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Al Lopez Ghost (old)

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I would rather be doomed from the start, thus preparing myself to lose, than lose dramatically at the end. Thats just me. Loaiza prevented the former and made the latter happen. He got us to the end and then lost it. If it wasnt for him, wed have been doomed from the start and I woulda quickly realized this wasnt our year. But he helped us only to let us down later, and I really didnt like that...

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Yeah... what's the point?


Good players have bed years... ehem Frank "choke" Thomas... and bad players have good years and hopefully get better. You amaze me sometimes. You are such a whiney fairweather it's comical. Heck.. even my 3 year old niece knows better than to talk crap about her favorite team cause it only comes back to bite you in the arse.

You people amaze me as well. How can you hate someone who has done so much for you for so long (Frank) and love someone who has done so little for so short (Loaiza)?

It isn't espesially love or hate for either player, it is called pointing out hypocracy of pointing out all of the faults for one player, but refusing to see anything bad about another.

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Hypocracy runs deep in Virginia Beach, I see. Roman, you make less sense than my 2 year old nephew. NO one is saying they hate Frank, but most of us are saying that throughout his CAREER, not just this September, he has been an awful hitter in the clutch situations. That reason alone is why here in September, alot of us are barking Franks name. The fact remains that when we need him the most, he shows up the least.

Also, you said something about Loz getting that 20th win to make himself better stat-wise.....uh, whattya think Franks been doing this whole time? He is hitting HRs now to pad those career stats. Rest assured, Frank is not alone in Septembers failures....Frank, PK, Jonny G, hell, even Sargeant Joe Crede has been pretty cold this month in clutch times. It happened to the whole team at once, unfortunately.

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Nobody gets a f***ing "break" because they have good career numbers!!!! We were in the heat of a huge series that could decide our playoff fate. Frank disappeared when we needed him the most, so did quite a few others. I'm not talking about all the good things someone has done for their career here, Roman, I'm talking about what happened these last 2 weeks that showed myself and alot of other Sox fans that these guys sucked when we needed them the most.

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Loaiza throughout his CAREER has been awful. Whats your point? Give Frank a break, hes earned it man...

Loaiza has always had potential Roman. Just like every player in the big leagues. When he came to Chicago he developed his cutter. Obviously this new pitch gave him confidence and he has been almost unhittable the entire year.


Wtf is your problem? Without Loazia we're in third place by a lot of games.


Why do you hate all the guys on the Sox that actually bust their ass day in and out?


You hate Loaiza, Buehrle, and Crede.


I just don't understand that.


Meanwhile you continue to rant and rave about Frank being our MVP when in reality Frank choked big time in Minnesota.



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Well then why is Loaiza getting a break when he failed us too? If Franks career numbers dont matter, shouldnt Loaizas season numbers not matter?

No one is giving Loaiza a break. I said that he didn't come through. I've been arguing with you because you can't seem to get it through your head that Thomas didn't get it done either and everyone on this team except for a very select few deserves to be heavily criticized for last weeks performance.

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Loaiza has always had potential Roman. Just like every player in the big leagues. When he came to Chicago he developed his cutter. Obviously this new pitch gave him confidence and he has been almost unhittable the entire year.


Wtf is your problem? Without Loazia we're in third place by a lot of games.


Why do you hate all the guys on the Sox that actually bust their ass day in and out?


You hate Loaiza, Buehrle, and Crede.


I just don't understand that.


Meanwhile you continue to rant and rave about Frank being our MVP when in reality Frank choked big time in Minnesota.



Loaiza may bust his ass but he still failed us, as did Frank (Im admitting it), when it counted. Frank just gets the bye because hes been a star for us for 13 years, while Loaizas only been a star for 145 games. And it seems to me that while everyones ragging on Frank for blowing it, no one is getting on Loaiza. Guess were all some hypocritical motherf***ers...

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No one is giving Loaiza a break.  I said that he didn't come through.  I've been arguing with you because you can't seem to get it through your head that Thomas didn't get it done either and everyone on this team except for a very select few deserves to be heavily criticized for last weeks performance.

Fine. Im done. Loaiza and Thomas didnt get it done. But I love Frank because hes proved himself over the years and I hate Loaiza because hes a fluke. Its over. Hopefully Loaiza will be out of my sight and gone next year. Period.

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Are we still gonna argue about Loaiza??? Sheesh Cut him some slack. The guy would have won 22 or 23 if this team would have hit from the get go and Botch wouldn't have f***ed off. That's baseball nothing is sure. We all had our hopes up and they went down the drain.. so what..


Just imagine the RedSox fans in 1986.... Sheesh

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Are we still gonna argue about Loaiza??? Sheesh Cut him some slack. The guy would have won 22 or 23 if this team would have hit from the get go and Botch wouldn't have f***ed off. That's baseball nothing is sure. We all had our hopes up and they went down the drain.. so what..


Just imagine the RedSox fans in 1986.... Sheesh

He f***ed us when it counted...

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HUH!!! :huh:



HOW IN THE HELL DID HE f*** US????? Cause he lost???? HELLO!!!!! This whole team f***ed us when they couldn't hit a right side of a barn.. Sheesh if they don't score he can't f***ing win.. Hello you can't win 0-0...


That's ludacris to say Loaiza f***ed us.. Ohhh yeah like he did it on purpose.. Yeah right.. Please.. Learn about the game, the tean sucked for the first 88 games of the season

if they hadn't we would have won this s*** already.




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Yeah... what's the point?


Good players have bed years... ehem Frank "choke" Thomas... and bad players have good years and hopefully get better. You amaze me sometimes. You are such a whiney fairweather it's comical. Heck.. even my 3 year old niece knows better than to talk crap about her favorite team cause it only comes back to bite you in the arse.

You people amaze me as well. How can you hate someone who has done so much for you for so long (Frank) and love someone who has done so little for so short (Loaiza)?

Who hates anyone..? :dips***

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Fine. Im done. Loaiza and Thomas didnt get it done. But I love Frank because hes proved himself over the years and I hate Loaiza because hes a fluke. Its over. Hopefully Loaiza will be out of my sight and gone next year. Period.

How do you love or hate someone you don't even know..? :huh:


You are taking this way to personal. You appear to be the only person here who can't see this for what it is/was. A bad turn out for ALL involved. You are trying to blame Loaiza for the entire teams failures. That is just stupid.

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Why the hell is that?! If Frank doesnt get a bye for his career stats, then Loaiza shouldnt get a bye for his season stats. Be fair about it for chrissakes...

No one should get a bye on anything. I don't give a rats ass what Frank did 5 or 10 years ago. I care what was done THIS year. It's really not that hard to comprehend... for most folks anyway.

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Are we still gonna argue about Loaiza??? Sheesh Cut him some slack. The guy would have won 22 or 23 if this team would have hit from the get go and Botch wouldn't have f***ed off. That's baseball nothing is sure. We all had our hopes up and they went down the drain.. so what..


Just imagine the RedSox fans in 1986.... Sheesh

He f***ed us when it counted...

Ho so..? I'm still waiting for you to explain it to me.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

sitting here and just shaking my head..... ( we really need one of those smileys this one-----> :rolleyes: just doesnt cut it for times like this) ...i needed this laugh today......thats for sure..... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: hey steff a little tip.. dont be holdin your breath waitin on that answer.... unless jims there to do cpr right away..... :D

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