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Caucasian Club


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hey, she has to name it that to be an in your face thing and get the tv time


game, set, match to you.



Probably because its set up to have something to do with caucasian cultuer or something like that.


Although I couldn't quit tell you what caucasian culture is.

There's already a big club that's all about Caucasian culture. It's called America.

Very out dated view. By 2030 there will be no white majority, if current trends continue. Whites are already less than half of the populations of California, New Mexico and Hawaii. Probably Texas too at this point. Hispanics are the largest "minority" group and their numbers are growing at a rapid clip. By 2007 or 2008 there will be more hispanics than blacks in the Chicago Public Schools. The white america you are referring to is very past tense.

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maybe thats what the caucasaian club will talk about..... ;)

Call me prejudice, but I'm guessing most of the conversation will revolve around how Billy, like totally, wants to ask Kristen on a date.

you once again score a gooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllll.


But only for 25% of it.


For the other 75%, these erudite young people will be like an Oprah book club, reading Brecht's act of literary and theatrical genius, Caucasian Chalk Circle. Maybe like a theatre and book group, after they read this great work the will stage it. This is after all amainstay in the Brecht ouevre as one of Brecht's best, and Brecht is in the rare level of greatest mid century literature that belong to Weil, and Becket and Brecht alone.



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Guest hotsoxchick1
:rolleyes: .. the kids go out and do something constructive with their time instead of smokin crack, gettin pregnant and shootin eachother up with bullets and you guys put it down..... go figure..... :rolleyes:
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:rolleyes: .. the kids go out and do something constructive with their time instead of smokin crack, gettin pregnant  and shootin eachother up with bullets and you guys put it down..... go figure..... :rolleyes:

Hey, I don't smoke crack, get pregnant [very hard for a guy to get pregnant, but nonetheless I digress], or shoot people when I'm out railing against the drug war, Bush's oil grab and I get put down all the time for it too. :lol:

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:rolleyes: .. the kids go out and do something constructive with their time instead of smokin crack, gettin pregnant  and shootin eachother up with bullets and you guys put it down..... go figure..... :rolleyes:

smokin crack, and shootin eachother up with bullets


Ahh, Good Times, Good Times :)

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Hey, I don't smoke crack, get pregnant [very hard for a guy to get pregnant, but nonetheless I digress], or shoot people when I'm out railing against the drug war, Bush's oil grab and I get put down all the time for it too.  :lol:

lol apu... your not in highschool either.... nor are you in a controlled classroom enviroment while puttin on your peace rallies.......this is a whole different thing and in a whole different setting..... they dont require police guards to prevent any violence ...... ;) nice try though.....oh and btw no one takes away your right to assemble do they????nope... why should these kids rights be even questioned??? :huh:

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This all seems silly. Minorities always say they are looking for equality. Who really cares. There is a club for everything nowadays. This is the reason I never did anything in school besides sports, cause the clubs sucked. Everyone b****es too much in the world. Good for the girl who started the club, although you'd have to be a huge b**** inorder to even want to start something like that.

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lol apu... your not in highschool either.... nor are you in a controlled classroom enviroment while puttin on your peace rallies.......this is a whole different thing and in a whole different setting..... they dont require police guards to prevent any violence ...... ;) nice try though.....oh and btw no one takes away your right to assemble do they????nope... why should these kids rights be even questioned??? :huh:

Why shouldn't they..? Isn't that why we love this country so much? The freedom? The freedom to do, the freedom to ask? I have no opinion on the club. It's not something I would have participated in because I fail to see the point in causing controversy, but more power to them.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

why?????? :huh:

Just think about it. Why would you even care to call it the 'Caucasian Club?' I am sure someone offended her or she is trying to prove a point of something.

ok so then why would the asian kids call it the asian club????... its a name.. big deal.....maybe caucasian is her family name and the clubs named after it....who the hell knows and who cares what she calls it.. what difference does it make.... its only a freakin club which all are allowed to join........ :rolleyes:

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why?????? :huh:

Just think about it. Why would you even care to call it the 'Caucasian Club?' I am sure someone offended her or she is trying to prove a point of something.

Controversy. ;)

What is her reason for starting the club?

No idea. I didn't read all of the article.

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why?????? :huh:

Just think about it. Why would you even care to call it the 'Caucasian Club?' I am sure someone offended her or she is trying to prove a point of something.

ok so then why would the asian kids call it the asian club????... its a name.. big deal.....maybe caucasian is her family name and the clubs named after it....who the hell knows and who cares what she calls it.. what difference does it make.... its only a freakin club which all are allowed to join........ :rolleyes:

Why would a minority want to join the 'Caucasian Club?' Why would I want to join the 'Asian Club?' No minority would join it. I could careless about this club much like you do. So I'm done.

