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COMPARE NYC to Chi-town for those who have

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New York City: Like walking around with 12 Million Joey Baddafukos. Nothing much to see that cant be seen in Chicago. NYC is hugely overrated in my opinion. But like wrigley field, more people go there to say "IVE BEEN TO NY" then to actually do anything


As Jay Mariotti seems to mention once a week in his columns, Chicago is a place where a large amount of people grow up and never leave. NYC probably gets its population from small town folks who want to "live it up" or "follow their dreams."

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New York is chicago multiplied by 3 in size... lots of stuff to do, and times square has to be the coolest place i've ever been to. But I think New York is a little sterile when it comes to that "at home" feeling you get when your here in chicago. TO be honest, even though NY has all the bells and whistles.... I'd say Chicago is a far better place to live... but if ur looking for a weekend to just go buck wild.. NY might have the advantage.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

new york is to crowded and very impersonal.. chicago on the other hand is more spread out and everyone know everyone or someone that someone knows and so on....they both offer the same things just on different scales......besides we have the best pizza... ;) .......flash said it best i think.......ill go with what he said..... :D been to both thats why i remain here.......

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New York City:  Like walking around with 12 Million Joey Baddafukos.  Nothing much to see that cant be seen in Chicago.  NYC is hugely overrated in my opinion.  But like wrigley field, more people go there to say "IVE BEEN TO NY" then to actually do anything


As Jay Mariotti seems to mention once a week in his columns, Chicago is a place where a large amount of people grow up and never leave.  NYC probably gets its population from small town folks who want to "live it up" or "follow their dreams."



I live outside of New York City, it is big I like it but Jay Marriotti hit the nail almost perfectly on the head, except for one thing, those that grow up in NY do not leave it. But also a lot of small town people go there to experience living in a city like he said.


I lived in Chicago for 14 years, here outside of NY for 2, and I will live in Chicago when I am older. Chicago is a place to live, NY is a place to experience.

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Ahhh, the big apple...used to work/live there. It's truly incredible, but I like the character of the people in Chicago more. That being said, if you live in NY for a long enough period, you will learn to love it, and there are tons of cool folks there too.


It's unparalleled when you're single/young couple and want to party till all hours, or if you're filthy rich, but if you want any semblance of a suburban family life, you have to get out, way out. I would probably live in CT or NJ, and drive to the city when necessary. If I had no choice but to work in the city, I'd probably do NJ.


Long Island blows unless you work out there...it would be unfathomable to me to take the LIE in to Manhattan, ever. They need about 6 lanes in either direction on all highways. There are no shoulders, so when a car breaks down, everyone's f***ed.


NJ isn't as accessible since the WTC collapse, as the PATH train under the river is now defunct....the tunnels are downright scary even w/out the threat of terrorism. Northern NJ 'burbs have express buses to Port Authority which aren't bad.


CT would be ideal, but I don't care for the parts closest to NYC (except the parts I can't afford...).


I knew a lot of people from north of NYC (in New York state), but never hung out up there. Heard it's OK.


And for the single guys, the strip clubs were stripped of all fun by Giuliani in the 90's. :finger

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As Jay Mariotti seems to mention once a week in his columns, Chicago is a place where a large amount of people grow up and never leave.  NYC probably gets its population from small town folks who want to "live it up" or "follow their dreams."


Funny you mention this...I worked (here) with two guys from NYC proper. One guy was from the heart of Manhattan, the other on the far upper portion of manhattan (Inwood, further from Midtown than Brooklyn, Queens, and parts of the Bronx. While the guy from Inwood used to brag big time about his city (though he knew little of it being sheltered so far from it), the guy who grew up in the middle of it all recalled family trips to the suburban malls in New Jersey. When they'd be returning he'd be all bummed out, like "we gotta go back home now?" And where he lived it wasn't a bad hood, just congested as all hell.....the cement hell! I laugh when I see plantlife in Manhattan (Central Park notwithstanding).

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I thought the Path trains were running again.


I love South Manhattan, Greenwich Village, etc. but I wouldn't wanna live there. This summer I was in Rego Park, Queens and it reminded me so much of some of the middle class neighborhoods on the Northwest side... I think there's good to be had in both cities. But Chicago has Frank Thomas.

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Chicago- I love Chicago. I lived an hour away for six years and while my friends would beg our parents to take us to Six Flags, Id beg to go to the city. Chicago was my home, and second to Hawaii, its my favorite place on Earth. I loved Lincoln Park, Brooklyn Zoo, sitting in Comiskey watching the game with the projects peeking over the walls (yes, for some odd reason, I liked the projects), going to the top of the Sears Tower and everything. I also liked the annual airshow where wed go and swim in the lake while the Blue Angels flew overhead.


New York- Ive been to New York for a day (post Sept 11, never saw the WTC) in my life and I loved it. You cant see everything in a day but we saw a lot of it. Theres Time Square (which, like someone said earlier, is one of the coolest places there is) where you have the naked cowboy (only in NY :D ) and excellent breakdancers. Theres the Empire State Building and Greenwich Village. And some people say New Yorkers are mean. Not at all. There were several locals we met that talked to us just about anything for no real reason other than to be nice. They were very welcoming people who were hard to not like.


My consensus is the same as the others. Chicago is home, New York is the party...

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New York- Ive been to New York for a day (post Sept 11, never saw the WTC) in my life and I loved it. You cant see everything in a day but we saw a lot of it.

The WTC was awesome, oldroman. It was like two Sears Towers right next to each other.....and they were the same width at the top, not like the Sears where only two of the nine "tubes" make it to the top of the building. Plus you could go outside on top the building for some truly amazing views.


A great part of the city is the neighborhoods in the out boroughs though, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx (I hardly consider Staten Island part of NYC).

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