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Chris Sale scratched from start


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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 23, 2016 -> 11:02 PM)
If you can't control your anger, you are mentally weak.


Where do you come up with some of this stuff? That's really not true at all. Anger management has nothing to do with intelligence or mental capacity or strength. Could be genetic, physical, cultural and social upbringing, PTSD. etc


It's like saying someone with depression, chronic anxiety, fear or has a phobia is mentally weak


Good Lord. Stick to baseball, man




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Great article about this whole thing: https://theringer.com/chris-sale-chicago-wh...cf6d#.i3pco7j40


Buddy, this dude just cut up his team’s uniforms with a knife. That’s scary and egregious already.

This is weirder than the LaRoche Affair, weirder than the Best Data Breach in Baseball, weirder than just about any other story the game has produced in recent memory. And that is saying something.

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QUOTE (Green Line @ Jul 24, 2016 -> 04:07 AM)
To the guys saying he was justified because "the jerseys were uncomfortable" Give me a freaking break! This dude is getting paid MILLIONS of dollars to pitch every 5 days. I would go out there and pitch in my birthday suit if they were giving me that much money. He is a child who must have never been told no growing up. Absolutely no sympathy.

He was completely justified. If the jerseys are uncomfortable rip 'em up. I'm all for that. As long as he didn't wield his knife at any human beings, I think it's cool he freaked out. This team is a f***ing joke. Kudos to Chris.


QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jul 24, 2016 -> 04:47 AM)
What he did to the jerseys was stupid. Having him not pitch because of it is more stupid.

This is one perfect post. A Hall of Fame post. I like it. To have him not pitch because of that is beyond insane. My gawd we need a housecleaning. Jerry please sell this club!!!! You have the one ring; that's all u are going to get. Mark Cuban ... please.


QUOTE (Green Line @ Jul 24, 2016 -> 04:48 AM)
He's a loyal guy? Is that was he was being during Spring Training when he publicly threw his boss under the bus and embaressed the organization? He was loyal to Drake, I suppose.

How can you back his "boss" and this organization over Chris Sale? Seriously. Think what you are saying here.


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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 24, 2016 -> 02:12 AM)
How can you back his "boss" and this organization over Chris Sale? Seriously. Think what you are saying here.


What are you on? How can I back the organization for benching a guy who went psycho and destroyed the team's uniforms before a game because he didn't want to wear them? Gee, I dont know. What universe are you from where that is EVER acceptable?? Jesus, this is a grown man we are talking about, not a 5 year old throwing a temper tantrum.


I think the management should have been gone yesterday, but Ill be damned if I take the side of a player, no matter how good, who disrespects my favorite team in the way he did. I'm a White Sox fan, not a Chris Sale fan. He let down the fans who came out to see him pitch today, the fans who came to see the throwback jerseys which he selfishly destroyed, and his teammates (especially the relievers) who had to pick up the slack for him. If you love Chris Sale that much over this organization, then follow him to his next team. Im pissed at how awful theyve been over the last decade, but Im not gonna do that.

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Here's an honest question: Would Sale have done this if Ozzie was the manager? I along with Greg am one of the few that thinks we should bring him back. I realize what a sh&t show it was when he ran out his welcome here especially with giving up on the team in the last series before he left, but at least he had control of the ballclub and I feel the players respected him and knew he was the boss. Plus he won a world series here, we can't forget that, ever. There's no leadership on this team and things have to change. Let the flaming begin ;)


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Trade him. I don't care if he is the most valuable pitcher in the league. He's acting like a child, has always acted like a child, always wanting his way and when he can't get it he makes a huge deal about it by doing something drastic like a little kid. Remember that game in Detroit when he complained someone was in centerfield stands with binoculars letting Detroit know what pitches he was throwing. What? That's just one of many incidents. This has been going on even BEFORE he was a proven star. Seriously Sale, think before you act. He should be the leader on this ballclub, and instead he embarasses the team. He has caused so much unwanted drama with this organization, he can go somewhere else, (preferably NL). Trade him, get a haul for him, and be done. I'm sick of this literal BS.

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The way Sale reacted to the LaRoche thing back in April showed the fuse had been lit between Sale and management.


I think some are missing that the uniform incident could have been anything, it just happened to be THE thing; i.e., a symptom not the cause.


It was clear back then that he hated KW at least.

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QUOTE (fathom @ Jul 24, 2016 -> 01:34 AM)
I can't see how someone could advocate Sale pitching on Sat night after his unprecedented temper tantrum. Got to put your foot down sometime.

Put your foot down fine him, whatever. But tell him to go home you aren"t pitching tonight? That punishes his teammates, the fans, etc. It hurts the Sox that game and games to come as the bullpen has to pitch at least 9 innings.


