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how is this new guy the hawks just got with the double U's in his name (something like juubu) supposta be. Is he gunna help the team out alot?



I doubt he'll have major impact immediately considering the SlackHawks (thanks Critic ;) ) are a 2003 NHL Organization run like they are in 1960.

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Tuomo Ruutu's his name, and he's going to be one hell of a player evantually. He's been compared to guys like Jeremy Roenick and even Peter Forsberg. In the Blackhawks preseason game against St. Louis (4-4 tie) he scored his first goal on a rebound created from his own shot. Here's an article from chicagosports.com


Ruutu displays feistiness

By Bob Foltman

Tribune staff reporter


It's dangerous to draw conclusions from just one exhibition game. But after Tuomo Ruutu's debut in the Blackhawks' 4-4 tie Sunday with St. Louis, one thing is certain: Ruutu is something Hawks fans haven't seen in quite a while.


On his first shift, Ruutu drilled Blues defenseman Christian Laflamme into the boards.

On his second shift, he scored on a rebound of his own shot.


"He's a young guy [who] plays like a man, and he plays a man's game," coach Brian Sutter said.


Getting that first goal so early in the preseason was one less thing to concern Ruutu.


"It's nice to have the first goal," he said. "Then you don't have to think about it."


But his tenacious, physical play opened everyone's eyes. Ruutu hammered defenseman Jame Pollock and then, as he was skating back to the bench, dropped Daniel Tkaczuk.


Late in the first period, after absorbing a clean, hard Ruutu hit into the boards, Jamal Mayers tried to jump Ruutu from behind, knocking off his helmet. Ruutu skated away—and Mayers skated to the penalty box.


"It's just a game, giving it to him, giving it back," Ruutu said. "Why fight him in the first period? I want to play."


Mayers had Ruutu lined up for revenge in the second period as Ruutu took the puck down the boards. But the hunter became the hunted. Ruutu dropped his right shoulder and sent Mayers backward and flat on his back. He was still carrying the puck.


"You saw what happened when a big guy took a run at [him]," Sutter said. "The big guy fell down. That was the end of them running at him."


Ruutu's style is sure to agitate NHL foes.


"Nobody likes me," he said. His teammates and Hawks fans will disagree.



Personally I think it's great to see a young guy like him who can score and piss ppl off and he hasn't even played in a regular NHL game yet. He's actually gonna giv Hawks fans sumthin to look forward to for once. I just hope he doesn't get decked by some goon lookin to send a message.

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Hey, no sweat Killa - although I actually prefer LackHawks because they LACK a consistent power play, they LACK a consistent offensive threat, and they LACK a fanbase now that BillyBuck has chased us all away.


Ruutu is gonna be special, I think, unless his knees become a chronic problem.

He's a physical player with scoring touch - the Roenick comparison is a good one.


Unfortunately, one guy is not enough to bring me out to the UC unless I get comps from a friend who works there. I have to see a more realistic effort being made to field ( ice? ) a competitive team. The team I see is going to only win in boring slow-paced games, and that's fine once in a while, but not as a gameplan.

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how is this new guy the hawks just got with the double U's in his name (something like juubu) supposta be. Is he gunna help the team out alot?

I actually got freebie tickets to last nights exhibition game for the Hawks and I will tell you this much. Tuomo Ruutu is going to be the next big star in this town. He is incredible. I have never seen a European player play that physical of a game. He had some open ice hits that were beaut's. Plus his puck handling and passing were very pretty. He has an incrediblely polished game for such a young player. I am ready to go get my Ruutu jersey already. Roenick is a good comparision of style of game, except I think JR had a better shot, and Tuomo is a much better passer.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
I actually got freebie tickets to last nights exhibition game for the Hawks and I will tell you this much.  Tuomo Ruutu is going to be the next big star in this town.  He is incredible.  I have never seen a European player play that physical of a game.  He had some open ice hits that were beaut's.  Plus his puck handling and passing were very pretty.  He has an incrediblely polished game for such a young player.  I am ready to go get my Ruutu jersey already.  Roenick is a good comparision of style of game, except I think JR had a better shot, and Tuomo is a much better passer.

its too bad to wasting that talent on such a s*** team......... ;)

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its too bad to wasting  that talent on such a s*** team......... ;)

Maybe in a couple of years they could have some wins. They need another goalie (Lieghton and Anderson sucked) and some better Dmen, but the kids I saw last night (Ruutu and Radulov have a lot of talent, Seabrook and the other rookie #1 were scratches) can play. This team could develop into a Vancouver type team in a couple of years, if guys like Zhamnov, Daze and company stick around.

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