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it's probably the west coast affiliate of Matthew Hale's church :ph34r:


club will take outings to Idaho for summer militia camp -


have camp fire discussions about Lebensraum


all cool, all innocent


and now that I think about it, will probably burn Brecht's book in the camp fire

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it's probably the west coast affiliate of Matthew Hale's church  :ph34r:

World Church of the Creator :lol:


Isn't he in prison for trying to order a hit on a judge?

his caucasian ass (and I say that as a most respectful theological statement on his theology) is in federal jail, no bond, for awaiting trial on the hit he is charged with ordering on the judge who made rulings on his jury bribery thing.


his is a caucasian church. It was of course one of his caucasian church members who went on that shoting spree and shot/killed the coach Birdsong and all kinds of minority folk.


The use of the word "caucasian" is as you well know a very loaded term in our society given all the groups who use that term. It is not a term that one uses without being aware of its connotations and current usage in society and American history. Whether this be innocent or not, it is a very loaded term that is being used that carries much negative meaning and baggage.


Some cultural thing called the German Club or Italian club or whatever would not have those overtones and would be unremarkable - hell, I want to join the Falcons some day (Polish) and the Sons of Italy so that I have cheap places to drink when I decide to start drinking and swearing in the language of my grandparents!


No one innocently uses the word "caucasian" in this society in that contect unless they are very, very naive. If it had been termed a "Eurpopean heritage" club there would be no publicity and thus no tv appearances. As DoubleM has said, that is what it is all about.


and of course apu I am responding to you but not really speaking to you per se since you are way beyond me on this, just saying for the consideration of others

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hey, she has to name it that to be an in your face thing and get the tv time


game, set, match to you.



Probably because its set up to have something to do with caucasian cultuer or something like that.


Although I couldn't quit tell you what caucasian culture is.

There's already a big club that's all about Caucasian culture. It's called America.

Very out dated view. By 2030 there will be no white majority, if current trends continue. Whites are already less than half of the populations of California, New Mexico and Hawaii. Probably Texas too at this point. Hispanics are the largest "minority" group and their numbers are growing at a rapid clip. By 2007 or 2008 there will be more hispanics than blacks in the Chicago Public Schools. The white america you are referring to is very past tense.

Please. Whites still run this country and will for at least both of our lifetimes. If you don't see that, there's not much help for you.


America is a white country. Population isn't the only numbers that matter. Why don't you break down the percentage of wealth that is owned by whites compared to minorities and then go cry me a river about America losing its way.

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lol apu... your not in highschool either.... nor are you in a controlled classroom enviroment while puttin on your peace rallies.......this is a whole different thing and in a whole different setting..... they dont require police guards to prevent any violence ...... ;) nice try though.....oh and btw no one takes away your right to assemble do they????nope... why should these kids rights be even questioned??? :huh:

Well, HSC, actually there are "designated zones of free speech" on campus. Other Universities have been forced to end the policy because they have been sued and lost but for some reason our school still keeps it around.


My friends and I have been harassed by cops when we had a NORML/SSDP "Stop Operation Pipe Dreams" rally and they forced us to disperse. Just because they brought out NEW bongs with no resin in them. The cops were like "Why are there bongs out here?" and they kicked us off without giving us a reason why.


Hell, there was a corporate expo here recently and my group went to counter-recruit [our University states that wherever there is recruitment info, there can be counter-recruitment info] at the expo in the student union and we had to contact the Provost to not get kicked out of the expo by the security there.

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it's probably the west coast affiliate of Matthew Hale's church  :ph34r:

World Church of the Creator :lol:


Isn't he in prison for trying to order a hit on a judge?

Yeah Bradley alum! :headbang


Yeah, he's in jail for trying to organize the assassination of a local judge. God is apparently down with killing for religious reasons... Whoops, that's a whole 'nother can of worms.

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it's probably the west coast affiliate of Matthew Hale's church  :ph34r:

World Church of the Creator :lol:


Isn't he in prison for trying to order a hit on a judge?

Yeah Bradley alum! :headbang


Yeah, he's in jail for trying to organize the assassination of a local judge. God is apparently down with killing for religious reasons... Whoops, that's a whole 'nother can of worms.

His god is.


The God that I confess and preach has a thing against it though,


Reemember it was just a few years ago that the Illinois State Bar denied Hale a law license on moral grounds and the conservatives and Falwells and faux news types and right wingers everywhere cried that Hale was denied his law license because he wasn't "politically correct" and was "white and saying unpopular things." Still waiting for the first apology from that crowd.


If Hale had gotten his law license, as an officer of the court he could have brought his gun into the courtroom and shot and killed the judge himself. Damn liberals and their political correctness forced Hale to have a hire a hitman and the judge still lives. f***ing liberals.

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