2 or 3 blocks that I see a cop turn on his lights in my rearview mirror.  I knew what I did, and tried a few classic moves:  including not being familiar with the area ,asking what I did as if I didnt know, and mentioning a "long day at work."  Wasnt an old cop, and quite frankly was giving me alot of s***. AFter my explanations he said "Thats bulls*** kid, give me your damn liscense."


Anyways, after he comes back with the ticket I noticed he has marked off for driving 30+ above the post limited.  When asked about it he remarked that it wasnt locked on radar, but what he "estimated" the speed to be.  Which means I shouldnt have to pay the extra amount that is added on when driving above the limit.  Or that fact pay any speeding amount because thats not what I got pulled over for.


Other then that, Im wondering if there is any way I could fight this ticket.  I know I blew through it, but because of the radar remark (which was recorded on his tape set) im wondering if it may be dismissed in court.  If a murder case can be overruled because some cop didnt read miranda rights then maybe I have a chance.


Damn bastards catch me at the wrong time, I cant afford to pay a 150 ticket and 8 hours at traffic school!

I don't know enough to comment on the speeding ticket, but you admitted to running the stop sign. Like cw said, get a lawyer, cop a guilty plea to running the stop sign, and see if your lawyer can get the State to drop the speeding charge in exchange for the guilty plea on running the stop sign.


And just some additional..... when the cop said he "estimated" your speed, he probably paced you the 2 blocks after running the stop sign before he activated his emergency lights. A pace has been deemed an acceptable way of obtaining a vehicles speed by the US Supreme Court. A pace is performed when a cop sets a speed either in front, behind, or beside your vehicle and maintains a constant speed with his/her speedometer and, during which time, the officer neither loses or gains any distance between his/her and your vehicle. Unless you know, for a fact, how fast you were going, you are more than likely going to be found guilty if you plead not guilty to the charge unless you can prove to the court, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the officer who issued the citation was mistaken.


Then again, you could go to court and, if the cop that issued you the ticket isn't in court, plead not guilty and the ticket will be thrown out because the cop won't be there to testify for the State.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Boy..... are you a f***ing idiot. 


Next time a plane flies into a civilian target and a cop or firefighter is running up when you're running down, make sure you let those "motherf***ers" know exactly how you feel about them and what they're doing.

shes pretty lucky that "motherf***er" wasnt out the nite she was doing 105 mph drunk down the highway...... :rolleyes:

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Killa, what about my chances of going to traffic court. Dont know if you downloaded the post four above this one (or was able to read it) but it says I may or may not be given the chance to attend traffic school because I have already taken a class within 12 months. I would have to take a 8 hour class, but it beats having a conviction on my record.

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Killa, what about my chances of going to traffic court.  Dont know if you downloaded it (or was able to read it) but it says I may or may not be given the chance to attend traffic school because I have already taken a class within 12 months.  I would have to take a 8 hour class, but it beats having a conviction on my record.

What was your other ticket for..... when you went to Traffic Safety School the first time?

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What was your other ticket for?

............speeding. Im not denying I can be a reckless driver, maybe some would say I deserve this. Thought I learned my lesson last time to be more careful.



Far as traffic school, I attended a 4 hour class at a community college near me in June and completed the course.

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............speeding.  Im not denying I can be a reckless driver, maybe some would say I deserve this.  Thought I learned my lesson last time to be more careful.



Far as traffic school, I attended a 4 hour class at a community college near me in June and completed the course.

Obvioulsy you missed my thread on this subject a few weeks ago..

read this


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............speeding.  Im not denying I can be a reckless driver, maybe some would say I deserve this.  Thought I learned my lesson last time to be more careful.



Far as traffic school, I attended a 4 hour class at a community college near me in June and completed the course.

If you only had one ticket the last year (since you attended the 4 hr), you should qualify to attend the 8 hours IF you plead guilty and ask the State for leniency.


My advice to you is, if you cannot afford and attorney, go to court early and talk to the State (prosecutor) before Court convenes. Explain your predicament and ask, straight out, to have the speeder dropped in exchange for a guilty plea on running the stop sign. Offer to attend Traffic School and pay a fine (if necessary).


Take care of all this with the State and, if the cop doesn't show up, still plead not guilty. Ask the State if the cop is there though. That is not priveleged info. You don't want to cop a plea bargain with the State then, when you don't see the cop, plead not guilty when the cop is just in another court room. The State may not be so receptive after a good faith bargaining to have it shoved right back in their face since you think the cop isn't there. If you make a baragin, stick with it.


Considering you already have one speeder and 4 hours under your belt, some judges may hit you with a conviction if you're found guilty since you were ticketed again for a similar offense in under a year. Keep that in mind. Convictions=higher insurance rates!!!!!

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