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Gash, just got back from seeing it about an hour ago. I enjoyed it. Not a side of Kate Beckinsale you would normally see. Nice look at the dark world of Vamps and Likens(sp). Go check it out, worth seeing IMO. Everythings a ripoff of something, but the plot was original, and to me it was a pretty solid movie.

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Has anyone seen that new movie "Underworld" with Kate Beckinsale(sp)?


I'm like going back and forth on to see it or not. Although you can clearly see the 'Blade' and 'Matrix' ripoffs it has.

I Saw it on Saturday...I normally dont like movies like that but I actually kinda enjoyed it! Sure It was probably the sight of Kate Beckinsale in black leather the ENTIRE movie that swayed my opinion but it was actually a relatively inventive movie...


I will say it is nothing groundbreaking or anything and DONT try to analyze the plot line because its just a vampire movie...And it is extremely dark and drab and the character development is lacking but the action, and gore makes up for it...lol


I give it a B...2 1/2 stars


Check it out!

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Just curious, do you actually see any of the movies at your theater? How many movies do you see a month let say at the theater? Don't you get to see them for free?

IM not too much of a movie person I see about 3 full ones a month and I just pop in and watch a minnute or two of others...BUT I could see anything for free

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Just curious, do you actually see any of the movies at your theater? How many movies do you see a month let say at the theater? Don't you get to see them for free?

My buddy who works at the theatre never sees any of the movies. But me on the other hand...I see a ton of them cause he is able to get 3 of us in for free :headbang


Saw the Desperado 2 this weekend. I had heard it sucked but I thought it was pretty solid. Some pretty cool gun fights and I guess their was a plot. IT was an odd one, but I went soley for some good gun scenes.


We got their a bit early so walked into that stupid ass movie about that house with the guy from the Rookie and boy did that movie blow. Caught probably the last 20 minutes of it...and it had to be the cheesiest ending ever.

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