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Mailing it in


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Pathetic. That about says it all. This team couldn't even finish out the season, a big :fyou to the fans. The twins don't have to worry about their magic number, this team will eliminate itself. No heart, no pride, nothing. Third place, here we come.


Garland...showed some promise the last month of last season and this year looked to build on that at times, but his last few outings have been horendous.


Frank...MVP? yeah f***ing right. Not even close


Loaiza...Cy Young? 20 wins? Oh that's right, you're sick. You fit in perfect with this bunch, they're full of excuses. The batter's box is too small, we don't hit pitchers we haven't seen before very well, the hitting background isn't good, etc., etc., etc.........



One frustrated fan

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im glad i prepared myself for this a few weeks ago...make it two pissed off fans..... :angry:

I was totally demoralized after the first game in Minny. I knew we were in deep s***, no I have now emotion left what-so-ever. If we win that's fine, if we lose I really don't give a s***.


Let's just fire Manuel, and end this pathetic season.



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A pathetic display today too.


They should be ashamed of themselves. I mean, any team can lose a game, but I've watched a lot of baseball in my life and I did not see any effort or fight today.


Totally inexcusable on Fan Appreciation Day.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
How's this for depressed:


I've got season tix for the Sox (weekend plan), the Blackhawks, and the Bears.


Talk about learning to live with pain ... :bang

hey you can dump your hawks tickets.. just b**** about the team a bit and they will send your money back......... :lol:

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Hawk, in his own way, just ripped this team by saying that Kansas City isn't playing for second place. They're still playing for FIRST place.


Didn't say a word about how the White Sox were playing.


Of coure, he didn't have to. We have eyes.

This is kind of addresed to you and CWSox45 -


right on both of you for your comments.


It is now time that we get a new manager. This season will not be salvaged and long enough of an effort has been given to JM. Without respect to whether it is his fault or not, without any reflection on JM, this team is ready for a change at manager. JM has had a good run, he got us one division championship, it is time for the thak you party, the gold watch, and the new manager named.


I am not in a hurry to see a new manager named because last May we were told that KW was on the way out. That never happened. Could be a lot of reasons that it didn't but I have no doubt the information was right when it was given. Sometimes thimgs change in an organization between the time a decision is made and the time it is carried out. I think that is what happened - especially the unexpected event of the arrest of KW's kids.


But now the season is essentisally over, do we still have a GM tio be fired? Has KW redeemed his job? I do not know. I have no clue on that. But until that is settled, we should not hire a new manager. The GM who is in place next season should hire the new manager. If it is going to be KW, then KW should hire. If the GM is going to be someone other than KW, that is the person who should hire.


This season has gone sadly wrong. We were in it for a while in september - but we have collapsed. It is time for a change.

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Pathetic.  That about says it all.  This team couldn't even finish out the season, a big  :fyou to the fans.  The twins don't have to worry about their magic number, this team will eliminate itself.  No heart, no pride, nothing.  Third place, here we come.


Garland...showed some promise the last month of last season and this year looked to build on that at times, but his last few outings have been horendous.


Frank...MVP?  yeah f***ing right.  Not even close


Loaiza...Cy Young?  20 wins?  Oh that's right, you're sick.  You fit in perfect with this bunch, they're full of excuses.  The batter's box is too small, we don't hit pitchers we haven't seen before very well, the hitting background isn't good, etc., etc., etc.........



One frustrated fan

I just noticed your avatar.


Very clever!


But sick...


is that really your plate or get that off the net? There is one local that says "tingm" which of course makes more sense on the actual Spartan license plate than it does in here. That one is as clever as yours, and equally as sick.


so 10 points for ingenuity but I would nothing less from Patrick Bateman!

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I got it in an email the other day. I'm a Notre Dame fan, so someone was trying to brighten my day after the beating we took. I thought it was clever as well, but can't take the credit. The email subject line was "Clarett's Plate", but I highly doubt it. Don't think he's bright enough. Tough loss for your guys against Oregon the other day. Gonna be a long year for the Irish.

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If you go to hell, Satan makes you watch those 3 games on a continuous loop. I saw every inning of those games, and I was calling for Manuel's head by game 3.


Remember in mid-2002 Reinsdorf was saying that Spring Training 2003 would be a boot camp? Did I miss that somewhere? They were not ready when the whistle blew, got their asses handed to them, and they deserve to finish third, the bastards. And, oh, yes, Jerry Manuel - enjoy Sacramento.

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If you go to hell, Satan makes you watch those 3 games on a continuous loop. I saw every inning of those games, and I was calling for Manuel's head by game 3.


Remember in mid-2002 Reinsdorf was saying that Spring Training 2003 would be a boot camp? Did I miss that somewhere? They were not ready when the whistle blew, got their asses handed to them, and they deserve to finish third, the bastards. And, oh, yes, Jerry Manuel - enjoy Sacramento.

Jerry Manuel ain't gonna be in Sacrmento. He's gonna be down with da Seinfelds at Del Boque Vista in Florida running for Club President.

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U see my explanation for all the stupid, pathetic and boneheaded decisions that Jerry Manuel has made is because he must have been hit by a baseball in the head like Kramer did standing on the Yankees dugout. I mean how else would u explain the years of mediocrity and underachievement that this ballclub has put us through. Just when they get ur hopes ups, they usually blow it normally due to one of JM's blunders.


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HSC, as badly as I hoped you would be proven wrong about this team, I have to say you were right all along. I can't say that I disagreed with you, but I sure hoped things would turn out different.


cwsox, I have to agree with you on Manuel. His run as manager must come to an end. Now.

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