This isn't Little Leauge, he is a grown man even thiogh sometimes he doesn't act like it. But this is professional sports.



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QUOTE (LVSoxFan @ Jul 24, 2016 -> 07:15 AM)
The way Sale reacted to the LaRoche thing back in April showed the fuse had been lit between Sale and management.

I think some are missing that the uniform incident could have been anything, it just happened to be THE thing; i.e., a symptom not the cause.It was clear back then that he hated KW at least.


Exactly. This is what he said before, which struck me as a statement that contained a lot of hostility or hate as you said:


Sale commenting after LaRoach matter:


"This is a bigger issue than being told his son can't be around. It's a much deeper issue," Sale said, then referred directly to Williams: "We got bold-faced lied to by someone we're supposed to be able to trust."


The White Sox should have traded Sale after that disrespectful comment and frankly, I don't care what motivated it. Can anyone even imagine a Yankee calling Cashman a bald faced liar and remaining on the team? No more special rules for special players. That is what caused the LaRoach problem in the first place.



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Trading the number two lefty of his generation out of spite is how the White Sox end up in fourth or fifth place for another generation. Making Jose Quintana the centerpiece of the organization will ensure that we're even more irrelevant with the next generation of young fans in Chicago.


Let's not forget it was Hahn who was dissed here on this occasion...can he keep his wits about him and make the perfect trade under these conditions?


Does this happen with ANY manager...or is it simply a sign of a systemic lack of control that dates back to the last season of Ozzie at the helm (2011)?


Did Don Cooper also help contribute to the creation of an environment where Sale feels he's so special he can get away with or basically be forgiven for anything because of his unique talent level?



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QUOTE (miracleon35th @ Jul 24, 2016 -> 06:41 AM)
Exactly. This is what he said before, which struck me as a statement that contained a lot of hostility or hate as you said:


Sale commenting after LaRoach matter:


"This is a bigger issue than being told his son can't be around. It's a much deeper issue," Sale said, then referred directly to Williams: "We got bold-faced lied to by someone we're supposed to be able to trust."


The White Sox should have traded Sale after that disrespectful comment and frankly, I don't care what motivated it. Can anyone even imagine a Yankee calling Cashman a bald faced liar and remaining on the team? No more special rules for special players. That is what caused the LaRoach problem in the first place.


Would this have happened on a winning team...rather than one that's missed the playoffs for a longer stretch than only the Pads, Marlins and Mariners? Losing brings out frustration in even the best players over time.

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I'm sorry to say it, but I don't think that this story is going to have a happy ending. The team came together, after the La Roche incident and started the season on fire.

However, it seems unlikely that this will have a similar effect. At least in the former incident, Sale wasn't demonstrating a selfish attitude. He was defending a teammate.

In this case, it all seems to be about him. The one question that nobody seems to be asking is perhaps the most important; How do his teammates feel about his behavior? If Sale were to be perceived as a clubhouse "cancer," or at least a negative influence, that would put management in a bad position. The front office would be more inclined to trade him, right when his value could be diminished.


In any case, non of this helps the organization's image. Appearing to be disfunctional doesn't help to attract new fans, and it doesn't make the Sox a more desirable destination for future free agents. Again, I don't see this story ending well. Maybe I'm just over reacting? I hope so.

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They should have Thome, Buehrle or Konerko sit down and talk to him about professionalism...and being the face of the franchise to young kids everywhere. The responsibility that entails. Heck, the example he is setting for his own family, on a micro level.


Can you imagine how embarrassing it would be if Little Leaguers somewhere copied that stunt or a high school or university team unhappy with their coach did the same thing?

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From the Paasan article:


“Right now, in the major leagues, we’ve got dopers, domestic abusers, homophobes, misogynists and even a guy who spent time in prison for a DUI hit-and-run,” one executive said. “But a uniform vandal? Dammit, we have to draw the line somewhere.”



I what he did was beyond stupid, but the he must go crowd doesn't put things in perspective. Probably just love the prospects of prospects, yet when they say he has to go, if they traded him and the prospects did not pan out would not remember according to them the Sox front office had no choice.


Sale cutting up uniforms...dumb

Sox not letting Sale pitch because of it...dumber

Sox trading Sale for whatever they can get because he cut up uniforms....dumbest

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 24, 2016 -> 11:56 AM)
I am dumbfounded that sale has any support here.





The dude cares more about winning then some marketing event. And quite frankly he's one of the only guy's on this team that's performed day- in/out during the multi-year s*** storm.


Reminds me of that scene in Vegas vacation. "I'm tired of this s***. I want something better!!!"

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